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Tigger (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Tigger (DayZ)

  1. Tigger (DayZ)

    Houses, inspired by the origins mod.

    I love the origins houses, apart from the few bugs. However- taviana map, while not exceptionally nice, is huge. Chernarus is pretty small in comparison and one would expect that it would quickly be a house next to a house in every possible location. Honestly, I would love to have a huge map, even larger than Taviana perhaps, but with Chernarus-like design and in the north with Namalsk-like environment or even tougher.
  2. Tigger (DayZ)

    Wind and ballistics system

    Great. Can't wind judging be done like in ACE? Get a arrow with color? That is about equivalent to licking a finger and sticking it up, but you can do well if you have some experience.
  3. I just want everything like ACE/ACRE. Radios, wind, weight... Sniping in ACE is *so much more fun*. You actually need some (quite little) skill and it takes some time to set up a shot. Check the range tables, estimate wind, fire, readjust, fire. You can't spin on a dime and hit the guy on the other hill at 1000m like in dayz.
  4. Tigger (DayZ)

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    Absolutely. The problem right now was that most players look around with their whole body, not only their head. So while one can walk up to someone in a completely non-threatening manner, it is not rare that a guy comes up to you and aims a pistol or something and you just don't know if he's waiting to get a good headshot on you, or he just wants to chat. IRL you might have the gun in your hand but you wouldn't be pointing it at the other guys head when you are friendly. Other question- did Rocket ever speak about wind? I think wind as implemented in ACE would be great. Perhaps including the ability to set sights left/right and up/down.
  5. Tigger (DayZ)

    Character Reset for DayZ's Offical Hive

    I came back after a few months off and my character has been apparently wiped. Last seen with all gear somewhere up north, now with no gear near otmel.
  6. Tigger (DayZ)

    A question about item damage

    My guess is it isn't implemented yet and so you won't get a concrete answer. They may have plans, but plans change once you start to code something potentially so difficult.
  7. Tigger (DayZ)

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    Uhm. Very good. If that is an attempt to insult me, it's not very successful because I'm not a programmer, although programming is a very basic task that about anyone I know is rather good at.
  8. Tigger (DayZ)

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    While I agree with the second part, you are clearly not a programmer. Your first part - clothes, meat, temperature, ... takes minutes to change.
  9. Tigger (DayZ)

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    It doesn't have over a million *different* objects. Essentially- changing ground textures is easy. Load them up one by one, desaturate some a bit, change others into snow... Trees are much harder. You'd need to make all new models- especially for winter. Probably new damage model as well. IIRC all the snowed-over trees in Namalsk are conifers for which it is enough to tweak textures. After you are done with that, something will break so you need to run around a bit and fix a corner here and there. But the principal problem is that after you are done the snow still has 0 depth. But we can live with that I'm sure. Although actual snow with depth would be amazing... in 2025.
  10. Tigger (DayZ)

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    Did Rocket ever say anything about changing seasons and winter?
  11. Tigger (DayZ)

    Would you quit if servers went expert?

    I'd play more...
  12. Tigger (DayZ)

    how did dayz or arma2 get Russian

    Thank you for the translation.
  13. Tigger (DayZ)

    How do you scope you're head around whilst running?

    I'm a flightsim pilot so I've had it since forever and it's a negligible investment when compared to the cost of the computer, games and the financial detriment of actually playing computer games to begin with. Also, I find that it helps with neck pain since you keep exercising your neck muscles.
  14. Tigger (DayZ)

    Your guy's opinion on spawning with weapons.

    No. How hard is it to find a hatchet? Especially when zombies are virtually unable to harm you unless you are standing still?
  15. Tigger (DayZ)

    is Sacriel becoming a bully?

    I like Squirrel. He sounds like a really nice guy. I'd love to play with them at some point, seems like a lot of fun. But while I know which servers they play on, I don't think they are looking for new squad mates :)
  16. Tigger (DayZ)

    Standalone and Helicopters.

    The helicopter flight model in current dayz is a joke. Any improvement in this direction is very welcome. I'd start by adjusting the power to real-world values, disabling third person and auto-hover. That would limit the in my opinion over-powered helicopter to the people that can actually fly them.
  17. Would be the end of the game. Look at SE9 and SE10 servers, there are no AS50s and L85s and anti-altf4 scripts. But you can never log into them because they are completely stacked full. Is that what you want? Is it? Have all servers full?!
  18. Tigger (DayZ)

    Accidental hacked weapons?

    You mean probably won't carry over..
  19. Tigger (DayZ)

    Flying a helicopter in DayZ

    Brakes? What would brakes do on a helicopter with skids?
  20. Tigger (DayZ)

    How to drive a boat AUTOMATICALLY

    I use a guitar pick... Also, I've driven the old bike into the sea by accident before... doesn't really work once you are 3m underwater.
  21. Tigger (DayZ)

    Weapon Stats on Day Z DB/Wiki are wrong?

    You must have a old version or some weird installation that doesn't get properly updated by arma2 beta patches. Or you are not updating and playing on servers that don't check compatibility or are old. There was a update about 2 months ago that changed .45cal damage to ~1400 from 4500.
  22. Tigger (DayZ)

    Problem with Battleeye

    You lost your key somehow. Did you ever download some dayz-related software?
  23. Tigger (DayZ)

    Why is the M14 so overlooked?

    Not true! I want the M14 and found a bunch of them, but the best one was one time I really wanted a DMR, the very second, to snipe some snipers on a hill. I ran into a fire station, all empty. Then as I climbed to the last floor, I said to myself, "let there be a DMR". And there was a DMR!