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Everything posted by pxxl

  1. is it legit? Pulled it of a someone i shot just now.. and uh.. never saw this one before.. :o Can i use it? even if its scripted in? Or will i get a global ban?
  2. pxxl

    M4A3 ACOG GL

    Are you talking in the third person sir?
  3. pxxl

    M4A3 ACOG GL

    I put it in a tent for now, but if i find some nades or those cool flares i'll use it :)
  4. pxxl

    M4A3 ACOG GL

    i just checked this weapons table *click* and it isn't in there either.. Edit: only thing that comes close is the weapon i used to kill the guy and thats my M4A3 CCO.
  5. Why are you restarting the server over and over? :huh: Edit: Again?! what is this the fourth, fifth time already? Edit2: Again...
  6. Move to another server.. its all you can do.. and pray that the owner of that server want's to actually play the game.
  7. We had a few camps and all 4 tents are gone. One was still there but the contents and my "FN FAL ANPV S4" were gone. Oh well maybe raided or bugged.. but that one disappeared after the server reset. Is this a common problem? Will they come back after the next reset?
  8. pxxl

    Rocket does the Croquet

    I expected some blurry footage with Spanish commentary ROFL :lol:
  9. pxxl

    Banned from DE 1668

    I thought it was dripping sarcasm.. :huh:
  10. pxxl

    Banned from DE 1668

    Hey man, will you stop it with the abusing language and let the admin farm his own server.. they pay for it you know.. they should have all the vehicles and when they die they should be able to restart the server. :emptycan:
  11. pxxl

    Looking for a girl to play Day Z with

    He has only one working eye.. hard to spot trolls that way ;)
  12. pxxl

    Where to find Axes (at least!)

    I find them in Industrial areas. Look for the yellowish buildings with rusty doors. And like mentioned above, go for the bigger cities to increase your chances of finding loot.
  13. pxxl

    Just had an epiphany...

    Clean your office :huh:
  14. All the tents on a certain server are gone.. is this a hard reset? or should i wait till the next restart for them to appear?
  15. pxxl

    All tents are gone...

    That would suck, cause we found a full Ural on the same server this morning. I'll report it if the tents don't show up and vehicles are reset.
  16. pxxl

    All tents are gone...

    Ok, we'll see.. i'll check again in the morning. I wasn't done looting the camp :lol:
  17. pxxl

    All tents are gone...

    Would that take care of the wire fencing as well?
  18. Why don't you crank your gamma up some more?
  19. pxxl

    Is there a fix for the artifacting yet?

    What i do is change the settings for Anti Aliasing. Where you have the screen saying "Recieving.." that sometimes flushes out the 'artifacts' or 'artifacting'.
  20. Looks like you need to up the Anti aliasing and maybe object detail?
  21. pxxl

    Why I would never hack

    You shouldn't have to post a thread about something that is supposed to be normal. I'm not going to pet your head and say "there's a good lad". You are either a retarded/fat/ugly/old/mongoloid who needs cheats to make him feel he can accomplish something or you are just normal and play the game by the set rules just like the rest of us.
  22. pxxl

    Global Ban

    i remember my first massage it felt goooood.