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About Killercheesepuff

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Killercheesepuff

    Traders and Traitors

    Just posting to say I really appreciate what your doing, and while I'm unlikely to use this because of my paranoia it's things like this that make this game great.
  2. Killercheesepuff

    Getting my character back?

    Hey, I went through the incredibly needlessly complicated method of creating an alt so that my friend could play on his account on my computer (because his broke). So now, even though I did everything to make it my character again, I keep logging in as him. As I had some valuable gear, and as I'd rather not only play when he can't is there any way I can fix this? I've tried clicking on the regestry file I saved to my comp byt that doesn't work. I tried to re make my account as another alt but that didn't work either.
  3. Killercheesepuff

    Your saddest moment in Dayz

    When I had just began the game all stary eyed and Idealistic, I saw a player running through a town chased by about 20 zombies. I fought them off for him with my new winchester. Once they were dead I asked if he needed any help over direct and he turned, and shot me in the face.
  4. Killercheesepuff

    Weapons Nerf - Rocket responds

    Were any guns changed that are not in DayZ? If not, well to all those "It's just bohemia changing Arma, has nothing to do with DayZ reasons" BS.
  5. Killercheesepuff

    Day Z Urban Legends

    Bump for awesome stories.
  6. Killercheesepuff

    DayZ Stories

    I just had the most amazing birthday present from DayZ. Well me and a friend had logged out in Myshkino after randomly finding a heli and being too excited from the adrenaline to do anything after looting it. About a week later we log in (my birthday actually) and make a plan. I know where Heli spawns are nearby so I plan to make my way through the spawns to the east and stop before the airfield, then circle around Lopatino and check Petrovka to check for player tents and vehicles. I was hoping that I would find a rangefinder or an NVG in a tent so I could avoid the dreaded barracks. In the middle of a nowhere field, I stop to check my location with a GPS. Being the cautious player I am I go prone and my friend follows suit. Not even seconds after I go prone I spot a player moving in from our right. If we had still been moving he most defiantly would have seen us. As it is we start freaking. We had rare gear an M107, DMR and FN FAL. As I had a sniper out I yelled for my friend to shoot him. The shots hit there mark and the name that marked him as dead showed up in the corner. We cleaned up our pants and scanned for any others before looting the body. We hadn't expected much, I mean why would someone with something good be wandering in a field of nowhere. How wrong we were. The guy had all the tools I had ever wanted, Rangefinder, second GPS for my friend and a pair of slick new NVGs. We freaked out in happiness. There was little point of going to the camps now, but I was determined to play more, the last time we had logged out after getting rare loot we had lost it all. We continued on our main path, getting our directions mixed up for a bit in our excitement. After about 20 minutes of running we were nearing the first Heli loot spawn on the map I was hoping to check. And holy shit, it was there. Two strokes of luck in a row, we were freaking out like little teenage girls over a twilight movie. I was determined to play it safe. I would get in a sniper position and watch as he looted, and if anything was worth me getting personally I would head down to pick it up. I would come for no less than a Ghille AS50 or M24. After scanning for snipers we decided it was safe enough and he began to loot. "Sweet get more mags for my FN FAL and HOOOOOLLLLLLYYYYYY SHITTTTTTT" "What is it" I said thinking of bandits. "Dude there's a SAW here." Now that was exciting, our group had never had a LMG before. He took it and continued looking in around. "Hey you said you wanted an AS 50 right?" "Yeah, did you find one?" "Yup." Not believing our luck I crawled out to loot it. After what felt like ages I made it to the Heli, and there it was, the most beautiful gun I had ever seen. I dropped my M107 and picked it up. We made it to the treeline and , not wanting to push our luck, logged off for the night. Thank you Rocket for the best in game birthday present ever :D