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Everything posted by desiredfx@gmail.com

  1. desiredfx@gmail.com

    I keep freezing mid-load and I get this message:

    I have same problem, its the 1.63 plus the shutdown of gamespy. I dont have steam version so im at a lose without a totaal reinstall of everything and old version of commander. also, if you are having this problem and you have steam version see this link and try it and let us know if it works. http://dayzlauncher.com/ that requires you to redownload the mods again since its a different launcher and the folder names are different etc. good luck and let us know
  2. Love these servers. Admins are active or every time i play there seems to be one on. Good group of people playing and more active other servers consistent numbers.
  3. desiredfx@gmail.com

    Battleye update failure.

    Same issue this fixed it. Thanks for the link
  4. desiredfx@gmail.com

    Looking for partner or group

    Says you have not setup your steam profile so i couldnt add you, im on east coast play on weekend a little bit. My account is desiredfx01 .. or PM me with a new way to contact we can setup a voice chat would be ideal
  5. desiredfx@gmail.com

    Any Tips for a noob

    Hi guys. after watching videos for a month and some live streams i decided to get the game and i have enjoyed it. I normally play games like battlefield 3 so this was a nice break from the chaos to a different kind of chaos. all in all its been fun. I do have a few questions and I did look for them and they sorta got answered. last night i was in a game that had side chat enabled and it was pretty fun, today i noticed that i could find a server with that feature. i read that the feature was disabled so was it disabled by the dev team are is that something that the server admins can control per server. also is there a thread that list players to look out for? today i was doing really well had lost of ammo and decent weapons and i spotted 2 guys so i yelled out friendly and they said yea. well after a moment i went down to them to see if they needed anything and they said they were doing ok. then pow, shot in the head lost everything.. Long story short. The Bandit names were. I will put a bounty on their heads if need be and we can hunt them down like dogs. there names were: Trojanbear TiddlyWinks Thanks guys & stay safe
  6. desiredfx@gmail.com

    Any Tips for a noob

    Thanks guys, Much appreciated. I will check out the Arma 2 as suggested. .
  7. desiredfx@gmail.com

    Any Tips for a noob

    so just all of you are asshole i get it now, Thanks
  8. This is because there is too many users I just grabbed the file from another source such as http://www.fileplay.net/f/15720/mirrors#mirror-top
  9. This worked for me, Thanks for the post and video much appreciated Also thanks for the link to the launcher. I like that a lot better than the six launcher
  10. desiredfx@gmail.com

    Help - Stuck at "Loading" screen

    This worked for my Waiting to load screen.. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/30845-loadingwaiting-fix/ thank him if it works for you.
  11. desiredfx@gmail.com

    Loading/Waiting fix

    yea patch was only like 8mb got the same error and went just as fast. Got in and some fool shot me in the head while i was just trying to survive. maybe i will turn up the lights the flares led that ass right to me.
  12. desiredfx@gmail.com

    Loading/Waiting fix

    Thanks so Much, This worked for me.hope it works for others.