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Everything posted by DrakeM

  1. I think it would be a nice addition to further individualize your character (besides blood types) if there were several different shoe sizes and clothing sizes in the game and like the blood type, your character will start with specified sizes when you spawn. Shoes and clothes are very common loot, so why not add some penalties if you are wearing the wrong sizes, like for example reduced speed while wearing wrong shoe sizes or cold resistance penalties when wearing clothes that are too short.
  2. im stuck in those damn debug plains again, may u reset me? Name: DrakeM Player ID: 17530630 ty in advance
  3. Vipeax thank you for the quick interaction to this problem. Even though i was on a very nice spot before that debug plain incident, the reset to the beach is waaaay better than the alternative. Ur doing a good job. Go on like that
  4. I encountered the same problem tonight... disconnecting from one server, switching to another one cause friends were playing there and BAM i was in the debug plains. Got sweet gear atm and i would appreciate it a lot if u may get me out of here. Character Name: DrakeM ty in advance