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About Hilariously_Wrong

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    On the Coast
  1. Hilariously_Wrong

    Suggestion: Sex System

    As time goes on, your sexual frustration increases; leading to loss of focus (occasional shaking of screen), aggression/high temper (less accurate with precision weapons) and increased hunger (need to comfort eat). Ways to counter becoming sexually frustrated: - Solo fun time (i.e. masturbating), but this makes you susceptible to infections due to lack of personal hygiene. Items required: lotion, porn and paper towel. - Consensual sex. Both players need to select it from their menus. Having sex without a condom has a chance of contracting an STD, which may give some long-term effects unless proper meds are administered. If it's between two men, you will also need lube, or risk losing X amount of blood. - Non-consensual sex. Even with a condom the aggressor has an increased chance of contracting an STD (Due to the violent nature of the act, the condom has a chance to break), and the victim will lose X amount of blood. However, the victim has a chance to knock the aggressor unconscious, leaving him defenseless. If this succeeds, the victim may chose to have non-consensual sex with no chance of a drawback. Items that needs to be added: - lotion - lube - condoms - pornographic magazines