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  1. This is actually a violation of the DayZ server hosting rules, and for this your server can be blacklisted.
  2. If I am not mistaken, isn't even out on Six Updater. All you updated was your Beta, which would explain why you are becoming froze on the loading screen of servers running the versions of the mod. Edit: Try connecting to servers or download the torrent version of and manually update your @DayZ folder.
  3. You can use this site to tell you if it can run Arma 2 (Which would mean it can run DayZ). If it says you can, then you could also double check my downloading the free version of Arma 2 off the official Bistudio site, or off steam (It's classed as the demo on steam). Hope this is helpful.
  4. An easy way to test would be to download Arma: Free (Can get it from their official site or Steam). If it can run that, then it can run DayZ.
  5. Just in case anyone hasn't noticed yet, but the server list is back up. For me personally I had to reload multiplayer then change my "Address: Lan" to "Address: Internet". Soon as I did this, all the severs became visible again.
  6. If you're lucky and have a gun I guess you could fire off some shots to try and attract a close by zed or survivor to kill you...Or maybe help you if you're very lucky....The survivor of course, not the zombie/infected ;)
  7. I noticed some servers still working chat channels. Use "." and "," to change channels, the channel for people close by is Direct Channel, and like Gogster said, it's the Cap Lock key to speak.
  8. Basically, yeah, at the moment you can use the respawn button to keep dying until yous spawn closer together. But this feature will be getting removed with the patch. Other than that there is no way I know of that you can spawn together.
  9. is it allowed that server admins kick you if you aren't a member of their servers clan? I know you can't kick people to make space for clans, so I'm guessing this is also against the rules. Server: US 925
  10. I've been playing just over a week now. Interesting in finding a team to play with, would make a change from teams killing me. Time zone: UK (GMT) Skype: dimitremoscow Steam: whyto