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About Ligeia420

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  1. Ligeia420

    What Graphics Card do you Reccomend for DayZ?

    I'm wondering the same thing. Is this "good" enough? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883227392
  2. I've been playing DayZ fine on shitty settings ever since I bought it a couple of weeks ago. All of a sudden after the new "update" for Arma, it has been shit. Dunno what happened, or if my computer got worse, or what but it was running perfect (at least for my settings) but not anymore.
  3. ayyy we got the same processor !! You can try this http://pastebin.com/F7Q8Ne2i i'm still figuring out how to make it run better too.
  4. Getting the same problem with FPS drop. I've been playing fine on my custom settings since I don't have a good computer, but I've haven't been experiencing this bad of lag. I was playing yesterday fine, then today I played and it was horrible. Dunno what happened, if it was the Arma 2 patch from yesterday or what.
  5. LOL, another person who cannot handle this game. bahahaahahahaha
  6. Ligeia420

    New players cant get past learning curve

    This. I started watching videos about DayZ for weeks until I finally got it. I read everything I should know before I downloaded it, and only had a few problems because of the updates which took no more than 5 minutes to fix. Other than that, I suck at the game but I still love it, one of the best mods/games I've played in a while. If you can't handle it, or you're too young to understand how these types of games work, then maybe you shouldn't play...
  7. Ligeia420

    Need help with FPS issues

    Just did this, it's also the same thing you did too. http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/wqx8q/getting_low_fps_try_this/
  8. Ligeia420

    Need help with FPS issues

    Haha, OP, I have the same thing when looking at the ground and sky, weird huh? I did a ton of stuff to increase my FPS, and though it's worked. Sometimes it will lag HARD, dunno if it's the servers I join or what, but sometimes I'll play really smooth with a little lag, not noticeable, other times it will lag a lot. When look at trees, my FPS drops. And if it's playing smooth, I'll look at the trees and only notice a little lag. Dunno, it's weird, I even flush my video memory when I first start too. I know I have a shitty laptop, but I've ran it to the point where's it playable, especially if I can kill others when they're shooting at me :P
  9. Ahh that's pretty lame, wow. Why do they gotta ruin the fun servers? :(
  10. It says I have to log in, and then it says unable to load webpage lol.
  11. So I downloaded the patch, and did everything that was listed above. But I seem to get the bad server rejected or whatever no matter what. I even tried to make a new profile because the same thing happened when I tried joining other servers. Dunno if it's happening to a lot of others because I only see 10-12 people in the servers, weird though. I hope I can fix this, really fun server.
  12. Yeah, I know what you mean. Ruins the fun for everybody, especially the new players lol. Btw did you just refresh the server or something? it was laggy when I just started and then I got no message received. :P
  13. Ligeia420

    Cannot connect to my server

    *EDIT* nvm got it to work, thanks dude!