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Everything posted by pxxl

  1. http://www.twitch.tv/pxxl/b/328243842 1 Hour and 17 Mins :lol:
  2. Ok, so you wen't from "it is confirmed at PAX" to "that is what you thought he meant". That's how people get disappointed.
  3. Show me where :) I rewatched it and he doesn't mention footsteps.
  4. I think you misunderstood. The devblog says nothing about footsteps and even tells you its more simple then Arma2's ACRE.
  5. pxxl

    An Unexpected Turn Of Events

    Never stop believing.. :)
  6. pxxl

    An Unexpected Turn Of Events

    What were you trying to do with the humvee?
  7. pxxl

    Where to Find Good Weapons

    Don't forget the two barracks at NW Airfield.
  8. Better step your language game up.. if you want to survive :P
  9. Who will you listen in on.. when they are using TS/Skype as well? It's an awesome concept. I think allot of people will reenact I am Legend or Walking dead, but Listening in conversations will probably leave you with an even longer beard :)
  10. You know you can counter a sniper right? Travel in larger group 1. sniper will think twice about giving his position away 2. once sniper has fired a shot, you can split up and flank 3. your gear can be guarded by the remaining survivors Movement 1. always scan the area before moving ahead 2. stay away from open fields, move through cover. 3. never loot your kill immediately after shooting him down Maybe find a Sniper rifle and shoot down the snipers yourself?! I personally wouldn't want to play DayZ without the looming danger of snipers all over the place.. where is the fun in that?
  11. I heard the hardest part about mountain climbing is shitting at high altitude..
  12. pxxl

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    Yea, the timing of his trip isn't that great. It was probably one of those once in a lifetime opportunities though.
  13. pxxl

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    Don't get me wrong i am excited about the standalone. The new areas look like fun and i'm happy about the "drag drop" inventory system.
  14. pxxl

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    Going by the definition i gave being a fanboy IS an insult. Turd burglar or not.
  15. pxxl

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    I think this is a good definition
  16. pxxl

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    New Devblog today?
  17. I was wondering who made the DayZ concept art shown in the Rezzed Session.
  18. pxxl

    Anyone Else seen this?

    it's just layZ coding just like the rest of DayZ
  19. Do you hear a 'dropping to the floor' sound? then just stay there.. i think its the timer without the actual icon on screen. Had that happen to me once.
  20. pxxl

    NL 13 / NL 20 shutdown

    I had tents there! Oh well, i was avoiding NL20 for exactly that reason.. too many script kiddies.
  21. pxxl

    how to blow something up step by step

    Someone who needs this tutorial should not be in possession of explosives. :)
  22. We need official servers without biased admins. That you even come up with a question like this...
  23. With this item we can remove it ourselves. :thumbsup:
  24. pxxl

    Global Chat in Lobby?

    You can talk in the lobby already right? :huh: Depends on the server i guess