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Everything posted by christopherwright_75@hotmail.co.uk

  1. christopherwright_75@hotmail.co.uk

    Tales of a butthurt server admin

    Looks bad but I wouldn't condemn him yet seeing as all the important text is blocked out and one of your guys talking there admits to griefing the server with thousands of barbed wire.
  2. christopherwright_75@hotmail.co.uk

    What type of game was/is/should it be?

    I think the people saying this game is meant for PvP need to go play ARMA, while this game has a PvP element it has so much more that is ruined by noskill wannabe snipers taking multiple shots from a few hundred meters with AS50's to kill weaponless new spawns (i.e. 90% of those that camp the main cities and coast)....... saying that they likely do it on DAYZ because they wouldnt last 3 seconds on vanilla ARMA where the OPFOR would be just as well armed. Some of the PvP is great dont get me wrong I'm not a carebear, nothing beats the complex ambushes people plan and execute or even the skilled snipers that one shot you from inventive locations. Survival needs to be made harder...... hell player numbers have dropped anyway, make survival harder and lose the 10000 wannabe sniper kids on the coast (they wont hack it) I bet doing so would regain many of the original audience.
  3. christopherwright_75@hotmail.co.uk

    Hiding bodies a Dick move?

    I hate the "you cant vanish a body in real life so remove it for realism" arguement as you also cant respawn and loot your dead corpse in reality either. I hide bodies most of the time for this very reason, die and work for your kit (or find a tent to rob) not just blindly dash to the spot you died.
  4. christopherwright_75@hotmail.co.uk

    Some people shouldn't drive vehicles...

    I have a friend who thinks he can fly (because "he flies in all games he plays"), no experience with ARMA landed chopper on tree then flapped about fixing it while i was bleeding next to the dam thing (I had to crawl off in search of meat despite them having blood!).......... I died, respawned did the Elektro run and saw him pile in to the ground.... yes I smiled (and hid the bodies).
  5. christopherwright_75@hotmail.co.uk

    Small boat Range & Refuel at sea?

    PBX takes you the length of the coast and back on just under a full tank and it runs at 70, small boat and fishing boat have smaller ranges and are so slow dont bother.
  6. christopherwright_75@hotmail.co.uk

    Favourite weapons? [snipers, ARs, LMGs]

    m14 is not a sniper its a battle rifle same as FN FAL therefore belongs with assault rifles
  7. christopherwright_75@hotmail.co.uk

    Underrated Weapons

    Found a MK48 in a tent at Devils Castle earlier today so dumped my much loved L85 and figured I would give it a try, only Zombies so far it hits them nicely at a distance. M16 is a underrated weapon I find I can hit out to further with its oh so easy to use iron sights than I can with the CCO sights on the m4
  8. christopherwright_75@hotmail.co.uk

    Best Heli Loot!

    Most excited when I find a FAL at a crashsite not the best of weapons but I like it L85's would be the most useful thing I have found though its easier to walk north and find them in tents.
  9. christopherwright_75@hotmail.co.uk

    Server update what happens to tents/vehicles?

    Your meant to be running a server for a mod in alpha not chopping and changing versions so you and your manchild fag buddies can hoard up all the vehicles. I hope you get blacklisted so never find out if an update does what you wonder or not.
  10. christopherwright_75@hotmail.co.uk


    It puts the same ammo as an m9SD downrange so it should be pretty pants. And dont spray it full auto you may have more success try the gun on an ARMA II range mission you will see at full auto from 50M that gun struggles to lay 20% of its rounds on a man sized target, then go do the DayZ maths it does 889 damage per shot and you need to take off 12000 so if the majority of your sprayed rounds miss you are in trouble.......
  11. christopherwright_75@hotmail.co.uk

    Playing DayZ COMPLETELY Free?

    Alot of textures are low resolution with free Arma it can be annoying to some people (me included)
  12. christopherwright_75@hotmail.co.uk

    So, when can we expect a real helpful update?

    You showed yourself as insufficiently schooled in hardware the moment you said the laptop wasnt to blame, so stop acting butthurt and take the time to learn. Its NOT a gaming machine its not even remotely close........ you got ripped off here deal with it lots of people get ripped off with "gaming laptops". If you think your hardware NEVER goes over 35 degrees then seriously you should not even pretend you know what your talking about. I've built and sold over 20 high and mid end gaming rigs this year and upgraded/repaired many others so while not a full time pro I know what I'm talking about. DayZ is horrific for performance anyway I know people that run it one day flawlessley and the next have so many issues they consider quitting.
  13. christopherwright_75@hotmail.co.uk

    Why does every sniper I shoot at ALT-F4?

    Because they are pathetic little manchild gaming cancers.
  14. christopherwright_75@hotmail.co.uk

    What Is Your Favourite Weapon?

    L85 the thermal means I can spot people way off and avoid them I'll happily have almost any assualt rifle though
  15. christopherwright_75@hotmail.co.uk

    So, when can we expect a real helpful update?

    Your laptop GPU is low end thats a fact you need to face rather than going "LALALALA MY LAPTOP IZ GUD FOR GAMING"..... its not if you didnt spend £1500 or more on a laptop its not good for gaming and even then your £1500 laptop will get trounced by a £800 desktop. Also your laptop suffers heat issues when used for prolonged gaming all laptops do thats another fact. If its got worse lately though check your laptop power settings aren't switching to the Intel Integrated graphics (which are worse again) this is a common problem I see with laptops and often explains the "OMG my FPS dropped" issues.
  16. christopherwright_75@hotmail.co.uk

    Requesting Supply Drop

    Just die your near the coast anyway so finding your body wont be hard and if thats your list of stuff to trade you really really dont actually have much to lose. If you had some camo clothing or a ghillie I may have offered though you do sound a little like a trap.
  17. christopherwright_75@hotmail.co.uk

    So I just got killed by another player for the first time.

    First Player death was to some total arsewipe called Pickleboy had freshly spawned near balota airstrip and this idiot comes running at me making noises, william walace face on and axed me, I had been alive for maybe 30 seconds. I will find him one day and when I do I'm going to shoot his legs then beat him with a crowbar, top up his blood and repeat the process till he disconnects or I get bored..... I dont get bored easily.
  18. christopherwright_75@hotmail.co.uk

    Gaining good equipment.

    1 - Spawn 2 - Run like loony through nearest large city snatch basics up dont give a sh@t if you die as you should at this point have been alive at most 15 minutes 3 - Head North up coast 4 - Loot Berezino 2 supermarkets, 3 aprtment blovks, hospital and 4 military tents = PROFIT 5 - Head further North live off land and raid camps in under 3 hours from spawn you will likely have all top notch kit and weapons. Bingo thats my guide and I'm sure in reference to the OP that the big backpacks dont spawn in deerstands.
  19. christopherwright_75@hotmail.co.uk

    So whats your loadout??

    L85A2 AWS + 6 mags Full med kit (cant remember amounts off top my head) G17 + 4 mags Hand grenade All tools/equipment except map (the dam thing just vanished from my invent) Bino's 4 Waterbottles Some cooked meat Few other randoms I forget (smoke grenades in backpack I think) Riding a bicycle, I wont go near any urban areas now until I need ammo and thats only if I dont find a camp to loot. In my 2 tents I also have Few more waterbottles M4 CCO SD + 1 mag medical odds and ends PDW + 2 mags Some canned food and drink Knife, matches and hatchet The tents are for my next life or for any lucky survivor that bumbles across them. I did have a DMR + 2 mags in there but someone took it and left me the m4.
  20. christopherwright_75@hotmail.co.uk


    Not much to go on but I logged in far north east near the estuary coming in from sea. Walked 10 meters man appears infront of me (appeared as in click he is there) shot me dead. Wasnt that he logged in there was no delay between appearing infront of me and the shot, he jsut appeared with gun pointing and BANG
  21. christopherwright_75@hotmail.co.uk

    If you could have any gear setup in DayZ, what would it be?

    Stuff to hunt and prep meat At least 2 waterbottles Any Assualt Rifle and Secondary few mags for each Basic Meds Bicycle I like to live alone in the bush
  22. christopherwright_75@hotmail.co.uk

    Making a base, how stable can it be?

    If you use a "remote" location your tent and or vehicles will likely get robbed as the remote locations are obvious/well known. Longest lasting untouched tent I had was under a bridge outside a town.
  23. christopherwright_75@hotmail.co.uk

    Getting a vehicle fast ?

    NE corner of the map camps and vehicles abound on many servers found a Bus and a Boat up that end last night
  24. christopherwright_75@hotmail.co.uk

    Are vehicles bugged? Or is it just how arma2 made them.

    The only vehicle that doesnt seemingly be constructed from Glass is the ural truck you can ram trees with that badboy..... but its massive and blue and white so you cant ever hide it.
  25. christopherwright_75@hotmail.co.uk

    Who doesn't kill non-lethal survivors?

    Translated that for ya