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Tigger (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Tigger (DayZ)

  1. Yeah, you didn't do the right thing, but you obviously won't do it again, while 80% of people playing wouldn't even worry about it. It's also a computer game...
  2. Tigger (DayZ)

    To them bastards shooting at meh TRUCK!

    So they brought guns to a recoilless-rifle fight? :)
  3. Tigger (DayZ)

    Server question

    3rd person (3D/3DP) and Crosshair(CH). I also have trouble looking for servers. For instance I definitely don't want one that has player ID enabled, but can't scan for it. Or for one that has global channel enabled...
  4. Tigger (DayZ)

    Named tents

    Or just leave messages. That would be nice.
  5. Tigger (DayZ)

    Trading m4a1 or m16a2 for a m24

    I have a M24 but would really prefer to trade for a M14...
  6. Tigger (DayZ)

    Has the Ghillie suit been removed from the game?

    Where can you see spawn chance of gear?
  7. Tigger (DayZ)

    The gear discussion

    There is something positive in getting killed. The early game stages are way more rewarding than the later ones. You need a water bottle, matches, hatchet, knife, backpack, compass, handgun, beans, etc. etc. I got killed last night, was thinking about running 20 minutes to go get the essential stuff off my body but then I realized that starting in a different part of the map and searching for it all over is just way more fun.
  8. Tigger (DayZ)

    Do you have what it takes to be on of the ELITE???

    Sorry, I'm probably too old.
  9. Tigger (DayZ)

    Best places to find snipers? *Not Miitary*

    I found a M24 in balota airfield tower just now. I was actually hoping to find a M14. I can hit a can of beans from 800m with the M24, but that seems to be an especially useless property since I'm not into killing people unless I have to.
  10. Hello, I wanted to find out what was the last server I spawned on. Is there a way? I would expect there to be a log, but I can't find one. Thanks!
  11. Tigger (DayZ)

    How to find out which servers I played on.

    So there isn't. Thanks!
  12. Tigger (DayZ)

    Bear Traps : Do they exist?

    Found one in a barn. I didn't take it since I have no use for it, I don't wish anyone harm and placing it in front of a cow and hoping it walks into it seems a bit impractical, considering I can just whack it with a hatchet.
  13. Really nice of you to post this.
  14. Tigger (DayZ)

    How rare are NVGs?

    Now, I did say that that's how long it would take it from buildings- they could have gotten it off other players as well. Or could have found it where someone else duped it. As someone pointed out- top tier equipment rarely gets lost. If someone with top tier equipment gets killed, his body gets looted and the equipment stays in the game. This will eventually become a problem. Right now, believe it or not, it is being contained by "hoarders", since massive amounts of equipment are apparently hidden away in camps in the forests. If this gear was evenly spread out over the playing population, everyone would have NVGs and AS50s. Personally I think that unused equipment should vanish after say 7 days. Or something like that. This would in the end benefit the hoarders too, they would have a lot more to play for. Now they simply have all equipment and a lot of them lose the reason they played in the first place.
  15. Tigger (DayZ)

    How rare are NVGs?

    That's very weird math that can get you a 100% chance of finding NVGs. In this case, you are looking for the probability that you don't find them instead of the probability that you do. And you multiply the probability. So if the probability of NVGs spawning in the barracks is 0.11% (per dayzdb), and you search 2 barracks 3 times each over an hour and each barracks have 12 spawn points, you get that the probability of finding NVGs in an hour is 1-(1.0-0.0011)^(2*3*12)=~7.6%. So if you want to have 80% probability of finding the NVGs (which one would consider "rather likely"), you need to search a barrack building about 1462 times. With your calculations, this would take almost 244 hours. Note that by having "many people in a clan", this number gets more resistant to statistical deviation. Thus the above-mentioned 60 person clan would have to had invested roughly 300 hours per person (that's a month of constant searching of the same building if you play 10 hours a day) to get the NVGs from looting buildings.
  16. I searched for camo/ghillie and tents all through residential areas, couldn't find any. The stuff spawn chance is weird. There is very often a lot of the same item in one spot. Found barns with 4-5 hatchets or 4 jerry cans, a supermarket with 4 Czech backpacks and 5 watches, another one full of piles of wood. It seems as if the random generator wasn't seeded properly or something.
  17. Tigger (DayZ)

    Best places/techniques to find animals

    Once in a similar situation I found a cow, 2 sheep and a goat near Staroye. I wouldn't wait at some point, I'd rather run around. Pusta has 2 medium-yield buildings, those are bound to contain food or matches at some point or another. Find a server that has third person enabled and sneak around. Also, if your vision is shaking too much, you might need to eat painkillers. Those are common too.
  18. Tigger (DayZ)

    Gunshot noise

    In a forest, you could easily hear a silenced shot at 200m. The silencer takes it from "stupid, ouch my ears, loud" to "quite loud". Edit: Next time I'll finish reading the thread, someone already responded to it.
  19. Tigger (DayZ)

    Experimental test patch

    Sixlauncher rolls back to 1.7.2 without telling you it did so, since it thinks 1.7.2 is the official release. Every time you run it you need to re-update the files. One way to run is to modify the beta launcher to include ;@dayz in the run statement. (You can find this on the wiki)