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Tigger (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Tigger (DayZ)

  1. Tigger (DayZ)

    Arma update nerfed revolver?

    I never manually updated the to 1.62, only with the 95248 patch from http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php/ and I have this problem. Does someone who manually updated to 1.62 have it as well?
  2. Tigger (DayZ)

    Mountain dew???

    I'll only say this- don't ever go to the Green Mountain alone with less than 5 people if you have mountain dew in your backpack.
  3. Tigger (DayZ)

    Arma update nerfed revolver?

    Before the update, point blank AKM damage was the same as point blank .45 damage. So it can't be the zombies, it must be the guns.
  4. Tigger (DayZ)

    In a pickle. Need advice.

    I'm in a similar situation, but I'm alone in the woods of zelenogorsk :) So please, if you find a crawling guy there, don't shoot meh :)
  5. Tigger (DayZ)

    Arma update nerfed revolver?

    That's not consistent. If infected health changed so that 2 .45 bullets don't kill them, it means they have at least 9000 health. Let's call it 11000, since 2 hits center of mass + 1 hit in extremities isn't enough either. That means you'd need 7-8 center of mass shots with a 9mm weapon to take one out and a single DMR/M14/FN-FAL/.... round wouldn't kill one either.
  6. Tigger (DayZ)

    Removing Heartbeat

    I've never heard this and I play with friends. What is heartbeat?
  7. Tigger (DayZ)

    Arma update nerfed revolver?

    It should. Bizon fires 9mm rounds that do 1388 damage, just like M9/G17/etc. The revolver/M1911 fire .45 ACP rounds (~11.5mm) that have about double energy and more stopping power due to the caliber difference. Before 1.62 these dealt 4500 damage.
  8. Tigger (DayZ)

    Arma update nerfed revolver?

    Hard to tell, but I've read this earlier and I had no problems with the M1911. Now I spawned in LU188 and I engaged about 6 different zombies, all the same problem. 2 hits center of mass aren't sufficient. That means that the damage the gun deals is down to at most 2250, but probably less than that, since I needed 4 shots at some point. So basically M1911 = makarov with less ammo, or even worse.
  9. Tigger (DayZ)

    Arma update nerfed revolver?

    Yes, I tried the m1911. Takes 3 hits center of weight to take down a zombie. WTF?
  10. Tigger (DayZ)

    Thermal Scope, How OP is it?

    In real life, you can't place one weapon into a tent and take two of them out.
  11. Tigger (DayZ)

    UK01, butthurt.

    Ah, UK01. That guy that was trying to shoot you (with a DMR probably) usually hangs out there. He's a horrible shot and he Alt-F4s when you kill him.
  12. Tigger (DayZ)

    Logoff exploit user.

    Because it's bannable offense?
  13. Tigger (DayZ)

    People who ALT+F4.........

    Similar story yesterday, also NE airfield, a guy with a DMR alt-f4d twice. I think it was on UK1.
  14. Tigger (DayZ)

    ALT-F4 will never be fixed

    You don't need "time to Alt-F4". You get hit, you hit alt-f4, there you go. The game doesn't save your "dead" state immediately. I sneaked to a sniper, shot him with a FN-FAL burst center of mass, that's for 24000 damage. He was gone 2 seconds after I fired, he simply jumped servers to snipe somewhere else, without even moving. He popped up on a different server 5 minutes later (we switched afraid that he'll ghost us), shot one of us, then another put 7 .45 rounds into him including a headshot, he was gone. Came back a while later in a different position...
  15. Tigger (DayZ)

    [VIDEO] Shooting unarmed people has consequences

    Well I know you can, but it's not usual in games I think. (I'm a sim player so I use track-ir everywhere, but as far as I know shooter games usually don't use looking around since you always want to shoot where you are looking, etc. Long live tunnel vision.)
  16. Tigger (DayZ)

    For those of you mad about 4 hatchet barns.

    I found a 6 hatchet barn yesterday.
  17. Tigger (DayZ)

    [VIDEO] Shooting unarmed people has consequences

    Well, ok. But he could have shot you while you were scaling the fence behind him, automatic weapon and all, and I can imagine that the situation was pretty confusing to him as well. 2 people run in, one shouts he doesn't have a weapon, which one of the two it actually is... also the guy maybe wasn't using 3rd person in which case he has to stop and look around to find out what is going on.
  18. Tigger (DayZ)

    [VIDEO] Shooting unarmed people has consequences

    Why did you shoot at the guy with the M16? He could have shot you and didn't.
  19. Tigger (DayZ)

    Realistic to shoot on site?

    Shoot on SIGHT. It means when you see someone, you shoot him.
  20. Tigger (DayZ)

    Reloading Revolver

    I have had the same problem, but now it's fixed. Without me doing anything, I am running the latest beta..
  21. Tigger (DayZ)

    Body Armor

    So, clans would have infinite body armor because they dupe them (whether on purpose or because of the tent bug), while nobody else has any?
  22. Tigger (DayZ)

    Delete the super/overpowered weapons please

    Overpowered weapons aren't a huge problem. What is a huge problem is that some people have infinite supply of them, since they duplicate when you take them out of tents. So effectively the game pool is divided into people that willingly or unwillingly exploit a bug and thus have unlimited weapons and people who, when they get killed, need to re-start their looting.
  23. Tigger (DayZ)

    Its an M1911!!! -minirant

    It really annoys me when people put apostrophes where they don't belong. Also, you'd probably be incredibly annoyed if you were around 70 years ago, because none of the blokes storming the Omaha beach would have been able to tell you what a battle rifle is.
  24. Tigger (DayZ)

    Alcohol in DayZ

    Note that little amount of alcohol should reduce, not increase, rifle sway. The reason is that alcohol relaxes muscles. (There's a long standing problem where competition shooters tend to drink before shooting, leading to alcoholism.)
  25. Tigger (DayZ)

    Best Moment in DayZ so far.

    How do you know they were bandits?