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About kulin

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Do you remember the scary mace game? That would be something nice. After killing a few players every bandit should see their rotten faces from time to time, when he is alone in the dark woods. :D
  2. kulin

    Reduce Blood Recovery of Cooked Meat

    Then you open your inventory in combat to heal? If i do that my char is going into crouching position and stops moving. Does not sound like a good idea to me while someone is shooting at me.
  3. Probably you never experienced DayZ about 1-2 Month ago. Yes, i got shot from time to time. But it was not the common way to say hello like now. People have talked to eachother. People met and decided to play together. I play Dayz nearly EVERY day für 3-4 hours. I don't have met a single person that saluted or said friendly in weeks. They don't even try to communicate anymore. They just shoot at you. This is NOT the way DayZ is and its not the way i personally prefer. Its the way it went in the last few weeks. Probably its because the game is too big now. It don't only attracts zombie and sandbox-hardcore-fans anymore. It attracts everyone because its an mainstream and a "fashion"-game now. So every bored CoD kids hears of it, buys the game, joins the forum and cry out loud in every anti-deathmatch-thread "BUT THATS THE WAY THE GAME IS MEANT TO BE PLAYED". >:( No, its not the way it was meant to be played. It's what this CoD Kids made out of this game. Its the way YOU think its meant to be played because you never met any other playstyle than deathmatches or capture the flag.
  4. kulin

    PvP and PvE servers (with a twist)

    But why? You said you are a survivor but you like the thrill of getting shot by a bandit. So... why do you think there are less bandits just because they look like bandits? As proofed before the bandit skin was removed: there were still enough bandits around. So you still have your thrill. But you don't like the idea anyway even if it was able to solve the deathmatch problem in the past. I don't see a real reason for this, since it wouldn't destroy anything you want from the game. You could even expand this idea. For example: three outfits/IDs, not only two. 1. Newbie ID for everyone with less than 10 hours of gameplay. Never trust a newbie. 2. Survivor ID. After 10 Gameplay hours without shooting anyone you get automatically a survivor ID. 3. Bandit ID after shooting one survivor or 5 newbies.
  5. They Alt F4 because everyone is deathmatching like the OP. Before everyone was deathmatching there were FAR less ALT-F4 QQs on the forums.
  6. kulin

    PvP and PvE servers (with a twist)

    Then you are option 1. You want the best of all playstyles and you don't want to give up anything. Whats your point then? Leave everything as it is and force ANYONE to deathmatch just because it's the way you like it? I can second this. If you had read my suggestion you would know that i don't want to remove the threat of bandits from the game. I just want two things: 1. Bandits are flagged as bandits. 2. Kill massages with the name of the killer if the kill is counted as murder. 3. Nerf Equip - like night and thermal sight - that gives Bandits a too big advantage by making it common. So why do you think nobody would be playing as bandit anymore in cause of this? Both mechanics(1 + 3) were already in the game for some time and the pvp aspect was not even close to the deathmatching today.
  7. kulin

    PvP and PvE servers (with a twist)

    @mZLY: There is no problem. If you like deathmatching play on pvp server. If you don't like deathmatching there is the need for some rules/soft-restrictions that help us to reduce it. You can't have both. It. does. not. work. So either you risk that everyone is starting deathmatching. Or you have to accept a few rules, that remove pure pro-pvp rules out of the game and support pve gamestyle. However: there needs to be a compromise between pvp and no pvp at all-server idea. I think the best would be a server type that allow both side to exist but allow to hunt bandits easier. So a little disadvantage for pvp playstyle. If even that few rules are too much for you then you basically say: no rules, but no deathmatching either - which does not work as we currently see at all servers. Or you just say: i want may daily dose of newbie and carebear killing or i can't sleep well enough.
  8. But its easier to add a little script to heal bones with bandages and wood than to fix out tons of bugs, that are most of the time a problem of the arma engine and not of the dayz scripts(what means that rocket cannot solve them that easy). If its easier to make a walkaround for the bugs then to fix them you should to make the walkaround first.
  9. i would pay 30€ for the game if they are able to remove the deathmatching from the game and make the night less black! :D
  10. kulin

    PvP and PvE servers (with a twist)

    @mZLY: If you don't like bandit-flagging play on a PvP Server. Very easy.
  11. kulin

    PvP and PvE servers (with a twist)

    I think a better solution would be to add in a softcore-pvp-mode and a hardcore-pvp-mode. Softcore PvP means: 1. Bandits are flagged clearly as bandits. 2. L85 AWS has no thermal vision anymore since this weapon is only good to kill other players. 3. Night Vision Drops of any kind are more common, to give no over equipped player-killer any advantage. 4. Kill Messages with position(XXX killed YYY in Chernogorsk). Bandits may even like this. They want pvp, they get pvp since everyone who wants to hunt them is comming after them. :D Hardcore PvP: Everything stays as it is.
  12. Just right clicking on painkillers sounds boring. I think it would be more immersive if you have to crawl to a tree, gather a splint and fix the leg. This would make you feel like John Rambo and MacGyver in one Person!
  13. Hi there, most deathmatching and newbie killing is happening in Cherno and Electro. Stary is also getting more popular in the last weeks. The reason for this are the high value buildings, the military tents and especially the hospitals. I understand this, because its a pain in the ass to head to the far north without morphine or blood bags. The chance to get a broken bone by a zombie or a bug is far too high to take the risk. Thats why many players are running after every death as long into cherno or electro until they get what they need AND survive. This is VERY unrealistic and gamey. Its unrealistic because we all know that every home has a small medicine chest(with painkillers and bandages) and nearly every town or village has a doctor with medical supplys in reach. super markets or shops far away from bigger citys normally also have a apothecary included. So the reality is not even a little bit like dayz. Its Gamey because rocket decided that morphine should heal a broken bone. And he decided that this morphine is only available in hospitals. In reality a bone is healed by time and a splint with a bandage. So he only used morphine to force the players to meet eachother in places like cherno and electro. There is also one factor that has nothing to do with zombies that breaks your legs. This factors are bugs. 90% of all broken bones are the result of bugs. It's not realistic, it's not fun, it's not entertaining. They are just bugs. Opening a door that hits your head results in a broken leg. Climbing down a deerstand and falling off the ladder in cause of a bug results in a broken leg. Logging out under a tree and logging in on top of the tree results in a broken leg. Climbing up a light house results in a broken leg. And so on. Conclusion: So we see that forcing players to heal broken bones with morphine is not only unrealistic and gamey but also is happening most of the time in cause of bugs. I think it would be a fair trade - at least while this bugs are not fixed - to remove the morphine from the game and replace it with another, more realistic bone healing mechanic: 1. When you break a bone you tremple in pain. You need painkillers. 2. Take a hatchet and go to the woods and collect some firewood. 3. Use a bandage with right click and say "Splint broken leg". Optional(im not sure if this is possible with the currently used engine): 4. Now you are not only able to crawl but also able to move forward in crouching position. 5. After 5-10 minutes the broken leg is completly gone. Additionally you could think about a residential building that could be changed into a "Doctors House" with a good chance to drop beside normal residential stuff also blood bags. Think about this big red medium value residential buildings(not the office buildings). If you look at the loot maps you'll see that they are not in every town in the north. Only about 50% have one or more of this buildings. So i think if they have a chance of 5-10% to drop one it would be enough to allow the newbies to ignore cherno to head into the north even sooner. :D Best Regards, K.o.
  14. kulin

    Remove Spawns West of Kamenka

    There is only one first point of interest, for every fresh start. The Hospitals in Cherno or Elektro. I never going to head to the north without morphine again. Even if i die 5 times before getting enough morphine. At this time i get some food, a hatchet and something to drink, too. Next stop Stary Sobor. Kamenka however is not that bad because there are many bike-spawns. The only thing i would like is if this bikes are spawning more frequently. It would allow the newbies to move from the beach up to the north to meet her friends much faster.
  15. kulin

    What happened to DayZ?

    I have that feeling, too. When i started it was NOT normal to shoot everyone you see. Yes, i was shot by a sniper sometimes. But many more times i just said "friendly" or saluted and everything was fine. It was completly common to NOT shoot first. I don't know why rocket does not see that some of his changes are really bad. For example i still think it was a BAD idea to remove bandit clothes to seperate you from a friendly survivor. Its gamy, yes. But its also a good base for any kind of trust between the survivors. I also think its a even more bad idea to give sniper weapons such a HUGE advantage over newbie-equipment. I also think the global chat was sometimes annoying. But it was also interesting und fun to chat a little bit at night sometimes.