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Everything posted by pxxl

  1. pxxl

    November Round-up

    If they have to ban someone who is ruining the game for the rest of the 50+ people.. yes give them that tool. All the other things like seeing where people walk, what route they take, where all the vehicles are etc etc. Seeing this video made me sick.
  2. pxxl

    November Round-up

    I hope the only tool an admin gets is a banhammer. Edit: To elaborate on that -> The privilege of paying for a server is to serve the community and not yourself.
  3. pxxl

    November Round-up

    99 Pages but a release ain't one :lol:
  4. pxxl

    November Round-up

    Yep that is the point of the alpha *clap* *clap*
  5. pxxl

    November Round-up

    Like i said, they don't want a soft release. Having everything ready so that people won't be disappointed(which is still going to happen) is what the tweaking is about.
  6. pxxl

    November Round-up

    If they wanted a soft release they would have by now.
  7. pxxl

    November Round-up

    How awesome would it be that there was a way to track how many zombies/infected/walkers are following you and with every new zombie following you your chance of tripping(letting the zombies catch up) would increase. I would still like to be able to run just as fast as the zombie, but with a mechanic like that it would ad allot more tension.
  8. pxxl

    November Round-up

    Listening to that.. While reading the comments in the below post I read this guy's comment "Nothing sexier than a man that knows he's a god and runs with it." Que chorus: "he's the master of the gaaaame" :lol: Edit: thats a messy post..
  9. pxxl

    November Round-up

    I'm saying within 2 weeks. :thumbsup:
  10. pxxl

    November Round-up

    Should have been made around October 1-10 ,but they went into media blackout for the final sprint. I doubt they want to put time in for another dev blog otherwise they would have by now.
  11. pxxl

    November Round-up

    The vibe im getting from this thread right now..
  12. pxxl

    November Round-up

    I for one welcome everyone. Please come and fill the world of DayZ. :thumbsup:
  13. pxxl

    November Round-up

    Upload build to steam > Let Valve do a lil check > Put on Sale? Edit: in a nutshell :P
  14. pxxl

    November Round-up

    Classic case of FOV to the max.. *facepalm* Edit: he fixed it :)
  15. pxxl

    November Round-up

    I'll leave this here for you 5th of November believers..
  16. pxxl

    November Round-up

    I now feel for Rocket What burns your soul exactly?
  17. pxxl

    November Round-up

    How much will a server hold?
  18. pxxl

    November Round-up

    ^That. I've seen people on Twitch that crank it all the way up. Looks like you are looking through a peephole. I'm not going to ruin my game just to give me an edge. Same goes for brightness.
  19. pxxl

    November Round-up

    Wauw, that is next level entitlement.. Hahahah, my game didn't do a Halloween event.. what?
  20. pxxl

    November Round-up

    Oh you beat me to it. It IS a product destined for my consumption.