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Everything posted by aBipolarTree

  1. aBipolarTree

    DayZ 1.7.7.Dev Bug List

    No Idea if it has anything to do with the people spawning in Debug plains, but 2 of my friends that've ended up there along with other random people I asked were all heros.
  2. aBipolarTree

    IS THIS YOUR CAMP! Thanks for the as50s and cars!!!!

    Well apparently other people in the group noticed it but I was the only one dumb enough to reply and mention other possible stuff we have for you to destroy >.>
  3. aBipolarTree

    IS THIS YOUR CAMP! Thanks for the as50s and cars!!!!

    Hey where was this at on the map? I haven't had a chance to play in a few days and my group has a camp on that server :o The one on 1546 Edit- Yeah the camp on 1546 was my groups :( Was the UARL there?
  4. aBipolarTree

    HAX EVERYWHERE! Officially unplayable

    Like a few of the other guys, I've yet to see a hacker in the couple months I've played, maybe you just need to play on less populated servers or something >.>
  5. aBipolarTree

    Full release - Map discussion

    What it sounded like to me is Rocket is getting his own team from Bohemia so if they was able to put in half the stuff I've seen on this thread in like a year I'd be willing to pay $60 for it
  6. aBipolarTree

    Had a good run tonight! How was yours?

    Started out okay, then went pretty bad. So I had a character who'd made it to Day 3, which is the longest I've ever made it xD Part way through the night I finally replace my m16 with an m14 and managed to dodge some snipers. Then as I was searching the barracks I got shot in the back and my longest life was over
  7. aBipolarTree

    Is there a typing-chat server?

    US114 Kansas has side chat where you can always talk to other people, but its almost always full. Besides that just about every server has direct chat where you can talk to people within a certain radius
  8. aBipolarTree

    Add shovels as melee weapons

    As seen in scary movie 3, you can already reload them so they'd fit right in with the other melee weapons
  9. aBipolarTree

    Kicked from all servers

    Yeah same thing just happened to my friend, glad my lucky ass closed out steam a little bit ago :D
  10. aBipolarTree

    Global banned

  11. aBipolarTree

    Thank the dev thread

    Just post a "Thank You" if you want, or post anything relating to their awesomeness for making an amazing mod that tons of people have played In my case, this game has pretty much became the only game I play, I haven't touched my xbox in a month and Im considering selling it right now because none of my games are as fun as this one, and it just feels weird going back to them. Thank you guys for taking the crap from the part of the community that only knows how to complain about the problems of the mod, I look forward to seeing what you guys do down the road
  12. aBipolarTree

    Using a controller

    Heres how I see it, Caviano you have a right to say whatever you want, however you want dude, just the same as everyone who disagrees with your tone has the right to tell you about how they don't like it, but I do think a warning was uncalled for And on topic, I mentioned something about xpadder above, if you go through with using a controller and can't figure it out, send me a PM and I'll try to help
  13. Not sure if this has been suggested before, but my idea is to make zombies slower, able to do more damage, and to make them harder to kill. Now I know I've seen suggestions similar to this one, but how about spawn a larger group of zombies as the player gets close to an area, and then increase the time it takes that group of zombies to respawn, This way you'd have to fight harder to clear an area, but once their gone, you'll have time to loot without worrying about a zombie randomly spawning right outside the building you're in and attacking you if you have your inventory up or something like that.
  14. aBipolarTree

    A suggestion for the zombie AI

    Seems like a good idea too, but I'd say make the the quicker ones spawn less, and also completely get rid of the crawling and crouching zombies, they're annoying >.>
  15. aBipolarTree

    Using a controller

    I've tried using controllers on Pc shooters before, and trust me man, it won't work well for you >.> but if you wanna do it anyway, try getting a program called Xpadder, once you figure out how to use it, you can easily map the controls you want.
  16. So I was playing on US114 Kansas and after camping the sw airfield in the air control tower, we left to see in side chat that it had been destroyed. Then we ended up camping out the church in Cherno only to hear sounds on the outside followed by the church collapsing, which I survived. After I got out and hid, I saw another building collapse a street over a few minutes later. Also I can't confirm it, but a friend who spawned in elektro said there were destroyed buildings there as well. So I'm wondering...what are the chances of this being legitimate?
  17. aBipolarTree

    Whats the chances of finding satchel charges?

    So its not very likely is what your saying? Just as I figured >.> At least it most likely wasn't our fault our camping in the church plan went to hell xD
  18. aBipolarTree

    You Assholes

    Though it is annoying at times, I actually think its half of what makes the game fun.
  19. So I updated to and the latest arma 2 beta patch, and whenever I go to join any server I get the message saying that all the servers are running 1.7.2 DAYZ_CODE. My question is, are the servers outdated and mislabeled or is there something wrong on my end?
  20. aBipolarTree

    Incorrect version of DAYZ_CODE?

    Yeah this seems to be working, thanks. Ive managed to join two or three so far, but they were all night >.> I guess I should've just waited to update EDIT: I guess I screwed something up while updating, I used six launcher and I can join more servers, but Im getting stuck on waiting for character to create now