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Everything posted by hawkeyebmr

  1. Hi all, I have used the current website header image to create a mod icon for the Arma main menu. When you launch arma, you can see the arma 2 and arrowhead logos in the bottom left hand side. Now I have added the dayz logo. Also, if you click on expansions, you can access the dayz website from there. I know its not much, but its nicer to see the icon rather than the plain @dayz at the top right hand side. Attached zip contain paa and cpp files, place in @dayz folder, not in addons There just 2 small files, 1 .paa texture file and 1 .cpp info file, total 85.6kb.
  2. hawkeyebmr

    Saving Cars/Heli

    A few days ago I came across a good heli, was working fine, just low on fuel. When I exit the game and rejoined later on the Heli was gone, even though I landed in a very remote area. How do I get it so when I rejoin the game I will still have my heli/car? Do I need to return to the same server where I had found it initially?