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Everything posted by bluerising

  1. One thing I immediately thought of while playing Day Z back in June was customization. Not just aesthetic, but customization that affects your character. I know almost everyone has suggested a character customization mechanic or a clothing mechanic, but all they want is aesthetic. I really think a "stat" based clothing system would work well for a game like Day Z, especially with the mindset of scavenging whatever you can and surviving. Keep in my when I say "stat" system I don't mean "4 stamina; 5 strength" RPG malarky, but advantages and disadvantages that affect your character's base speed, noise-making, etc. For example: Let's say you start off with a character with flip flops on: it's loud, it's annoying, and it's not very optimal for running. Well, you might not want to have those on because clearly all it gives you is a lot of disadvantages. Later you come across a pair of running shoes and equip them. Now your footsteps make less sound than the flip flops and plus you run a lot better on hard ground like concrete or pavement. While you can run a lot better, you're having trouble sprinting off road due to your shoes being designed for hard, smooth surfaces. What could you do to make traversing earth more efficient? What if you stumbled across a pair of cleats? Your running abilities on natural ground would be increased greatly, especially if it's raining compared to regular shoes, and it would be pretty silent for a pair of shoes... on natural ground. If you were using these cleats on manmade surfaces your movement, even your footsteps would be ridiculously loud, not to mention running on hard, smooth surfaces with cleats on is very difficult. Do you kind of get what I'm saying now? The clothing system doesn't affect "your character" as much as it affects your character's interaction with the world. I think it would really add a good element of choice and and decision making on what to use which games really lack nowadays because of differences only being numbers rather than effects. You can really take this idea anywhere and apply it to nearly anything. Raincoat? You're less susceptible to the cold or rain, but it'll make it harder to maneuver. Hoodie? You're less susceptible to the cold and you can maneuver better than a raincoat, but you're more susceptible to the rain. Plain ole' shirt? You have max maneuverability, but you're highly susceptible to the cold and rain. Like I said, you can do almost anything with this if you really put some time into trying to think of interesting new ways for clothes to affect how the player interacts with the environment. Also, I think the game would benefit if the "storage" system fit this clothing system too: fanny packs have minimal storage with very high mobility, satchels have low storage with fast mobility, small backpacks have medium storage with medium mobility, etc.. I do think rarity should still play a role with these storage items (more storage, same mobility for it's "class"), though. All of this is still in it's concept stage, but I think after it's more fleshed out, it would be a good addition to Day Z standalone.
  2. I'm not talking about a literal stat system, just a pro/con, advantage/disadvantage system that would force you to strategically pick what you want to bring with you and use. I think it would add a really neat element at the game while still giving some visible customization options for the players. It would add more depth and meta to the game and also would stimulate and diversify the loot.
  3. bluerising

    Tweaking bear traps.

    At the moment all the bear trap does is break your leg, which is cute and all, but if I can remember correctly, if you get hit by a bear trap your leg is caught within the teeth, not just broken then cast out. Basically what I'm trying to say is that the bear trap should hold ("trap" since it's a trap) the user in place until they look down to "reset" it.
  4. One thing that I think helps in the overabundance of bandits in this mod is the "zoom" feature (holding down the right mouse button). How exactly? It makes spotting people away from longer distances away easier. People easier to spot = people more easily stalked Hiding in a tree? Don't matter— a quick "zoom" to your tree will easily show your avatar clipping through the tree. Laying down in the grass? Don't matter— "zoom" will spot you. Sneaking through a building? Don't matter— "zoom" will show your cap popping out from the odd colored walls. Player or zombie in the far distance? Don't fret— "zoom" will show you. For a "sim" a zoom really isn't that realistic and it just makes spotting people way too easy. Not to mention, with Real Virtuality 3, "zooming" at foliage and trees from a distance will reduce the model's size showing any avatar/tent/vehicle under it. OH YEA, it also makes mid-long range combat ridiculously easy, which aids the most to banditry and hurts newer players who don't have weapons that can perform past 50m.
  5. bluerising

    Removal of "zoom"? [in standalone?]

    Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know you had robot eyes that can zoom. It makes PKing more easy because it makes spotting effortless. It also dumbs down mid-long range combat.
  6. bluerising

    Removal of "zoom"? [in standalone?]

    If you don't think zoom helps players spot other players and dumbs down combat, then you are a fizzle. Before you say anything, I shoot on sight. It's just a feature that needs to be removed, because it hurts more than helps.
  7. bluerising

    Tweaking bear traps.

    Bump? Are we allowed to bump? I really think Rocket would like this if he saw it. Please don't mod me.... ;_;
  8. bluerising

    Alice Pack

    I want this so bad. http://www.jackthrea.../products/25478
  9. bluerising

    Alice Pack

    This is what I meant. It's a "mini" Alice pack. It's one you could use for more practical reasons like school.
  10. Eh, I think they should be slowed down a bit, but be somewhat more numerous plus they should take a few more shots to go down.
  11. bluerising

    Tweaking bear traps.

    Rocket said he likes the small things in games and I think this would be a good addition.
  12. bluerising

    Some People Are Real Scumbags

    Who let the casuals in? Thanks a lot, Reddit.
  13. bluerising

    Some People Are Real Scumbags

    Who let the casuals in? Thanks a lot, Reddit.
  14. bluerising

    Ultimate tent loot.

    I don't get why everyone has their panties in a wad about him destroying tents. EVERY tent I come by I destroy, even if there is nothing on there I need. I've destroyed more rare weapons, GPSs, and NVGs than I can count. This is a dog-eat-dog game; deal with it.
  15. bluerising

    Sins of a hacking gamer...

    You forgot he's a brony.
  16. bluerising

    G36C SD (Camo)

    I'd kill a man for a G36C in DayZ.
  17. bluerising

    Sins of a hacking gamer...

    Underaged. Brony. Get out.
  18. bluerising

    Maximize Frame Rate On DayZ and Arma2 - Low Frames Fix

    This did absolutely nothing except make it slightly worse for me— yay.
  19. bluerising

    Beta 95168 - Double performance

    I've done 95168 AND that "fix" and nothing got better. Funny thing, the CFG file fix actually made it worse.
  20. bluerising

    Beta 95168 - Double performance

    There was not anything noticeable to me, but I seem to be in the minority.
  21. bluerising

    Beta 95168 - Double performance

    So when I logged into a server with the new patch, when I spawned, there was nothing except for green terrain and I had nothing on me. I logged back in and I was near Otmel, when I should have logged into NE of the NWAF.
  22. bluerising

    Beta 95168 - Double performance

    Same. I'm still getting 35-35 with AA and post processing off.
  23. bluerising

    Beta 95168 - Double performance

    Patch did nothing for me. Runs exactly the same.
  24. bluerising

    Zombies are seriously too fast.

    Like I said in my second sentence, when they're up close they won't just attack you, they'll keep moving left to right making it ridiculously hard to hit them.