If you get the game If you get the game you would easily pay 50 euroes - easily beat both my BF3 sessions & Diablo 3 keep in mind I've followed the ARMA series since Operation Flashpoint so the engine and mechanincs werent that of a issue for me as it isn't for a large part of the current playerbase. The shooting mechanics are adjusted to the pace of the ARMA series, yes its "stiff" compared to recent FPS shooters but you need to understand the mods heritage and some mechanics you are asking for are going to appear ARMA 3 here I'm thinking the hit registration+rag-doll, more fluid attachment management and not to mention better gun models. The framerate issue was somewhat solved in the newest patch no issues here, the graphics are decent make sure you configure your game properly especially the 1:1 scale in the interface/3D resolution. The zombie AI is weird but I find it to be no real problem perhaps other than their insane spotting introduced in 1.7.2. And actually even Rocket himselfs says the Real Virtuality-engine is quite diverse and I would definitely urge you to see some gameplay footage from Carrier Command: Gaea Mission which use the same engine. [EDIT] - Well I'm apparently talking out of my ass, Gaea Mission uses a different engine.