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About Rambo00

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    On the Coast

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    Born Killer
  1. Rambo00

    DayZ Stories

    Now a full blown survivor! after loading up the game and giving it a good go, i died immensly, getting frustrated as i knew i was a good gamer but this game had gotten the better of me. My mates were all up in the NW Airfield and i just couldnt get there, kept aggro'ing the Z's no matter how prone i was, getting shot by bandits, just a mess, but i wasnt gonna let that deter me. It was late and all my mates have logged out, i was persistant so i started at Kamenka with nothing but a flashlight and bandage, scrounging my way through got a few bandages and stuff nothing exciting. Headed up north towards the deer stands, crouching ,squating, lying you name it i did got into all the deers stands nothing, was getting pissed. On the way up to Pavlovo i managed to stir up some Z's, F@#k not again i said so started doing the bitch bolt through pavlovo trying to shake these blood thirsty maggots, got hit once bleeding up a treat, managed to give them the flick. Bnadaged myself up and was on like 7k blood still with nothing to defend myself with, im getting angry right about now. Im stuck in Pavlovo with nothing and i wanted to make my way to Zelengorsk there wwere a few barnes there with high yeild so i creeped my way out of Pavlovo and went into the last house that was on the edge of Pavlovo and got myself an axe "WIN" i said, not much to get excited about but at least it something. on the way out of the house i startled up 2 Z'ds dispatched them quite easily with my trusty axe, was feeling happier about myself right about now. Made my way to the deer stands dispatched a few more Z's with the ace still nothing, i couldnt believe my luck.got to the Barn South of Zelegorsk and got swarmed by Z's i dont know how one saw me in the open but it did, kiled him off and then heaps spawned around me and it was on like donkey kong! dispatched like 15 of them and got into the Barn bandaged myself up was running real lean now with 3k blood, but i wanted to survive and get closer to my mates, wasnt gonna let this get to me. Walking close now to Zelengorsk beacuse i can see there was a Supermarket there and i need gear real bad. So tread quietly through one of the houses "BINGO" a M1911 with 2 clips i was extatic right about now, finally i had a decent weapon on me, i was just about to get out of the house and heard firing, first it sounde like one gun then another one went off, shitting my bricks right about now, like a real man i started back tailing into the house, didnt want to end my outing on this. i thought about it for a few minutes and then bravelly went to have a look as the firing was now at a bit of a distance, had a glance around the house and could see 3 of these guys just murdering Z's in the Supermarket i was fuming as thats were i wanted to be and these guys for sure a gonna loot everything, my hunger light is flashing and so is my thirst, so i moved closely now to the second house and to my suprise a can of coke , matches and a steak knife wohooo! finally i'm having some luck, quickly drank the coke and was thinking leaset now i can kill na animal and cook and eat it get my blood back up, i let these guys go off on there rampage and still decide to see if they had left anything in the Supermarket, couple bandages a water bottle and a map and some Frank and Beans just to get my health not flashing anymore but no weapons "Sigh". I stared over the horizon and what do i see a cow "YESSSS" i run over there allerting 2 zombies dispatched them with my new M1911 feeling like a true warrior now i take out the cow with 2 head shots, skin it and then take 8 steaks and run to the forset, fired up and cooked all 8 and got my health back up to about 11k, was feeling happy about myself as i could survive this s@#t. Made my way east of Zelegorsk as there were a few barnes there got myself a Double Barrel shotgun, got into some strife with some Z's survived. all in all happy i hadn't encountered any bandits yet. North of Zelegorsk got myself an AKM from a barn and 3 clips things were lookming up for me now and then i heard some shotsvery close to me from the Barn earlier i was in, thats it my heart started poundin i knew i was in it now, got myself in a tactical position behind some crates and had my AKM pointed at the door, who ever was gonna run in to this Barn was gonna cop it, i hadn't survived all this time to get wiped out now, 20 mins passed and i was not gonna give up my position not now and then i saw this head pop around the door, i opened up like a mad man and dropped him, i was shaking my heart thumping, after i got rid of another 6 more zombies i got the courage and looted my prey, he had everything Alice pack, morphine, epi pen, 2 blood bags, 2 cooked steaks G17 with 2 clips, map. I was pumped looted everything swapped my shitty coyote pouch and was feeling happier about myself now and just ran to the forest about 60 meteres and just lied down thinking about everything that has happened and couldnt wait to let my mates know how much progress i have done, then i heard a shot go off and then another right after it 2 guys were making there way to the barn i just got out of, first i thought to just log out and call it a night as it was like 2.30am, but the greed took over me, what was i afraid of i've survived this whole time taking out 15-20 Z's with just my axe, im not gonna let these guys get the better of me, so i position myself just infront of the barn doors in the forest got a good clearing and im ready. I let the first guy come in, he makes his way up the ladder, could've have shot him but i waited, waited for the next guy and he too slowly made his way in and up the other ladder. i couldnt see them anymore and was patient as i had a good spot and they had to come down sooner or later, and they did one tried to run past but i opened up and dropped him and then looked over and the other guy ran out but as soon his mate went down he tried to run back in but overshot the barn and looked like he was trying to glitch through the door so i destroyed him. Now i was feeling better about myself, went over there to loot them not much useful items, one had an lee einfeild, the other a winchester and some bandages that i took. was getting late i decided to make my way to Green Mountain, got inside not much in there, was going to run out but saw like a Batallion of zombies and decided to log out and call it a night. Now i will wait for my comrades to come and save me, i did my hard yards........................ Now im loving this game.