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Everything posted by Triaon

  1. Triaon

    DayZ Stories

    Just spawned in on a server, laying down so sniper cant find me as easy, scouting the airfield, i see 2 guys prone crawling on the way to the control tower, so i decided i wanted to kill them for there backpacks and weapons, (m4a1) and a alice backpack. after i have taken them out with 15 shots since its about 340 meter away and im shooting with a lee enfield. i got there stuff and i started to run around looting to controll tower and the rest of the airfield. when im done and i want to get away from airfield. Boom one shooted by a sniper with a 50. cal, me thinking well. im going to play something else to get my mind of it. get back 4 hours later. dammit need to start over
  2. Me and my brother and cousin joined this server thinking that we was going to get a good time playing, getting cars and stuff, but when i join we check to camping tents to check if the loot was taken, but none was touched, after 2 minutes i heard a loud boom like 100 meters away, thinking it was a helicopter that crashed, then i remembered hackers can spawn heli's and sometime the heli explode when spawning. then a guy in ghillie apeared infront of me and looked at me, i instantly asked if it was my brother or cousin and they said it was not them so i started shooting the guy and he died in like 2 seconds, while looting hes body i saw like 50 meter circle around us filled with bear traps, when they were triggred they did go off but without hurting me, then i heard my brother saying that hes gear is gone, there after dieing instantly, my cousin lost his gear too, i did to but dced instantly since the hackers were going to kill us. when i joined another server to see if my inventory was lost i found out my inventory was okay but my cousin wasnt, all his weapons gone everything. sry for no pics or video, i didnt think of it. Name of hacker: gooser, i think he was admin since hes ping was like 20. What happen: killed my brother and stole my cousins inventory, breaking my legs with 100+ beartraps. near our camp that is gone now
  3. Lawl butthurt, i like getting killed by players and i like to kill players so? wtf is the problem?
  4. I tried to join the server 4 times and i keep getting kicked? what the hell? i played for 3 mins and then i got kicked, same everytime!
  5. Hey im looking for a few Danish talking player that i can join up with. myself : 15 years old played for 4 days now, have lee enfield and a RDW, add me on skype if you want to play with me and my brother, and cousin. skype : MrTriaon Steam : MrTriaon
  6. Triaon

    Zombies movement

    Hey there. i know its kinda a bad suggestion to make but what the H*ll. i think instead of the zombies running so fast, they should be slow, like in the walking dead, but with 3 times as many zombies. This will make it easier to run away from them, but if you trap'd near a shopping market with 50 slow walking zombies it would hard as hell to get out of there since you dont have 5 rounds to every zombie that is there. It's simply a suggestion, comment if you like it or if you have a suggestion that would make it better.
  7. Triaon

    Zombie aggro?

    Hi, do you guys think that the zombie aggro is too op. i tried when i was in elektro with my brother and cousin that they like raped us only because of the hordes coming in, when we finally got them killed, one was dead, two was very low on blood. notes this was on a regular server and what is the differnent between vet and reg? sorry for my bad english