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CerebralZombie (DayZ)

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Everything posted by CerebralZombie (DayZ)

  1. Looking for some group members to join my 18+ Clan/Group where we can go around stocking up on supplies n' gear, then get into some great fire fights with others while having a good time. The group doesn't have to become big, I wouldn't mind if it only grows to a few+ members. Clan/Group Info: - 18+ (Mature Players) - Can speak fluent english - Must join through "Steam" - Play times, 4pm-4am Pacific time (Times may vary) - Mics would be appreciated + Chat programs include - Steam Chat - Vent - Skype - Mumble - Must use »ѕ†ѕ« Logo in-game name (Just DayZ) - Copy n' Paste "ЅАІΝΤЅ" into Steam to find group without "". My Steam name is "CerebralZombie" atm, and "Stryph" in DayZ. Name may change, but I will update/announce if so. ~ Any questions or if I'm missing anything just let me know. Through posts or PMs, Thanks. CZ« Application:
  2. CerebralZombie (DayZ)

    Good thing Russia doesn't exist any more...

    He must be referring to DayZ. :lol:
  3. CerebralZombie (DayZ)

    Pressing the "-" key on the Num pad

    So for all you new players out there I just wanted to let you know about the zoom out ability. All you do is hold or double tap the " - " key on/in the number pad and it will zoom out in any view, first or third person. In third person your character will look as he is running faster and it helps a lot if you feel as if you just don't run fast enough. Also it helps with seeing more around you in your peripheral. Another tip to add is to get used to using your actual peripherals in the game. These are white dots that will show up on the left and right side of your screen in anything from players to even animals that you can't see in your view, but your player can see in his/her peripherals. It take a little bit to get used to and actually use all the time, but it really helps! The dots fade and become small if the person zombie, or animal is far away, and when they are close it will become large and a very vivid white. Some, or even a lot of you will already know this, but my brother had to tell me about the "peripherals" at least, but I actually taught him about the zoom out ability. (He's been playing much, much longer and knows everything, except for the zoom out! :lol:) A lot of videos that I'd watch never mentioned any of these two things, especially those normal videos of groups just enjoying the DayZ experience. If you need more info just Google or Youtube these two things. Thanks for your time, CZ~
  4. CerebralZombie (DayZ)

    two fairly simple game suggestions

    #1's been mentioned many, of many times. (They should be working on the barricading system, but not sure about planks at all.) #2's suggestion would be a nice add on, but there are way-way more ideas before that, that need time to be programmed.
  5. CerebralZombie (DayZ)

    This basicly sums up what happend when I fixed a ATV

    Pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff.... ...Ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft
  6. CerebralZombie (DayZ)

    Were to Buy Arma 2 Too play DayZ

    You could download Steam and get the Combined Operations for $30?
  7. CerebralZombie (DayZ)

    Looking for bandit partners

    Only in Canada buddy! Only in Canada...
  8. CerebralZombie (DayZ)

    to save your location, you must sleep.

    So if you don't sleep and you log out, you spawn back at last sleeping point with the same gear you just gathered, or that gear is now gone?
  9. It's been brought up many times, but wouldn't be a bad thing. Would have to be only when a zombie kills you of course. =P
  10. CerebralZombie (DayZ)

    DayZ Bus Robbery

    Watched the end of part #1, and you should have thrown a HE at the bus area before they drove off! I will watch part 2 tomorrow!
  11. CerebralZombie (DayZ)

    DayZ Bus Robbery

    Get in da bus n' run!!! Talk to one n' other to make a plan on a Voip program! xP
  12. CerebralZombie (DayZ)

    It all goes horribly wrong!

    I like how the one guy said he alt f4'ed. :P Okay video, somewhat funneh.
  13. Yeah some are just edited maps that are already in Arma II, and others are user made. So you want the maps that are supposedly, "Public server only" to be able to be used in a "Private hive"?
  14. CerebralZombie (DayZ)


    I had flown in two planes in the new map, "Fallujah". Good times, but this ain't no BF3!
  15. CerebralZombie (DayZ)

    Product placement

    Shitz good! Good protein, + many varieties. :P
  16. CerebralZombie (DayZ)

    4 Questions for Rocket/DayZ developers

    He told everyone... He's not going to take the time to let one person know, what has already been known~
  17. CerebralZombie (DayZ)

    Vehicle inventories. Our beloved Rocket please read.

    And make it so you can't put more items then the max limit... If not that, have the item fall to the floor or something.
  18. CerebralZombie (DayZ)

    Product placement

    I'm all for it, as long as it makes Rocket and the team more happy, and maybe even help to make a better DayZ. DayZ Rules! CZ~
  19. I'm in! In game name: Mr.SaintMurder Age: 21 Sex: Male Location: Vancouver BC, Canada About: Easy going, friendly, good alone, and with a team, talkative, ( In a good way ) a sense of humour, ect, ect. Steam Account: http://steamcommunity.com/id/CerebralZombie/
  20. CerebralZombie (DayZ)

    diseases and burning corpses

  21. CerebralZombie (DayZ)

    Zombies should be more deadly

    Yes, we've heard...
  22. CerebralZombie (DayZ)

    A Confused ATV

    I had to watch the video twice. :lol:
  23. CerebralZombie (DayZ)

    2 Suggestions for loot system

    I can fully agree on that, but we can always hope!
  24. CerebralZombie (DayZ)

    2 Suggestions for loot system

    1. I agree, it's just like Border Lands! A lower chance to spawn the items that shouldn't spawn there, but you should be able to find anything, anywhere. It would for sure make player make sure to check every building. (Not that I pretty much don't, but I wouldn't miss one at all.) 2. I would love if they worked their asses off making certain loot spawn in certain areas, in certain ways. Say a larger rifle or shot gun leaning against any wall, maybe beside the couch. So shells or mags on the drawer/desk or in a drawer/cabinet. Maybe even with the ability to move furniture, having a larger gun or even a hand gun under the couch or drawer. It would add a lot of survival and searching for loot. (Because if you play DayZ in a legit manor, you know gathering new loot is half the fun. Why not add to the idea of gathering loot then?) When a player makes their own map, they would have to have a set entity that has sort of outline of the biggest object that may be in that spawn. It would take a bit of work on the DayZ team, so it'd be more up to the Arma II creators. I guess Rocket has a bigger team to actually add things/change things to the engine itself for the standalone, so this would be a cool add. Tried to make things shot, so thanks for your time. Not bad ideas, which just need some elaborating on, and others to support it. CZ~
  25. So I need a new group as my older older groups seem to stop playing DayZ and start playing a lame ass game that I'm not buying. So I guess I'll list off a few things about myself to give you a chance to see if you're interested. (Gotta hate recruiting a new guy that everyone can't stand.) :lol: About: Looking For: If I missed anything just shoot me a PM or post up in this thread. Also, just message me about your group, clan, or server and tell me a bit about it, and what's the dealio. Thanks for your time, CZ~