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Everything posted by Blindingsun

  1. Blindingsun

    Soldier Camo(Suit)

    OH so you are aware that you're using scripted in items. gg
  2. Blindingsun

    Made fun of my age, dead in seconds.

    <- MAKING FUN OF OP'S AGE RITE NAO!!! rofl!!!
  3. Blindingsun

    Soldier Camo(Suit)

    Ur so newb to this. and that last line. OH THE IRONY.
  4. Blindingsun

    Soldier Camo(Suit)

    you're a shit troll. and you enjoy your hacked gear mate.
  5. Blindingsun

    Soldier Camo(Suit)

    there's no soldier skins in game. stop being dumb kk
  6. Blindingsun

    Soldier Camo(Suit)

    kk get back to your hacking, kiddie. Camo and ghillies + bandit/hero skins + female + survivor are the ONLY legit skins in game just cos you think otherwise, doesn't make it so,.
  7. Blindingsun

    Soldier Camo(Suit)

    DayZwiki is not outdated. helicopters are back in. and Soldier clothing does not spawn in heli's. only Camo does. idiots
  8. I've got an As50 with a bunch of NATO rounds, and I;m after an M24 and same ammount of DMR magazines if you're interested?
  9. Blindingsun

    Soldier Camo(Suit)

    From the DayZ wiki 5.1 UAZ 5.2 Skoda 5.3 ATV 5.4 Motorcycle 5.5 Old Bike 5.6 GAZ 5.7 UH-1H Huey 5.8 Offroad Pickup Truck 5.9 Bus 5.10 Tractor 5.11 S1203 van 5.12 V3S Civilian 5.13 Ural Civilian 5.14 Old hatchback 5.15 Fishing Boat 5.16 PBX 5.17 Small Boat only Legit vehicles in game. Black SUV's are not legit. and are hacked in.
  10. Blindingsun

    Soldier Camo(Suit)

    I did read the post. and I was telling you the soldier skins are hacked in. you were all like "NO THEY NOT" but they are. seriously L2english
  11. Blindingsun

    Soldier Camo(Suit)

    didn't talk shit at all. told you the fucking truth. they're hacked in. I wasn't lying. not my fault you can't handle the truth.. kk bye
  12. Blindingsun

    Soldier Camo(Suit)

    I'll take a soldier suit. what do you want as trade?
  13. Blindingsun

    Soldier Camo(Suit)

    I don't give a shit if it needs an update. ONLY the Ghillie and Camo are legit. the soldier clothing is not.
  14. Blindingsun

    Soldier Camo(Suit)

    They're not Legit. check the wiki you fool. they're ALL hacked in
  15. Blindingsun

    Soldier Camo(Suit)

    soldier suits are not on the dayZ wiki and aren't legit Ghillie and Camo are the only skins you can get which are legit OTHER than the survivor/female skin
  16. THIS is why As50's are 1 shot. and why we should all have one in the event of a zombie apoc
  17. dude get a grip. I've had banks open late for me. and it's not like you're all suddenly "offline". at the end of the day you're getting the good deal but whatever.. I'd have been online ontime if you'd A. have answered the post and B, the forums didn't take 5 mins to update.
  18. oh right thanks for that. so I logged for nothing. cheers for the help
  19. I don't have a mic. I've got an AS50 and a few mags for trade. want an M24 with DMR mags. deal? also is seattle 104 on .5 ?
  20. Blindingsun

    1.7.3 @ gamescom

    can we shoot dogs? that would be so awesome.
  21. Blindingsun

    Buy NOW or LATER?

    no everyone can get a ghillie.. the expansions just make the textures on the ghillies and camo and civi clothing look alot sharper
  22. Blindingsun

    The whole hive needs to be wiped

    http://media.monstersandcritics.com/articles/1351736/article_images/evil2.jpg IR DESTORYING ALL HIVES!!!!!
  23. Blindingsun

    Shot some bandit, lost 7 K humanity.

    <- has ghillie/camo - doesn't care. I'll kill anyone who crosses my path (who I manage to spot first :P ) lost 30k humanity for killing 2 guys the other day at a camp on a hill on the east border. they'd killed some guy in a ghillie and were looting his tent so I shot them with my AK and took all their gear = woo thanks for the gps + everything else YO
  24. Blindingsun

    Buy NOW or LATER?

    you just need combined ops. I'm just a texture snob and wanted the high rez ghillie and camo and civi clothing =D