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Everything posted by gll_5852@hotmail.com

  1. gll_5852@hotmail.com

    DayZ and Vehicles

    Vehicles are the hardest thing to find in dayz and what i was thinking was that you make cars either have a higher spawn rate or make cars able to spawn any where there is a road because i play with 5+ people and we havent found one vehicle we have checked all spawn locations and we server hopped to try to find one but we never have. Just make more things more realistic just make cars have a higher spawn rate or to spawn anywhere on a road (and a chance to get luck and find a perfect car with no damage because realistically who would destroy 2+ wheels their engine and oil tank. and really you see 100+ blown up cars everywhere WHY WOULD THEY BE BLOWN UP???? i really hope this is put into the newest patch it would really help
  2. gll_5852@hotmail.com

    Group of cheaters in DE 616 server

    oh god NOOOO I PLAY ON THIS SERVER MY VEHICLES ARE GONE! please pm me Lulua exactly what vehicles were there i want to make sure those hackers didnt take my stuff
  3. gll_5852@hotmail.com

    DayZ Stories

    My shitty story happened because of our noob friend crying about how he wanted to kill some one with his CZ550 Me and my friend CJM started playing dayz over 1 month ago we picked up the game quickly because we both always play first person shooters since COD2 and Battlefield 1942. Me and CJM were both great snipers and spotters but i like the role as a spotter and he took the sniper. We didn't have many people because no one else had hardcore computers like ours but we did find one person RinaNNo he is also great with FPS's (CSS, BF3 etc.) we get another member Cavan with a laptop that can barely run Arma 2 and finally a noob named Dean or Young $ Dean (be aware if you see him please call him Deanie the weenie) Dean sucks at realistic shooters like BF3 and Arma 2 he says loves to snipe he says he is awesome at it but realistically he sucks he can only COD queer snipe. CJM is kind of our leader he keeps us organized and on our toes him being the "leader" we gave him the M107 that we just found in an ATV spawn and some other goodies he died with it once while giving out sniper support for me and Deanie the weenie at the NW AF. Me and RinaNNo managed to find yet another M107 in a VS3 parked in full condition next to the Ural spawn (which we later fixed up and took) we gave the M107 to CJM again besides the fact he died with it once all ready and we were all looking for some action so we went back to the NW AF we waited for awhile and saw zombies spawn we knew we were in business after 10 mins i managed to spot a bandit inside the air traffic controller we couldn't take the shot because he kept going prone Dean kept crying how he wanted to shoot him and we told him no not untill we get a good shot thankfully he didnt he was 600m away and was ranged still at 300m. We watched all the exits and he never left we figured he disconnected and were about to log then i look to my right to see a survivor running past all the zombies getting a giant horde behind him we could tell this was his first visit. The guy cleared all the Zed's and went looting we couldn't get a good shot because he was always moving so we decided to bait him with a DMR. We made Dean run down there and drop a DMR in the 3rd hanger so we could easily see and shoot him it was a success the guy took his sweet time grabbing the DMR and all at once me CJM and RinaNNo shot to insure a death Dean being an idiot was next to the barracks and got a Zed on him we Killed the survivor and the Zed and Dean keps crying how he wanted some of the loot for doing jack shit and how he should have gotten the kill. RinaNNo had to DC (it was 4am) so me and CJM went down to scavenge the guy and other goodies and we made Dean cover us with his CZ550 armed with 8 mags (i know a little much but we wanted to make sure he could get a kill and when we went in we gave him 1 job to watch our ass and make sure no one came in behind us from the mass of bullets. We checked the body to find some great loot he had a L85 with thermal a M4A3 CCO SD and the DMR we dropped we grabbed the good stuff and dropped our shit. But of course Dean failed to do his only job (figured) i had out my Remington to easily kill Zed's at close range and CJM yells out ah im getting shot at i look at the side of the hanger to see 2 guys with m16's shooting at CJM first he dies i try to shoot back but could deal no damage from the further range then like a miracle just as i get shot my internet times out like usual at the perfect time i grab my phone and yell at Dean to shoot the 2 idiots before he grabs CJM's shit and of course somehow dean gets 2 Zeds on him and he spends 10 long mins to try to kite them away he fails and shoots them with his CZ he wasted 3 FUCKING CLIPS for 2 zombies and i was really pissed though because #1 the 2 guys ran to the next hanger then hid in the corner because of the shots and #2 there was a cross hair at the middle of his screen my internet finally comes back up and i join the server the loading screen took forever and to top it off i was passed out for the longest possible time i finally get in the game and i take out my M16 with the grenade launcher to my luck the guy drops a smoke shell and i had my HE shell while i was passed out though Dean has the greatest vantage point from the top of the hill at the southern end of the AF he can clearly see where the 2 idiots are hiding in the side of the hanger i told him to see their distance use the mouse wheel it says it he finds their range of 400m and shoots 3 times at the guy and he missed every time so like a fag he starts calling them hackers and such and claiming that he hit them by then i just got up and grabbed the shell so i walked out of my hanger around it onto their side and waited for Dean to call out their positions he said i was right next to them that they were around the corner so i backed up and launched the smoke next to their position once the smoke covered part of the entrance i loaded in the HE shell and went rambo i used the smoke as some cover and shot through the smoke and hit the wall behind them BOOM DOUBLE KILL i come back and rush in to hear flies but no bodies the 2 assholes disconnected once i shot. i got both kills saw both kill confirmed below and i wasn't satisfied at all i was still pissed the took the Cyote Backpack the M107 and the L85 with thermal so i though they did take the M107 but when h switched the backpacks the L85 derped itself into his alice pack (now on CJM's back) me being the spotter i knew that the thermal would be an amazing tool to help me spot enemies that i cannot see but Dean being the greedy bitch that he is takes the L85 dosn't know how to use it hell he didn't even know how to ADS FOR CHRIST SAKE i told him just right click you will see into the scope and finally he found out how so later i got sick of his shit and how before he kept telling us how he is absolutely AMAZING at sniping and bullshit like that and how whenever we killed some one he would wine how he wanted the kill so when we went back to our camp and finally regrouped i took out my DMR and popped him once in the back of the head ended him quick and quiet and kicked him from the skype call so i would have to hear his bitching. This is why i hate cocky noobs -_-
  4. gll_5852@hotmail.com

    People who ALT+F4.........

    Hey dont forget the two in the air traffic controller that were shot and ALT-F4'ed
  5. gll_5852@hotmail.com

    RU 1 Hacker

    me and my freind spawned above the NE airfeild we looked down there to see 5+ bycicles, 2 motorcycles, a bus, 2 cars, 2 tractors, and 3 atv's. we didnt go in because we knew it was a trap we were both hiding in a low pine tree with no way of seeing then my other buddy logged on. all of the sudden a guy rand up to my first frend popped him with an as50 then at my other freind then lastly he ran up to me looked at me and popped me. (we all had guhillie suits and were inside trees i call hacks)
  6. gll_5852@hotmail.com

    Arma 2 OA no vehicles

    i have no idea what happened but after i reinstalled arma 2 and operation arrowhead i cant see any modern guns i cant see any vehicles but the A-10 warthog, motorcycle, and one type of car. I deleted arma 2 and OA againg and then arma 2 loaded fine but OA is still missing allot of things when i try to join an armex with my friends with only OA i get kicked for "modified data files" and i dont have chernarus on my map list. So i joined them with combined ops i got in but i was a Crow flying around and i couldent see them or any of the vehicles. I deleted arma 2 OA OVER AND OVER AGAIN but its all the same. i checked all the files it shows the C130J and the Ah-1H but i cant see them all of my missions are fucked up and only dayz really works some one help :(
  7. gll_5852@hotmail.com

    Arma 2 OA no vehicles

    would you be able to add me on steam or skype so you can guide me where the files are and what i should delete?and also my arma 2 works perfectly there is no problems with that should i still delete both or onlt OA
  8. gll_5852@hotmail.com

    Arma 2 OA no vehicles

  9. gll_5852@hotmail.com

    Arma 2 OA no vehicles

    What is this error???
  10. gll_5852@hotmail.com

    Loot dissapears every time character is logged out/in

    is youre game up to date, are you playing on an up to date server or a server with a different patch as you? if you are then look in the middle of the screen its allmost invisible but you should see a message saying something is not saving or something is not running (i cant remember it exactly it was so hard to read) but everytime you disconnect it dosent save anything this happened to me before. also do you see the debug on the side of youre screen (blood, murders, etc.) if not you or the server anre not up to date with the patch eg. you have patch and you play on a just delete dayz and reinstall it IF none if these are on youre game
  11. the same thing has happened to me i was scavenging in stary sobor when all the sudden i dropped no daed sign and i respawned inside electro with a lee a makarov and barely any food. turns out my little brother was banned so he took my cd key and played on that not knowing he was on my account so when he logged off and i logged in i dropped.
  12. gll_5852@hotmail.com

    DayZ and Vehicles

    think though its incredibally hard to find one car though even if the increases the spawn chances would be great because im on day 14 and i havent seen one USEABLE car i have see one flipped atv i wouldent care about the more bandits and such it would make the game more realisticlike why does a helicopter spawn ontop or Rog Por its an old castle thats rediculious and if they had the power to land it why would ite rotor be broken or why would it be hevily damaged there are no flying zombies with heat seaking missles under their arms and a minigun for a mouth.
  13. gll_5852@hotmail.com

    DayZ and Vehicles

    one reason why i would say you should find a perfectly good vehicle is because look at other zombie movies the idiots just ditch their cars every where like take zombieland for example there are cars everywhere in perfect condition.i would say sometime you get unlucky and find a blown out wheel or destroyed engine and some cars might be out of fuel.
  14. gll_5852@hotmail.com

    The best sniper spots in DayZ

  15. gll_5852@hotmail.com

    Banditry, Or How I Learned to Stop Crying and Love the Murders

    damn i hate little fucking kids like that they join youre group bitch about how he wants every good drop even though its fair game you kill it you get it and then after thay act like king and kill you when you have youre best gear really though i would love to join youre group im 16 i will give you all respect and i dont bitch and i can handle any job im given if you would like to recruit me just send me a pm im on all the time.
  16. gll_5852@hotmail.com

    Starting a Productive Bandit Clan w/ Roles!

    hey if you still need a member just pm me im 16 and will be willing to take any job handed to me
  17. gll_5852@hotmail.com

    The best sniper spots in DayZ

    i prefir to go to Pop Ivan its allmost directly south of stary sobor this hill is great because you can see the military tents and the hills north of stary sobor where snipers usually are you can also see the entrance to stary so this is a very nice counter sniper and sniping spot.
  18. gll_5852@hotmail.com

    Bandit Forum

    a couple of days ago me and my friend were sniping around electro he picked of one guy first then after waiting about 10 mins i take one last look around electro when we see dome guy looking straight at us in the power plant with binocs he zeroed down to 200m and shot at him but raight after there was 4 KILL REPORTS i asked my friend how many kills do you have? he got 3 and got a colateral somehow? so i investigated and looked at his body there was only one person i turned around and looked at the back window where i saw some guhillie dead in a feild with an M107 we were flipping out to see that we got them both so sorry to MATT and Tacos for killing you both XD
  19. gll_5852@hotmail.com

    Global ban from a hacker in-game?

    Earlyier today i joined US350. After a fiew minuites of scavanging around everyone died from carpet bombs (i knew it was a hacker) so i restarted and was scavanging around electro when a guy named xXTROLLZORXx ran up to me with a gold ak and dressed as a preist he asked me for beans i told him i didnt have any so then he said good luck then 2 seconds later i was banned GLOBALLY i have no idea what he did so after a fiew hours of accepting this horrible fate i decided to rebuy arma 2 on my old steam account and i was pretty pissed to find i was banned on that account to some how. and all i want to know is how can i play dayz again because every time i download it on another account im banned so i want to know how can i buy arma 2 on this computer and play dayz?
  20. gll_5852@hotmail.com

    Global ban from a hacker in-game?

    I know how you would think this because battleye never gets things wrong but what i thought he did was put something into my arma 2 because when you join it gives out things like youre ip address and such and if they have the ability they could easily put a script into my game
  21. gll_5852@hotmail.com

    Global ban from a hacker in-game?

    um winzip? i dont really see how it will help with the cd key (and i have no idea how to use it). And yes it is not free (pro***lly never will be)
  22. gll_5852@hotmail.com

    Global ban from a hacker in-game?

    i understand what you are all saying with how battleye usually waits 1 day untill it bans but what he did was say "good luck" and then i was kicked then when i joined a battleye server i was instantly banned i never got into the game as it was loading into it it told me i was banned oh and thank you That Cat for thjat cd cleaner i will try it out today :rolleyes:
  23. gll_5852@hotmail.com

    Global ban from a hacker in-game?

    can anyone send me a link to "clean" my cd key and a website where i can contact BattlEye?
  24. gll_5852@hotmail.com

    Global ban from a hacker in-game?

    Legacy where can i go to "clean" my cd key because i deleted my arma 2 and re installed it now i just need the cd key "cleaner"
  25. gll_5852@hotmail.com

    Global ban from a hacker in-game?

    i was very suspicious of the person who banned me because liasten to the hackers name in this server