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Avariel (DayZ)

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About Avariel (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Avariel (DayZ)

    Chat problem

    Been looking all over the place, but nobody seems to respond... nor have solutions. I just hope someone experienced knows what to do. Just to help: It aint about the Firewall, Aint the version the server or you are running, Aint the Installation. And i'm fully out of clue's what to do or search for now
  2. Avariel (DayZ)

    Chat problem

    I've got exactly the same, been like this for ages. Basicly it's like this.... I can sent Direct Chat Messages and they recieve them, yet i can't recieve them from them... nor Voice messages. I'd love to see this problem fixed, since there are hundreds of people with this problem.