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the corinthian

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About the corinthian

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. the corinthian

    Crap Idea

    Sure but the additional gameplay elements could be fun. We already have to do some "Sims"-like behaviour at present in the game, this would just be expanding on it to provide more varied gameplay and add a little bit of humour occasionally.
  2. the corinthian

    Crap Idea

    Given how there are elements of realism included in this mod such as having to eat and drink, keep warm and infections I think there should also be a Take a Dump icon. Sounds crazy I know, but imagine a Cherno sniper having to leave his position so he can go squat and take a shit. Gives people chance to sneak up on him. The place he takes a dump could be marked by the presence of flies for a while which could alert players that happen to walk by. Toilet roll could become a new valuable commodity - no toilet roll = flies following the player until he wipes his ass. Continued non-wiping could lead to you catching diahorrea or getting ill and needing to get antibiotics. Eating too many beans could cause you to fart and give away your position to players/zombies (and would certainly create some comedy moments). You might get constipated if you eat too much red meat which means you spend longer actually trying to poo and therefore putting you more at risk. You could get diahorrea as a symptom and have to go to the loo more often until its treated, again increasing the risk of someone stumbling upon you whilst you are doing your business. This would drive people to need a more balanced diet instead of living off cooked meat all the time. It would mean people would need to venture into the towns/cities at some point to actually find something other than meat to eat and similarly would make people have to get out into the woods and hunt instead of living off beans all the time. It also reinforcing the advantage in having a dog which can help you track down animals for food. Dogs could also be more responsive to the presence of poo than a player due to their heightened sense of smell which gives their owner a sense that someone may be nearby. Dogs could potentially also use the scent from a recent shit to track a player for up to an hour or so after you have done one, which could be used to either hunt other players/bandits and again makes the dog more useful. That bandit that was camping in the trees could potentially be tracked down by searching the nearby area with dogs and getting his scent. That could make the hunter become the hunted, particularly if groups of well armed players with dogs are on their tail. Thoughts?
  3. the corinthian

    Your most evil plot

    Shortly after I started playing I was freshly respawned, unarmed and heading to a nearby deerstand. I came across two other survivors there who had pistols and a shotgun. They killed the zombies and despite me saying I was friendly decided to put a bullet in me too. I was unconscious and when I came round i chucked some flares at their feet to attract any zombies before they finished me off. Earlier in the day I had been shotgunned in the back whilst looting a remote barn and had been ambushed in the Zeleno supermarket. I ended up respawning at Kamenka. I ran north to the deer stands and as I was crawling to it avoiding zombies I noticed another player also crawling to the same deer stand. None of us were armed. He was nearer than I was so I just stood up and ran to the deer stand, aggroing the zombies but managing to get up there before the other player. I found an M1014 shotgun and ammo so blasted the zombie that was now climbing the ladder behind me. The shot attracted the other zombies nearby so I got down the ladder and ran. As I was running I saw the other player proning behind a tree so I ran past him to see if the zombies would attack. They didnt so I shot at him which made him get up and run at which point one of the zombies ran after him. I then shot him in the leg, breaking it and the zombie finished him off. Looking back it was almost like a Benny Hill sketch with both of us running around and the zombies chasing, kinda felt bad about it until I thought that he would probably have done the same to me.
  4. the corinthian

    Zombie Spawn Suggestions

    Zombies would still only spawn at the same points and in the same numbers, it would just spawn them in those locations whilst you were further away. I would also like to see: - zombies spawn outside of cities. It would be good to have them periodically shambling through the woods for example. - a roaming horde of zombies moving randomly around the map, gravitating to areas that are more densely populated/frequented, moving at walking speed until they see you.
  5. the corinthian

    Zombie Spawn Suggestions

    At the minute the distance at which zombies/infected spawn can be exploited by players lying in wait just outside that range. They use it as a sign that players have entered the area and then start looking. If the zombie spawn radius was increased to the same as the player view distance then as you come within visible range of a town or building any zombies will spawn right at that point, not just spawn from thin air once you hit 200m distance. I think it would make for a more immersive experience and would also be a disadvantage to the lame campers waiting for people to turn up for easy kills.
  6. Just to add my own thoughts on the above. 1) Ghillie Suits I agree these need to have a downside and think having no backpack is a good trade-off but if not then impaired movement and visibility. 2) L85A2 AWS This weapon is arguably the answer to the issues raised by the Ghillie Suit. If you are going to loot an area and it is a known sniper spot then it makes sense to make sure you have a weapon like this or you group with someone who does. A group with a variety of weapons can use the advantages of each but also help cater for any weaknesses. The guy with the L85 is the spotter responsible for checking for threats, your own sniper on overwatch can then counter the threat leaving you clear to proceed with the looting. The weapon itself has a massive advantage with the scope but it isnt the best gun by any means but it can give you the edge, especially at night. 3) NVGs My first game of DayZ was at night-time and I was forced to navigate using my flashlight and any chemlights or flares I could find. It was a great playing experience and I continue to enjoy night-time playing as it gives me the best chance of moving around undetected. I have no issue at all with NVGs being in the game. In real life if it was pitch black outside, with zombies walking around and you knew there were also bandits with NVGs and L85 thermal scope users you would not venture out, you'd keep your ass indoors and sleep (ie log off) waiting for daylight as it is safer. Do the same in game, if you dont have NVGs or L85 then play on a daytime server and dont venture out into the night unless you do find NVGs. It is also worth pointing out that the NVGs do not work with all rifles. I have an AS50 and it is useless at night despite having a pair of NVGs. Batteries are a good idea though. 4)M107 & AS50 I have an AS50 as mentioned above and do not think it needs to be adjusted. It is a huge weapon and carrying it makes you stick out like a sore thumb, especially when on your back. I'd agree that these rifles should take up more backpack space though to give you a trade-off. As mentioned above the AS50 is useless at night though so it isnt all Ghillied snipers hiding in the dark with NVGs and AS50s. 5) Pine Trees/Bushes I agree there should be reduced visibility if hiding in these although I havent noticed a problem with this myself at all.
  7. Taken from the gallery on the DayZ website. I've never seen this many zombies together in-game, would be great to have hordes like this wandering around or even spawning in cities. I know its probably due to server performance that we dont but hey wouldnt it be cool?
  8. the corinthian


    Hi I was killed by a player last night after spending three days amassing gear. My own fault, however I ran back up to Stary Sobor to see if my killer had left anything near where I died and instead I found a heli crash site. I got an FN-FAL APVS4 (?) and an AS50 along with backpack and other kit from raiding the supermakerket, military tents and so on nearby. I carried on playing for a few hours. I logged off near Zelenogorsk. Logged back in this morning and I am on the beach at Kamenko. I tried connecting to different servers but all the kit had gone. Undeterred I went along the coast and logged off near the airfield. Came back online a little while ago and Im back at Kamenko so it isnt saving my character. Im loving this mod but it is gutting to lose kit to an error like this after spending ages acquiring it.