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Everything posted by Dylan(Pezix)

  1. Dylan(Pezix)

    Kidnapping/ Slave Trafficking/ Cannibalism?

    RPing is why this game looked so awesome from the beginning,.. watching all the youtube vids of robbings, and clan negotiations. I fully uptake any role and play it out (Tried being a ZED EXTERMINATOR but ended up just getting shot by bandits 3 times even though I had no valuable gear).. RPing rarely or won't ever happen now in most games, it now is COD DAYZ OPS lol
  2. Dylan(Pezix)

    Found a use for tincans/whisky bottles

    I wish we could make noise alert traps from them like if someone trips a wire the whiskey and tin can fall making a bunch on noise, alerting zeds to their position. I would fuckin boobie trap EVERYTHING!!!!!
  3. The crossbow is a true stealth masters weapon.. I engaged two bandits with my crossbow and neither of them knew what was happening as they paniced, went prone, rolled around, then got up and ran.. and then died after alerting zeds and bleeding out. Some will say it sucks, they don't have patience.
  4. Dylan(Pezix)

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    I saw more dead bodies than I have ever seen before in this game after this patch... It was so bad I thought the server/glitch was randomly killing people for a sec. Usually when people see me I say hi and trade, yesterday I just ran away and inside the game died alittle to me... Time to be a hermit in the woods and play Cabelas non dangerous hunts 2012...
  5. Just and idea I know there has been tons but to me this might ease a bit of the massacre happening on all the servers.. The reason: People are starting to not give a fuck about losing their lives and are running rampant through the streets shooting whatever moves and spawn camping has become a serious problem. Because skin morphing is going away and humanity is a hidden mechanic that may never fully be implemented again. I look at the debug screen and see a murder counter which has no in game effect besides being a counter. Solution: For every murder under your belt you must wait one minute after death to respawn. Example 10 murders = 10 minutes for respawn. Why this might work!! Example 1: People will grow tired of spawn, kill, die, wait. Example 2: Rather than murdering we might see the aspect of robbing people again or knee capping them strategically and forcing them to surrender their loot, which makes for a more diversed game (which I believe we are all here for). Example 3: Allows the non combatant a minimal head start out of the main spawns to get into safer zones, allowing REAL bandits the pleasure of the hunt. Example 4: Adds a level of hesitence to the action of killing someone. Example 5: Those with super long term sprees 50+ murders might start changing their minds as thier spawn timer keeps increasing. Seeing previous murderers turn good guys?? Example 6: Making those elite killers reknown just like long lived survivors! ***IN NO WAY IS YOUR CHARACTER ALTERED*** ***THIS DOES NOT REMOVUE THE PVP ASPECT OF THE GAME*** ***EVERYONE IS PENALIZED NO DIFFERENCE BETWEEN BANDIT OR SURVIVOR*** I just want to see some balance and a bit more seriousness taken by players. Please your feedback, additions, or suggestions are welcomed. I came up with this idea last night on the seattle server as a HELO of bandits were spawn camping to the point of massive disconnects or players disreguard to their own lives.
  6. Dylan(Pezix)

    Leave messages for other survivors

    I wanted to suggest this as well!! Reminds me of demon soul with a the random messages haha +1 to this idea good sir!
  7. Dylan(Pezix)

    Minutes for murders! Solving the "shoot on site".

    Well at a 100 kills that would be 100 minutes which is an hour and forty so almost two hours which means that non hostile players get almost two hours of free time having one less serial killer to worry about, I have expanded on my idea quiet alot since I started this thread and I will write more when I get home. Please try and be more constructive than "This is a stupid idea", feed the solution don't kill it :)
  8. Dylan(Pezix)

    Minutes for murders! Solving the "shoot on site".

    I'd like to see humanity tied in as well, but only for the murder count just because if it were based off humanity those with -100000k would have to wait a long time after each death. Lets build on this and see if we can all agree on a viable system. I don't want to decrease the player base I just want it to balance out the play style a bit.. More survival sim less CoD DM.
  9. Dylan(Pezix)

    Minutes for murders! Solving the "shoot on site".

    I see your points, that's why I stated knee capping and robbing but It is true that if someone intiates a fight and you win, it is unfair. I know it's not a perfect fix I just thought I would start somewhere :) The only way I see it working a little bit more correctly is if the humanity system was implemented on top of this. Say the person who fires at you (most likely someone with low humanity) end up losing to you, you wouldn't gain a murder for that therefor NOT PENELIZING THE SELF DEFENDER!! :) :) I mean we didn't get murder counts for killing bandits so I don't ser why this wouldn't work ad a hidden system..
  10. I am sorry hatesauce but I played last night for about 4 hours in the dark using chemlights/flares and I aggroed not a single zed, my partner was using chemlights/flares as well and he aggroed no zeds. I don't believe your statement about attracting zeds from miles is accurate.. you still need to move silently even if it is dark :)
  11. I believe the point to so many artificial light sources is due to the fact that it is extreamly dark for periods in the game and that is a way to force you to use your light items or either wait it out, this is not uncommon in game for certain times when the player is forced to use an in game mechanic. I don't think it's cruel or unfair it's just the developer wanting the player to experience periods where forced actions must be made to progress as we could say. I am a night time owl on most of the servers and have cycled through the 12hr night time multiple times and just as it is during the day you will experience cloud cover and rain and also clear moon lit skys and those periods of time the night is bearable and easily playable. So just because you may log in during a cloud covered night doesn't mean it is always so, your options are to use the items we've all been given or wait it out until it becomes clear. The dev didn't make it impossible by no means, most players just don't have the patience to wait it out or are too scared to use their flares/chemlights out of fear of being seen which in turn only makes the game mechanic work that much more because you are surviving in a survival simulator.. just my opinions though :)
  12. Dylan(Pezix)

    What about ...

    Tough issue but the more I think about it the more I kind of want a game to take it to that hardcore level, I in no way have ever experienced a game with such a mechanic but I haven't played all the games available either so maybe some do it. It would make sense kind of, I mean alot of people say it's bad game design but I think their train if thought is stuck on the games that are meant to be fun an rewarding for players and forget that Day Z is the exact opposite. To say the least it would be an interesting dynamic to experiment with and since this is alpha testing why don't we just say fuck it and do it. I mean we all know there are more than enough "casual games" out there to drown yourself in so lets keep focused on catering to the hardcore community which helped spawn this wonderful game in the first place. Some people might say it's bad game design I say it's unconventional and ground breaking, just my opinion is all :)
  13. Dylan(Pezix)


    Played with an airheaded bandit going off about is -125k humanity and was saying he had an m249 with 400 rounds of ammo... Then I see this in the SIDE CHANNEL about 45 min later "HOLY FUCK I JUST DIED TO A FUCKING ROCK" ********* Disconnects... So much for that M249 haha if it was true or not I liked the irony..
  14. Dylan(Pezix)

    On the subject of Barracks

    Just cop'd a sick M16 Acog with a shit load of ammo,.. Holy cow this gun rules, and I have never encountered a single bandit so I guess my Irish luck is working out hahaha.
  15. Dylan(Pezix)

    Timing of Patch 1.5.8

    I see what you did there.... The higher your Humanity the less chance of catching an infection!!!! GASP**** All you bandits are dead... Problem?
  16. Dylan(Pezix)

    On the subject of Barracks

    How many barracks buildings that spawn loot are at the NW airfield? I know of the one just west of the main hangars but I've only been twice and I haven't explored the south part of the NW field.
  17. Dylan(Pezix)

    Daytime servers are always overloaded.

    Day Z doesn't care what you want, but at least Rocket gave you flares...
  18. Dylan(Pezix)

    Day length and realism

    This issue needs to die or be thrown together with the other threads too many night time issue threads to comment on. Look this game wasn't meant to be easy or nice or controllable, that is the point of the anti-game, it's cruel, it doesn't care if you want to play during the day or not. Rocket gave you flares so use them... I usually only hit night time on my work days also but you have to adapt to your surroundings, it's survival.
  19. Dylan(Pezix)

    Compressed day/night cycle?

    Taking away the 12hr cycle will remove a part of the realistic feel it has, I don't agree with removing the 12hr cycle but just having perma day servers (which I think they have now?) for those that can only play at night but want daytime settings. This would satisfy both parties without compromising the value of the game.
  20. Dylan(Pezix)

    People need to back off!

    This is why we can't have nice things,... Patience is required.
  21. Dylan(Pezix)

    Perceived usefulness of Weapons.

    You know what I've always wondered is why is the winny the most common gun/rifle in the game and not the remmy.. out of all my gun wielding friends most had remmys and NONE had a winny, are they popular to the surrounding area in real life? But I agree it is situational with the weapons, if you play smart a mak will out do a DMR if in the right hands.
  22. I am the shred of light among the black void, the righteous sword of justice, I am the Paladin of the Zone, Helping all who are in need of it! Supplies, transfusions, escapes, and covering fire.. whatever your needs I'll help in what way I can. You can kill me and loot me of my goods but you'll never rob me of my HUMANITY!!!!! Everyone wanted to be a Hero,.. only a few ever rise to the call...
  23. Dylan(Pezix)

    MERGED: Night time, darkness, gamma

    Well like rocket said this is a cruel, anti-game so it would make sense that it frustrates people. Finding a way to cure the darkness problem would only make the game easier which I don't see happening because this game wasn't made to be easy, he has already been to generous by giving us flares..I mean honestly I don't own a bundle of flares nor do any of my friends so we would be stuck with some perma darkness fuck if that ever happened to us.. well at least until my iphone died haha lol On the other hand the only other option I see viable would be to make a flash light a starter item because that is a common house hold item I believe everyone could get their hands on in an apocalyptic setting but I would like to see batteries as a scavaging item to replenish your flash light power.
  24. Dylan(Pezix)

    Tents & Vehicles General

    Just a quick question, I have ran across all vehicles besides the ATV and Bike and I haven't seen them in videos on youtube, do they even exist?
  25. Dylan(Pezix)

    Be polite.

    This guy... this guy right here, He'll help you out for a can of beans :)