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About rorick

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Interests
    Programming, Gaming, Mariguana, Gaming, Troubleshooting

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  • Bio
    Lived in Florida my whole life, from a young age grew attached to computers, breaking them, just to fix them. Sometimes spending days at a time correcting issues, in my early teens started to experiment with basic programming as well as network languages (html, php, etc.)
  1. Thank you for your tips, I had completely forgot I had posted this because I was able to fix this problem by swapping ISP's. The problem wasn't actually with my router, or my computer, or anything local for that matter. My friend who also used AT&T DSL for gaming was suffering from the same problems I was, after hearing this I knew it was a regional problem. I informed my family of the problem and they decided the best course of action was to get a separate internet connection for my self. We contacted Mediacom (the only other provider in our area.) and we arranged for them to come hook us up. After the serviceman installed the modem I configured the router (during all of this I swapped back to my older Linksys router and installed a custom firmware to no avail) and what do you know, it worked. If you face a similar problem and use DSL try testing your internet with other games, if you face the same problem my only solution would to be to swap ISP's like I did.
  2. I've tried setting my modem to bridge mode and setting up the PPoE on my router to no avail.
  3. I recently discovered I have the same issue with Dead Island (Damned zombie games zombifying my net.) however I realized it's not a localized issue to this computer, it actually makes my modem drop connection to the internet.
  4. Alrighty, managed to connect to a server, same issue with the bios update however it was a bit delayed. I'm going to keep looking into the issue sometime tomorrow. I'll follow up with my results.
  5. Just a quick update on the issue, I flashed my bios and updated. Waiting for a few updated servers due to the update released a bit ago to test if the problem is still apparent. The new issue I appear to be facing is the waiting for host, however I believe this may just be the few servers that are updated being buggy.
  6. Alrighty, so I've been playing Arma 2 for quite some time on my older computer, it wasn't quite strong enough to play with a decent frame rate, so here recently I upgraded to -- AMD FX4100 Quad Core 3.6 Ghz MSI 760GM P21(FX) (Currently updating the BIOS to troubleshoot) 1x G.SKILL F3-10666CL9-4GBNT (Soon to be 2x) Sparkle ATI Radeon HD 6850 1GB GDDR5 Upon updating to the aforementioned hardware, whenever I launch through six launcher ( I have the steam versions of combined ops.) and then choose a Day Z server to play, I will connect (generally, sometimes internet crashes in the lobby.) wherein I will be able to run around for about twenty to thirty seconds and then I receive the orange chain, red chain, and then it begins to count up in the red text to ~ twenty five through thirty, before I regain connection for a few moments and then it repeats the process. I've ran ping in the background and discovered it is a total internet failure, here shortly I'll test ping on another computer and see if it is a total LAN failure to determine if it is the router. I've searched through the forums and it appears several other people have this issue, and none of them have been able to remedy it, several people pointing fingers at routers and modems, which... in my case appears to not be the issue because I was able to play before my upgrade. However my router is a -- Wireless-N 150 Router model WNR1000v2 Upon which I have disabled the SPI Firewall as others have done to remedy problems. However, I am not using the wireless capabilities of the router as to I am connected via an ethernet cable. I'll keep you posted on whether the BIOS update works to correct the issue. And the results of running ping on another computer on the network (connected via ethernet.)