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Everything posted by luciddose

  1. Be the change you want in the world. Stop shooting and claiming you "need to", and start trying to find ways to identify if someone would shoot you or not. Observe, collect data, and act on that intel. It'll save you a lot of headache than just running up to someone asking "friendly" and finding out you were wrong. -amen brother-
  2. dude kill someone for their beans or look around, there is plenty of food in towns if you go looking around.
  3. luciddose

    Build 1.5.8 rolling update

    hands down best game ever. If i could imagine a dream game this would be it, no spoon fed missions or levels or classes, everyone brings their own unique set of playing styles, tactics and skills to the game. while being equipped well might improve your chances of survival there is no guarantee you wont die from any of the numerous things that you have to battle to survive. Your updates are brilliant and I am seriously grateful to be apart of this unique gaming experience in a industry where you find it a rare thing for games to take a chance and try new things. Thank you for the mod and the updates keep them coming.
  4. luciddose

    Anybody want to Partner/Group up?

    add me on skype name is luciddose
  5. luciddose

    Most shocking thing you've seen.

    the most shocking thing i saw/experienced is after killing a bandit and shooting a trail of zeds i ran out of ammo on the last one and broke my leg thus crawling away fleeing, the Zed was on me like white on rice and all I could do was throw flares and empty cans at him, after i hit him in the head with a few tin cans to my amazement he stopped chasing and attacking while i crawled away to a safe distance. I used the last of my pain killers and out of ammo, water, food and everything i had i was finally able to get up to flee but as soon as I stood up I was shot in the head by a player. I laughed mostly because I had not a single thing to loot and shooting me was doing me a favor at that point.
  6. luciddose

    Build a SafeHouse

    could they fix zombies hitting me through walls before they consider doing a safe house?
  7. luciddose

    Melee Weapon Petition

    melee weapons are a great idea but why not make them have a chance of being dropped or lost like in swimming, eventually you will be grabbing anything you can use to attack with, a shovel, a knife, a flashlight a gas can. it might have a few good swings in it before its gone for good or have to be picked up again. Just a thought.
  8. luciddose

    PC Gamer article with features to come

    excellent article, it would be awesome if the dog could get infected and turn on you.
  9. luciddose

    Compressed day/night cycle?

    I sure hope no one listens to this i think the day/night cycle is perfectly implemented and shouldn't be touched, im constantly looking at the clock to see the time pass and playing 9 hours strait game sessions help with watching the day pass or night move on, the morning never felt so good.
  10. luciddose

    DayZ Update 1.5.7

    Thanks for the updates I played 9 hours last night and the servers updated halfway through the gaming session so the changes where very obvious. The zombie sounds is perfect i found zombies suddenly popping around corners after me scaring the crap out of me where before i heard them prob like twelve feet or more away. well done on the new sounds. the temperature and weather effects is awesome, i like the idea of needing to find shelter from a storm or having it affect your health/status. hope this gets implemented soon. I would love to see a boss or random bosses like larger or faster zombies in random locations that would need teams to take on or down with a chance for random loot. like a bigfoot in the forest or something lol or a creature that ran on all fours in a military hangers. the zombie count im torn on, you can sneak into town and still get gear if you know how, but it does seem a bit high, like scores just lumbering in a field, now an open field (something i would normally avoid) is a welcome sight because i can scan the horizon for hordes of zombies but seeing a zombie count of like 12 suddenly spawn in front of me turn and start running makes me drop a brick. its almost perfect but if you can lower the respawn rate and condense them more in the cities it would be boss. now even looking at a single house you know there is going to be more than one zombie at it. The panic is funny but happens a bit too often, my guy started panicking when he was on the 2nd floor of an abandoned warehouse and a single zombie was below. this im sure will be tweaked a bit in future releases. Excellent work and thanks for the updates.