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Everything posted by skywalker1162

  1. skywalker1162


    Any asian or indian players around on the servers . Am looking to team up with some survivors. Playing alone is getting sad. Anyone interested please revert :)
  2. Yes the road itself looks damn awesome. Nothing at all like the old roads .......
  3. skywalker1162

    Standalone - Taking Prisoners/Restraints

    And have your way with him .....
  4. skywalker1162

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    From the look of things , I doubt they will get it out by Q1. Most probably I'm going to go with Q2. Fantastic work so far having to build up a new engine and what not. Perhaps once you have done with the internal alpha , maybe you could make a public test release ?
  5. skywalker1162

    Mod for arma 3 alpha ?

    Hey guys , as you people know the Arma 3 alpha is being Launched shortly . Since it might last for several months , will there be a dayz mod for it or something similar ? Just curious .
  6. skywalker1162

    Mod for arma 3 alpha ?

    Even I forgot the new name but the alpha will last for some time , other mods will surely pop up so I'm pretty sure maybe the community dev team might take a go at it . But frankly all I'm waiting for Is ACE.
  7. They are gonna build it up slowly . You can directly start at 100 players per server . Give it some time .
  8. Bro most of us have stopped playing DayZ for the time being till standalone . I still play sometimes . We mostly play arma 2 now .
  9. skywalker1162

    A Third of the World Population Gone.

    Cheer up guys we have a whole 2/3rd remaining . Lets get back to work * steps outside his hut and gets mauled by the remaining 2/3rd *
  10. skywalker1162

    Reason behind your username?

    Needless to say I'm a big star trek fan ...... Wait what ??? :P
  11. skywalker1162

    DayZ Mod Update

    You get teleported to green mountain where you die a horrible death .
  12. I've been at the game for 6 months and since I joined a group in September I've never been a noob . I always keep looking around , I help players in trouble but keep a weapon pointed at them in case , I don't need a map anymore to get anywhere and so on and so forth .
  13. skywalker1162

    DayZ Devblog 4th February 2013

    Wow damn that's hot .
  14. If unarmed , offer them a sidearm with no ammo ( don't want them shooting me in the back ) If armed , 2 shoots to the chest and 1 shot to the head .
  15. skywalker1162

    What is the best map on dayZ?

    The original map where all the players flock to .... Chernarus . It has the perfect dayz atmosphere. The other maps might be good like panthera and taviana but there is a reason why all players prefer chernarus . Its familiar and its got the right atmosphere .
  16. skywalker1162

    M107 with 2 mags and 2 AS 50 mags

    Hey my character in the CA zombie infection server has the above following and in return I would like either one of the following 1) DMR 2) M4A1 CCO / CCO SD 3) FN FAL Please reply if you are ok interested .
  17. skywalker1162

    VIP's in servers. Thoughts?

    I too play on the CA servers . Me and my team had an hour long match with 5 VIP guys . We kept dying and respawning, ran to our bodies and picked up our gear while they would simply spawn and run towards us fully kitted . It was frustrating . Although we killed them many times over they had nothing to lose while we had everything to lose . After that incident we just went inland where everything is pretty much normal . VIP is bad and they should not be given soo many weapons . Max they should be given a lee Enfield if they donated a lot . But this is ridiculous .
  18. skywalker1162

    Hacker on RU 2

    RU 2 is hack central . Why are you shocked .
  19. skywalker1162

    Should zombies only walk ?

    This topic has probably seen a lot of debate but the more I think about , the more I wonder . The zombies are in a state of decay . If they run they would need muscles but through muscle degeneration as well as degenerative tissue how can they run as fast a fit survivor . I understand that rocket's brother is a virologist and that this might change in future patches and the standalone but I somehow doubt they can move that fast and yet have enough hitting power to break your bones . It just doesn't add up . Maybe the zombies need to move a slow jog or a brisk pace and to make it realistic . It ain't a fact just my opinion on the matter .
  20. I killed a couple of guys and next thing you know I was a sheep , but I used it to my advantage . I lost all my gear but I decided to make the best of it and troll some guys while I was still alive . I started walking around elektro as a sheep and used direct chat to freak other players . It was hilarious until a player shot me for my meat . Initially it was annoying but then I used it to annoy others .
  21. skywalker1162

    What's your favourite loadout?

    Basic loadout : Lee Enfield Revolver Hatchet Advanced loadout : M4A1 CCO SD M9 SD Hatchet Chillie
  22. skywalker1162

    The best free recorder for dayz?

    Bandicam and dxtory . The best is action! But the torrents are not reliable and you will have to spend money on that one .
  23. skywalker1162

    Should zombies only walk ?

    A variety of zombies will fix that problem . But I'm glad people are contributing to this idea . After all this is for the betterment of dayz as a whole .
  24. skywalker1162

    Isn't killing the only way to survive longer?

    See buddy let me give you a piece of advice . I was a lone wolf for about a month and then through the forums I met a group of players and the mad times I've had since then are truly memorable. My advice - form a group whom you can trust blindly and all will be well for you . As for the other players whom you encounter . If they are armed , kill them , but not for their loot but to prevent them from killing you . Unarmed players are harmless . Let them be for the time being . Cheers .
  25. skywalker1162

    Tell us about your most recent kills!

    Well I had a good day but I feel kinda bad . Currently I have an M16A4 ACOG and an M9 . I was sitting in elektro near the hospital when I noticed heavy g36 gunfire come from there . There was a guy on the roof of the school who saw me run and called out my name . I popped him in his head as he adjusted . The rest of the kills were standard . There was a DMR sniper on dobry and I flanked him through the field . He was so focused on the hospital he didn't see me coming and by the time he saw me it was too late . I took his rifle and went back into town . Then I racked up 3 kills at the south fire station . Turned out they were a clan who didn't see me coming and I had an opportunity to test the burst fire mode . They also had akms and g36ks . I noticed a lot of bambis running about but I let them be .