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About Chariot

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Chariot


    A hacker in US 593 named Last Kings - teleports behind players using an L118- something; a one-shot sniper rifle
  2. Chariot

    5th element server warning

    It was Menphis, but welcome to our server lol. We give out free beans unless we are shot.
  3. Chariot


    I took your advice and started explorating cities/villages very carefully now. It used to take me 10 minutes to search an entire city (running around from places to places) now it takes me 20 minutes to an hour if I wanted to avoid any unneccesary attraction. And I do agree now it gets really exciting when you're fighting with a real player and you do kill him and get his hard earned loot. It gets my adrenaline pumping as you described considering how long you wait and how much you look around for the other person doing the SAME thing. It's intense. And now I also don't have any trouble with zombies, unless they release the patch where they can run inside buildings? Yikes. I found 2 other people in the game that I added in Skype and now we play on a regular basis.
  4. Chariot


    Hi, my name is John and I'm new to this forum. I just started playing DayZ soley after watching a series of youtube videos from ChKilroy because I thought, "Hey, I've never seen this kind of realistic zombie survival game out there these days." Maybe It's because I haven't played every survival game out there? I don't know, but it looked very interesting, so I decided to buy Arma 2 just to play DayZ (Will play the original after watching some of his videos now) The first problem I encountered was the installation process (Launch arma 2, OA at least once and missing files, etc.) But I took care of them so they're a slight minor issue. First day: The first time I entered the game, I thought, "Wow this game looks and feels amazing!" I can totally feel myself sinking in into the immersion. I ran around, cluelessly, attracting zombies for hours, which I thought was fun, until I met the first person in the game. Now this person had a gun. Which I thought was awesome because I did not have one. I tried out the voice chat and talked to him a few times and I was like, Cool I have a buddy to travel with. He also had another person he was travelling with so we had 3 in our group. We travelled around together, scavenging items and even added each other in Skype. After hours of playing, the servers suddenly crashed. I don't know what happened but I lost everything. I thought, "No problem, we'll try tomorrow" The second day was a bit more frustrating. Every person I met was completely hostile to me. They shot, slashed, and betrayed me. So I started not "trusting" other people. That's when it hit me. Every other server I joined, people were still hostile. I lost the whole, "stay together, group up and survive." theme ChKilroy portrayed in the video. The video I'm referring to is: And I do realize he's playing with friends. So my main point here is, there should be more incentive for people to group up with each other. Right now, it's completely unbalanced to group up, or to kill each other. There's at least a 95% chance a person will kill you IF they have a gun or YOU have a gun. 50% if you have a melee weapon or if they have a melee weapon. These are my rough estimate so don't take it into account. It made me not trust any other person I see unless they're new to the game, or they're my skype/real buddies. I suggest making zombies harder for people to make them group up which in turn make soloing harder. It's not a zombie game if people PK all the time, right? Unless that's what the game is trying to achieve? Which brings me to another point, death consequences. Ever worked on something for so long only to be killed by something you didn't see? I had that problem a lot of times. Imagine looking for supplies for hours, then finding a rare gun. Boom, you're suddenly dead. You must be thinking, WTF? That's not fair. Well, there should be less severe punishment for dying and starting over with nothing. Let me repeat that, nothing. Hours of work, gone. Even though it's a game, I shouldn't have had those hours wasted. Fun while playing, not fun when dead. There should be at least a percentage to lose half/all your weapon and/or supplies. I'm typing this right now at 3:24 AM and completely tired. I do appreciate it if you read all of this and at least take it into consideration. Thanks for reading and hope to explore of the game and more of the forums. Peace. John