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Everything posted by rikske66

  1. yep just got global banned #53b3 :/
  2. rikske66


    http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/Weapon_Comparison_Table pretty much low power high fire rate so unless you headshot your gonna need to shoot alot of bullets into zeds
  3. rikske66

    Is zombie agro broken since last patch?

    i wouldnt really be complaining
  4. yesterday me and my clan mates finally managed to fix up a helicopter and fly around with it a bit when hackers came into the server and killed everyone that was on at the time. we suspect that they stole the helicopter and teleported it some where off map...(this also seems to be the case with other vehicles on the server like the Ural) im wondering if theres any spot off map where vehicles can be stashed and not be destroyed or are we just retarded and never been able to find these vehicles anywhere (not even with the helicopter) on map.
  5. rikske66

    Hmmmm well shit.

    AS50 has effective range of 1.6 km even worse :P
  6. they are in the game atm there is 1 confiremed spawn at the south easteren island called skalisty island
  7. rikske66

    six launcher

    hi everyone, ive been using sixlauncher for a while but i was just wondering when i was trying to run dayz without sixlauncher: what .exe does sixlauncher use to launch the game? because i cant get dayz to work without sixlauncher.... thanks in advance :)
  8. rikske66

    Your rules for shoot on sight

    is it just me or does this guy never say something usefull at all?
  9. problem is your only telling us the problem but you seem to be unable to give a solution wich makes this post quite inferior
  10. rikske66

    Found NPCs with G36C SD

    player can drop their backpacks
  11. rikske66

    Move GPS?

    leave please
  12. rikske66

    six launcher

    dont really see how this anwsers my question....
  13. rikske66

    Just got killed by a fuckin tree...

    you must be new here
  14. rikske66

    six launcher

    yeh i tried that but when i use that one it doesnt work because it keeps kicking me of all the the server with the error message: you can not play/edit this mission as it is dependent on downloadable content that has been removed. again with sixlauncher this does work so its not a problem im just wondering how sixlauncher does get it to work....
  15. rikske66

    Can you make safehouses?

  16. rikske66

    Not sure if weapon is hacked in

    100.01% sure hacked
  17. this will kinda break the sandbox idea of this mod so i kinda think this is a bad idea
  18. rikske66

    Sniper rifles

    if you pick up a sniper in this game and dont put any research on how to use it at all your gonna have a bad time....
  19. rikske66

    Don't Stream snipe!

    stream sniping to prove the streamer suks is like shooting Mike Tyson in the face with a shotgun and saying hes a bad boxer.... its just not fair!
  20. rikske66

    Why I faint

    if its below 9k theres a chance to get knocked out and i THINK(so im not sure) this chance increases when your blood level lowers further down when your blood goes below 3k your gonna pass out on random
  21. rikske66

    What weapons are in DayZ?

    all weapons will stay like they are from where you find them theres no way to modify them but your gonna have a hard time finding the best ones
  22. rikske66

    [Suggestion] Non-lethal weapons

    this may sound wierd but might be a very good solution
  23. i think this is a good idea but i think you shouldnt be able to log in to a server you left in the past 10 minutes(maybe more maybe less) so that people can no longer disconnect-join other server-flank-log back into other server-kill because thats probably a bigger problem in the wilderness than in cities.
  24. rikske66

    Day Z Urban Legends

    bumping this because these stories are good
  25. rikske66

    New Day-z Stream

    advertising your stream is probably one off the worst things you can do.... but good luck anyways :)