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Raistlin (DayZ)

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About Raistlin (DayZ)

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    On the Coast
  1. Well where are some good places to search for guns?
  2. It's also a game, and games are supposed to be fun. Where's the fun in dieing 50 times because you can't fend something off? There is no fun.
  3. Has to be the stupidest thing i've ever encountered in a game, ever. What am I to do if a zed hears/sees me and I don't have anything to fend him off with? You can't avoid them forever, you know. And they are everywhere. Finding a gun is virtually impossible if you want to avoid detection from a zed. My past 4 lives have been deaths from zeds because I can't scavenge a gun with them all around me. They're so aware. So all it is a big death fest, unless you're extremelly lucky and find a gun.