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Everything posted by bluerising

  1. bluerising

    Zombies are seriously too fast.

    Their speed is not the problem- it's their shitty pathfinding and glitchy movement. It's near impossible to kill them because they unrealistically switch directions in an instant and when they're up close they've start moving to your left and right at the speed of light.
  2. bluerising

    Day Z Urban Legends

    No screenshot in post.
  3. bluerising


    I wonder how much time would it take to include spawns (zombies, loot, new players, etc, the whole she-bang) for the Takistan map? I know it's not as big as Chenarus, but Takistan has more detailed cities which I think would add some interesting play. It would also add more replay ability to DayZ without having to do too much work (as far as I know). Also, this would be a good way to implement a "second character" system, as in you have your Chenarus character that's only for Chenarus and your Takistan character that's only for Takistan.
  4. That's really lame. They just need to implement the 30 second DC timer, so if someone Alt-F4's, their body stays.
  5. I don't get how and why people are stressing over this issue so much, when there should be a ridicuously easy fix for it. I watched a interview where Rocket stated he could track "X" and "Y", but actually getting the numbers to work is a chore, but I still don't get why people are wanting to add such complex systems for something that can be a simple fix. Delay on disconnect. Have a ~30 second delay before you can fully disconnect. If you Alt-F4, your character remains in game for ~30 seconds before disconnecting. This fixes everything and it shouldn't be that hard to add (as far as I know; coding is wizardry to me).
  6. bluerising

    Delay on disconnect.

    5-10 seems too short. In that time you could easily run into a building and log without getting killed. 25-30 seconds forces you to stay in game. If you try to log with a disconnect timer that long, you'll be an easy kill trying to make a cowardly escape while your character hopelessly sits there waiting for the timer to go down when inevitably you know you're going to get a full mag of lead in between your eyes. For overall logging, sure that is too long, but it shouldn't be hard to code a 10 second standard log time, but a 30 second one if you're shot, being shot, being shot around.
  7. bluerising

    "Specialty" packs

    I think it would be a neat idea to add some "specialty" packs that you can use instead of backpacks. These specialty packs have a higher slot capacity that backpacks, but can only carry a certain type of item (medical supplies, ammo, mechanical parts, etc). OR You can find small "specialty" packs that you can use in addition to your backpack, but adds a few more slots to a certain type of item. This would help add a sort of "role" play without forcing classes on the whole population, so if a group of friends wanted a medic, they could have a medic, also it just adds more interesting loot to the game. I would prefer the latter one, though, to the first suggestion.
  8. bluerising


    Make snipers ridiculously rare, only have 2-3 available, etc. That's a problem easily fixed. Then why hasn't he done Takistan yet? :P
  9. Crossbows are pretty fraking awesome, but in DayZ they're practically worthless. Why? Because of their damage? Nope, 1 shot kill is great. It's because of it's effective range and ammo. 1 bolt takes up ONE SLOT making the crossbow nothing but a good way to waste backpack space. This alone is the main reason why the weapon is useless. If it had maybe stacks of 5 or 10 then it'd actually be something to pick up. Also, it's relatively short effective range is pretty weak. Modern hunting crossbows can easily hit targets accurately at 300m or more. I don't think upping it's effective range to at least 150-200 would break it, especially with it's difficult iron sights.
  10. bluerising

    Inmate clothing for the next respawn bandits

    That's an awful idea. I don't understand all the whining about bandits. This isn't no carebear game. If you want carebear ask for a no FF mode I.E. CASUAL MODE.
  11. bluerising

    Banned from US133

    Six Updater was logging into the server when I went upstairs to make some food, and I came back after a few minutes to see that I was banned. I really don't care much, but that's pretty lame. I didn't even enter the game.
  12. bluerising

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

  13. bluerising

    Experimental test patch

    I did. Nothing was really specified.
  14. bluerising

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    So if I do this I can only play on servers, or can I use the patch on the 1.7.2 servers?
  15. bluerising

    Experimental test patch

    I'm still confused on when will be released.
  16. bluerising

    Experimental test patch

    So no notes for Just blind fixes?
  17. bluerising

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    This and if I get will I be able to put on my camo?
  18. bluerising

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    Getting shot should give you a 30-60 second abort wait time. I just fixed the issue; yay.
  19. bluerising

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    So is "officially live" or still experimental? If it's live, what changed?
  20. TF2 competitive player here? Look out! We got a badass here! Might as well say you are a pro checkers player.
  21. bluerising

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    This this this this this.
  22. bluerising

    Experimental test patch

    All I care about is when I can finally put on my camo.
  23. Good. I've been jonesn' to put my camo on. What time will it roll out? Sad that my ghillie disappeared due to sync glitch when I logged back into the game and was put back an hour of play time and a few good items.