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Everything posted by Rabbican

  1. you blood will stay at 6k and won't drop... if you don't have much invested just respawn... otherwise pray to find some antibiotics... you will likely not survive the trip to the hosiptal. Chain rejoining the server sometimes get rid of the infection... sometimes (its a bug it shouldn't do that)
  2. Rabbican

    how to upgrade to 1.61?

    download six launcher, luanch the game through six launcher... it does everything for you.
  3. you have the HIV sir (infection)
  4. You should play the build (experimental build) Zombies do not despawn upon d/c.... so lets just say the map is littered with them and... they will molest your corpse that stays there 5 seconds after D/C.... They are actively working on the combat logging issue, the 5 min PVP dmg timer is one such measure, your body persisting 5 sec after d/c is another. I for example killed 2 people who d/ced after my initial shots... I couldn't loot their bodies but my murder count went up by 2.... I hope they enjoy the coast!
  5. Rabbican

    Pvp, Too much of it nowadays?

    PVP is what makes the game interesting and dynamic. Are you telling me your aspiration is to live in the woods hunt and drink from a lake after you have all the gear you can get. If for some reason they did disable a friendly fire mechanic.... I would just close doors on people or run them over with vehicles.
  6. Rabbican

    Any 1 else want the lee enfielt nerf?

    The Einfield will kill a solo player 100% of the time with one shot, because the first shot will take half your blood (5-7k) then incapacitate you as you bleed profusely for the rest of your life... the only way to survive the Einfield is have someone else bandage you while your passed out. It is a good thing the ammo is common for that gun, its a death sentence if you fire it from building where zombies will rush both entrances.
  7. Rabbican

    Military Offroads Missing in 1.7.2?

    Yes our military off-road also disappeared from the middle of our camp, none of our tents or other vehicles were touched, and we had just acquired the off-road 3 days ago (repaired it etc). I hope this awesome vehicle gets hot fixed back in!
  8. Rabbican

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Not sure if it has been reported here or not, but I noticed with the L85 removal, you still get the zero option + L85 hud in top right corner (while without a primary)... as an additional plus any Stanag round you drop and pick back up while having this bugged state = eaten Stanag rounds, this issue was fixed for me by relogging with a new primary. R.I.P. L85A2 AWS, Return of The GILLIE!
  9. Rabbican

    Incentive for not being a bandit?

    Zed you are my hero! Smarter/paranoid survivors have a higher life expectancy as they avoid fights and shoot when necessary. Dumb survivors that are too trusting have the same life expectancy as axe bandits.
  10. Rabbican

    calling all dedicated snipers...

    I am a dedicated bush sniper, accountant is my primary function IRL. DayZ is the thrill of my life... I fully intend to get my whole department playing... Camping Spawners with high powered rifles is just too cool. ... Is that the response your looking for? Stand on more roof tops or stand still in open fields... Thank you
  11. Cool table I will have to test it out.
  12. Great clip I will have to share with my friends.
  13. Rabbican

    Group ambush(6 vs 7 firefight)

    Also if you didn't know rifles like the m4 CCO and m16 ACOG are set to 300m zero, just aim for center of mass and you'll ICE your targets at close range... Hitting a prone target at close range can be tricky. The mp5 is 100 m zero , pretty much anything that Shoots 556 or larger ammo is 300m zero by default, the m14 aim is a 500m zero which can be tricky. Check out the weapon wiki for dayz it's pretty useful. I don't have the URL handy ATM.
  14. Rabbican

    Group ambush(6 vs 7 firefight)

    Good Video, very nice ambush, glad to see you all made it out with the goods. I like the point outs (arrows and exclamation points) in the video as well. My only criticism of Bahhh is he didn't use the zeroing on the L85 down to 100m, that is why you missed some of your targets at 50ish m shooting above their heads, until you adjusted and aimed down. Hitting the ground and doing the combat roll almost saved your life... just needed about .5 sec more, good instincts.
  15. Rabbican

    12000 Blood and one hit broken leg?

    zombie rolled a 20.... it happens. Imagine if a zombie punched you in your windpipe and killed you in one hit.... (can happen IRL if someone does that). You know there are ways to avoid being hit by zombies, get caught with your pants down prone is always a bad situation.
  16. Rabbican

    Any friendly severs?

    You can find a server where there is a large friendly clan running, one that supports people rather than killing them. Servers that ban for PK won't be open for long as rocket/dev team will black-list them. Dr. Wasteland and his medics is one such clan and there is a couple of trading post clans.
  17. Rabbican

    Please help me

    download six launcher....... launch the game through six launcher and you will never have an issue with loading/joining servers again... it does all the updates you need automatically. http://dayzmod.com/downloads.php click the six updater suite link. Trying to manually install / launch the game is very complex.... whereas six launcher does all the hard steps for you.
  18. Rabbican

    What happened to NY72 server?

    I am afraid I don't have a answer for you either, but I offer you two likely possibilities... First: server host stopped paying the bill for whatever reason, and lights went off... Second: the server may have been blacklisted, there is a thread in announcement section of the site (stickied) if you want to look through it for his server. Good luck getting an answer, I have played on 3 servers and all my friends and I lost all our stuff, and the most recent server stopped paying his bills and we at least saved our stuff because we got notice... Will miss the military offroad and ural + throwaway vehicles.
  19. Rabbican

    Wire fenced Cherno in ANZ1

    The infinite barbed wire glitch will be fixed next patch... In the meantime don't waste your time taking it down. Server restart won't help persists through. They are doing you a favor by walling it off.
  20. Just thought of simplest solution, switching server = trip to he beach (starter gear fresh spawn), would suck if your server was down or not updated.
  21. I think they are looking into server binding your characters... That would solve the issue. Your suggestion is a good one though, kills a little bit of the immersion, but would solve most the cons.
  22. I remember spawning near Balota Airfield once, running toward the med camps and and deer stands only to get caught by a zombie while proning, as I make my way in via the main gate while zombies are in tow.. I hear "you can make it man", via direct. He continued to encourage me on as I went up to check the deer stand across from the one he was holed up in.. No gun no luck. I get a zed to spawn near me and Argo, and my usual SOP would have been to kill that man with a makarov... But I told him via direct that I would run all the zombies out for him". So I did and he survived I got ko'd bu a zombie potshot while opening a gate. In the days of side. Just VoIP I would have just ran a horde of zombies on top of him. Either I am getting soft or no side chat is a good thing.
  23. Kill anyone I'm not on voice comm with... I did violate this rule once... He gave me bad intel on his whereabouts and he died.
  24. Rabbican

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    - Sound I want fog to dampen (-) my sound/visibility, physics be damned!