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About D4rk3nd

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  • Location
    Danvers, MA
  1. Our community recently went to rmod, and everything went smooth, except for one feature. We cant seem to get the player models to work. We're looking to make it so the admins can assign them manually through the Database. We're running through Dayz.ST. Any assistance on this would be great.
  2. Playing a free mod, on a free map. What's the problem? Almost 3 year old map, being retrofitted to work in DayZ...Relax.
  3. Dude, back it up whatever way you want, you did not say the "word" you are explaining, you posted two G's not one.
  4. Why has this not been locked yet?
  5. This thread is full of racism, and fail. Do you realize how heavy a full suit of ANY armor is? Do you realize it takes 2 people to put it on, and take it off. And if the person falls over, they need help back up? not to mention you'll be as slow as a Turtle in it. Even if you're in "full coverage" armor (including plating, leather ,and chain mail) you will still be overwhelmed by numbers, and they will find a weak spot, and open you up. Blades weaken, and dull fast when cutting through bone. as well. The point is IT's NOT PRACTICAL AT ALL. This thread is terrible, and you're racist.
  6. D4rk3nd

    Vehicle problems

    Or got out of it last before the abort.
  7. 10/28 - on my server, US 99. We had our whole Vehicle table respawn. Everything at their original locations, needing repairs. possible server-to-database file corruption. Nothing I could see in the logs. but perhaps another explanation to your troubles?
  8. D4rk3nd


    DayZ Isn't taking place in North America. It's a eastern/middle eastern Post Soviet state.http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Chernarus
  9. D4rk3nd


    I just fail to see what reason you have behind suggesting two Prototype Australian, and Israeli Weapons, in a post Apocalyptic Survival game.
  10. D4rk3nd


    This isn't COD. No need to add ANY military firearms..
  11. D4rk3nd

    Is your cdkey being wasted?

    Why, would Anyone. ANYONE who is not playing this game anymore, view the forums?
  12. Edit the database , and the server pbo, Add a new item, add it to spawn tables. Lengthy process if you're not familiar with any sort of coding. Also as a tip. A2 Skins mainly don't support backpacks. A2:OA models introduced them.
  13. Search BI's Wiki on how to Edit PBO files. they list the tools needed to extract the files you need. the process is far too lengthy to list in a post here.
  14. D4rk3nd

    Freezing in Utes

    Not an official map. I doubt you'll get an official reply.. But judging by your info, you're not freezing in Chernarus. So its either that server, or your install of DayZ_Utes. Only thing I can suggest is to (if you have a steam copy) Re-verify your cache, and re-install the beta manually, and delete, and re-install the Utes files. Also try running a monitoring program, see if your memory ramps before it freezes. keep tabs on your GPU temp as well.