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Everything posted by MrNobody82

  1. MrNobody82

    500 second wait timer? Rant @ devs

    Nope problem not solved.... got often kicked by admins, so i had penalty time..... 500 seconds is just sutpid. server hopping got solved with item respawn not with sutpid time penalties.
  2. MrNobody82

    Stable Branch: 0.44 Discussion

    yesterday i lost my m4 and backpack in a pond. they swam on the surface. was not able to collect them. was very pissed so i go out of th ewater and 30 secs later the weapon and backpack switched back to me.... very strange update. have many lags. sometimes 50 metres or more i got beamed back. run on street seconds later back in 3 floor of office building....
  3. MrNobody82

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Hehe nice ;) but thats the new town near svetlo (dont know the name of the town)
  4. MrNobody82

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    "Beans commercial ;)" "Patrol" "House of Shining"
  5. MrNobody82

    Hello. My name is H@cker! (DayZ-SA video) #Experimental

    The russian english is also easy to hear. :D
  6. MrNobody82

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Watching for Threats We need a breake from the Zombie Apocalypse
  7. MrNobody82

    Post Your Gear So Far

    No only the blue one (in 2 versions) . A black vest would be awesome, the anti stab vest is black but have no item slots.
  8. MrNobody82

    Post Your Gear So Far

    My rainy day outfit :) alive since 135 hrs.
  9. M4 love it. i can sniping with it (400-500m distance no problem) also i can go with it in cqb. i won every firefight against player (approximately 25 kills). i have no problem with accuracy. m4 is very deadly if you know how to use it. dont use full auto (every weapon spreads then) only single shots or short bursts.
  10. MrNobody82

    What sort of player are you on DayZ? *QUIZ*

    Your Result: KOS'er 76% 72%Survivor 44%Hero 16%Bandit
  11. MrNobody82

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    The green Turtle
  12. now 107 hrs in game. never found a stab or press vest. thats the last 2 items i never found. i want 1 of them. searched soooo many times in the shipwreck and trainstations. no luck so far.
  13. MrNobody82

    Why did I lose all my gear!

    there are server with own hive, connected often on a server and start as new spawn (no hardcore 3p on) log out go on one with official name and have my old char. the servers have the same name with continuous number (dont remember the name).
  14. MrNobody82

    Why did I lose all my gear!

    maybe you played on a private hive server. it´s not compatible to the official hive.
  15. MrNobody82

    Put "No KOS" in your server title please!

    L4D have PVP also ;) the Players can play as special Infected. So it´s PVP Mode too....
  16. MrNobody82

    Anyone know how moddable the standalone is?

    god help, i hope the sa will never be modable. that opened the door for hacker, exploit user and so on.
  17. MrNobody82

    Put "No KOS" in your server title please!

    its´not allowed to forbid things like kos or only pve (also do nothing, only loot zzzZZzZZ). the game lives through the playstile from any player. not from rules, it´s a zombie apocalypse. not a holliday island simulator. show me 1 zombie game, or 1 game in a apocalypse szenario without any pvp or killing armed/not infected npc´s.
  18. MrNobody82

    Dayz "ladders"

    i just would see statistic. survived time, zombies killed, shots fired, distance i walked through cheranus. would be very intressting. :) the rest like score is bullshit..
  19. have no problem to hit with ris best kill way around 500m direct headshot (prone bipod and acog). yesterday i killed 3 guys in closed combat on the construction side. i dont know why so many ppl have a problem with m4 accuracy?
  20. MrNobody82

    Is a backpack a necessary?

    1 hit in your chest and everything is ruined. my backpack safed my live more than 1 time. have 2 protector cases in it full with medical stuff and 1 ammo box (full). in my clothes just food, 4 cupled mags and non essential items. got often hit from a camper with mosin or sks. but survied all firefights. lose only food and some ammo, the essential stuff is safe in my backpack and cases :)
  21. you can glitch through the walls in the police building. thats what happend i think.