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Everything posted by armyworm

  1. Hello! We're originally a Call Of Duty 4 clan but now have fallen into the grasps of DayZ we have set-up our own server and are currently hosting many different CoD4 servers as well! If you want to hop in to enjoy amazing No Lag experience for EU players as well as NA, we're a great Choice! @Gumclan.org Germany Dedicated Server Specs: 24GB DDR3 RAM Intel Core i7-920 Quadcore Hyper-Threading Tech 2x 750gb HDD Sata 3Gb/s Running in Raid 1 1 Gbp/s Port Connected @ 100Mbit 100GB Backup Space 436Mbit Down & 190Mbit Upload *Unlimited* Bandwidth ANTI DDOS AND IP BLOCKER USA Dedicated Server Specs: 16 GB DDR3 RAM 2x Quad Core Intel Xeon 3.5GHz 1 Gbp/s Port 1.5TB HDD Sata 3 *Unlimited* Bandwidth @ 436.03Mbps Down & 190.48Mbps Upload ANTI DDOS AND IP BLOCKER Contact us on Xfire via "http://www.xfire.com...munities/gum23/" Administrator Xfires: Jonesdx Hirax476 sjs192 http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ Sincerely #Gumclan.org Staff Team. __________________________________________ www.gumclan.org
  2. Try and edit the short cut parameter so it reads " -mod=@DayZ" I've had the same problem after applying the latest Arma2: OA patch.