It was not fixed as of 8-1 (Weds); however, there is a specific procedure you can follow to have no ill consequences. The current issue is that putting on a skin (camo/ghillie) rolls back your backpack to the backpack you were wearing prior to your current backpack, ie if you had a patrol pack and then found and ALICE pack and are currently wearing the ALICE pack then putting on camo will destroy your ALICE and you will be wearing an empty patrol pack. Hence the solution is simple. Place your backpack on the ground (or in a vehicle/tent). Now, wearing no backpack, use the camo. Your backpack will revert to the last backpack, which unfortunately means you'll dupe whatever backpack you currently have. Now that you have camo on, drop the duped pack (which should be empty), and go equip your real backpack which has all your stuff. Good luck. PS if this current bug is truly fixed then my post is pointless, however since there hasn't been a patch since this current bug came out I'd play it safe and follow my post. And be nice, don't keep the duped pack.