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Everything posted by pxxl

  1. Whats the point you ask? Well for the community right? At least that's what admins advertise in here all the time. It should be the only reason to host a server.
  2. To answer your questions in a classy and mature way: I have posted a video before somewhere on here.. how an admin could even see the path you took to where you are now with 30sec updates, he could see your inventory, where the vehicles are on the map and spawn himself with any type of gear(thats now impossible with the new MMO architecture). My perfect DayZ experience would have official servers only. Or people who will just host a server with no tools at all. Not even an off /reset switch to flip when they are butt hurt about being killed.
  3. pxxl

    Ghillie suit

    Either this guy is going in full on commando stealth mode or he's wondering why do people play this game?
  4. That looks pretty keeeewl :thumbsup:
  5. pxxl

    If you had the opportunity to add one pistol

    inb4 Wolfensteinsaurus
  6. pxxl

    November Round-up

  7. pxxl

    November Round-up

    ZlobaRUS54 Make that: "SA Imminence level - RED ("don't take your eyes of steam." ) ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ ALMOST HABBENING" Choo! CHooooo!!
  8. Damn you Reddit! taking hours away from me obtaining the SA! >:( Why don't you push the button Rocket?! :D Oh that's why.. :thumbsup:
  9. pxxl

    November Round-up

    You guys still stalking that steam database update thing?
  10. pxxl

    November Round-up

    The compass looks allot better in the YouTube video then it does on the twitter screen. Exactly, like everybody else i thought that hicks screenshot with the axe was mid swing... Like dean says before and after the vid.. it's really alpha footage.. i'm gettin of the train here.. cya when its released.
  11. pxxl


    is that you GooOgle?
  12. pxxl

    November Round-up

    I heard that that is where you go to lift the curse....
  13. pxxl

    November Round-up

    I was hoping to stream the Alpha® this weekend :P
  14. pxxl

    November Round-up

    Fun to read discussion. I want to add this "Pessimist! said the Optimist to the Realist"
  15. pxxl

    November Round-up

    I thought they ditched that idea already.
  16. pxxl

    mi-17 vs a chopper full of passengers

    I put the size on OVER 9000! http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/2f425db7e20db5d8b106b96d21b4d81c?s=9001
  17. pxxl

    Rocket AMA poll

    AMA = Ask Me Anything?
  18. pxxl

    November Round-up

    Hmm, i got out of there as soon as the ASCII shit started to get spammed. Having someone get rid of all the clutter makes it more easy to read anyways. :beans:
  19. pxxl

    November Round-up

    What do i think? I think i remember reading this rocket2guns: People will read into anything. And actually, I'm not saying it will definitely be weeks. Today it almost looked like we had reached the performance target, but the bug we fixed had a more subtle bug hiding behind it. I don't do clues and I never have, if I post a picture take it at face value. It's a picture of three bullets. There's no game in how we release this, we'll just release it.
  20. pxxl

    November Round-up

    from reddit: Q: Do we know how the ALPHER will roll out? I remember along the way of following the project it was stated that keys would be given out slowly and that all of us would not be able to play day one. Has this plan been scraped? Will all 50K of us be able to purchase the ALPHER day one on the steam store? rocket2guns: think: wounded manatee trying heroin for the first time
  21. pxxl

    November Round-up

    When are you getting your new Rig?