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Tigger (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Tigger (DayZ)

  1. Tigger (DayZ)

    Fixed tents/vehicles? Wipe the hive

    Don't get attached to your gear. Don't worry, the wipe is coming, just may take some time.
  2. Tigger (DayZ)

    1.7.3 - Lets Wipe the Hive

    Fine, you can still dupe if you want to. But until now, everything was being duped. You could take stuff from camps and the stuff would be there again, for the next person. A full wipe is going to solve that at least for some time. Old servers already have a tent beneath each tree.
  3. Tigger (DayZ)

    Thoughts on Utes as a dayz map?

    I clicked on this thread to write this^^^.
  4. As for ballistics and weapon damage, OFP/Arma system is pretty rudimentary compared to for instance to WW2Online. One of the most trivial issues for instance is that bullet travels only up to the first contact with a player and armor penetration, etc. is not modeled at all.
  5. Tigger (DayZ)

    Nasty Little Trend, Watch Your Back..

    You can't fit a weapon into a coyote patrol pack.
  6. Tigger (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build

    Let's make this clear- no amount of gear will save you from getting killed by a cheater, so that argument against hive wipe is useless. A cheater will kill you no matter if you have a shotgun or a AS50/L85/NVG. Don't get attached to your gear.
  7. Tigger (DayZ)

    Under 100K active players

    His facts are perfectly correct.
  8. Tigger (DayZ)

    1.7.3 - Lets Wipe the Hive

    So your gear will help you against a hacker with invulnerability how?
  9. Tigger (DayZ)

    A Strange kind of Sniper...

    I did that before...
  10. I think the game should be harder, not easier. It would be great if the map was 4 times as large in every dimension and maps would only show a part of your surroundings and waypoints would be permanently switched to off.
  11. Tigger (DayZ)

    Snipers in Elektro.

    You mean the 2 guys under the spruce tree on the hill? A.K.A. easiest prey in the game?
  12. Ah, sorry. I just threw you into the bin of the other people in this thread that don't like it and thus ridicule it. By magic I meant mostly tent duping, halos, waypoints, etc. As for weapons, I don't care really, they could even put the AS50TWS in for what I care (Although I would prefer other weapons that are not in dayz at the moment instead). Provided it is super rare.
  13. Do you all have some sort of psychological disorder that makes you force your opinions onto other people? There are about 4544 servers in the game. A server that was described here might be popular among some, although I personally don't care whether any items are in or out. I do care about magic map click=waypoint, halos, etc, but mostly about the tents. You don't need to argue with anyone here. You can state that you wouldn't play on such server. Go make your kids to things that you think they should do, leave other people alone please.
  14. Tigger (DayZ)

    I just got sniped out of a UAZ at 80 kmh.

    Must have been on a server with crosshairs on..
  15. Are you talking to me? Don't wear out your keyboard. I want more variety, your arguments about what is realistic and what isn't are useless here. Nobody is forcing you to play it. Like what you like, let other people like what they like. If someone will make a no-friendly fire server, I'll be happy! In my opinion it's completely useless and boring, but not everyone has to have my opinion!
  16. But I see the point, and so do other people. Variety can only help. Nobody is asking you to play on the server. For me all the magic stuff kills the immersion and obviously tent duping makes virtually all weapons/equipment useless because I know where there are stacks of them. And same is happening on popular private hives.
  17. Is that possible? If so, why aren't there dozens of private hives like that already? I would go play in a heartbeat. Also make sure to turn off halos and waypoints!
  18. Tigger (DayZ)

    bans carried over?

    You can't do IP address or MAC address bans for obvious reasons.
  19. Tigger (DayZ)

    2 new gun suggestions

    If it is the vz. 58 then it isn't a ak74u clone. In fact it's a completely different rifle, resembles the AK47 only visually. It also fires 7.62mm, not 5.45mm as the AK74s.
  20. Tigger (DayZ)

    Your "hidden" camps.

    There is a tent floating in the middle of the ocean 2km from the coast on one server. True story. It has a single bandage in it.
  21. Tigger (DayZ)

    When was the last DayZ wipe? and How?

    Just remove tents altogether until they are fixed.
  22. I've been alive for 30 something days. I have biked and hiked and driven around the map maybe 15 times. I know the location of lots of tents, vehicles (but no helicopter). I've stolen vehicles and raided tent cities, teamed up with people driving in a bus there and forth. Dozens of players crossed the sights of my weapons without me firing. I've been shot at, people around me have been killed but I survived. It is perfectly possible if you don't drive through the center of Chernogorsk in a bus blaring the horn. Incidentally, the most dangerous part came when I accidentally lost all secondary equipment slots (handgun ammo + bandages) and needed to re-loot them. A single zombie hit could have taken me out.
  23. Tigger (DayZ)

    we only need 2 things in the next update/patch

    Also make tents auto-save or remove them altogether.
  24. Tigger (DayZ)

    last players (24h)

    private hives are just as bad. Unless they are completely fresh and thus people don't have their tents with gear that always resets after a server restart.
  25. Tigger (DayZ)

    character bound per server?

    You already have a choice. Hive or non-hive server. Doesn't need to be only one or only another.