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About boggeh

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  1. no, how will you protect your base?
  2. same text appeared to me but i lost all my stuff and got teleported to nwaf
  3. hackers on se 6 moved me from berzino to nw airfield without any of my gear accept my gillie and a couple of stanag wth hours of hours of gameplay and now this cmon rockeet you can do better then that.. I Want all my stuff back l85 infrared dmr nvg rangefinder and an alicepack .. im getting tired of this crap. And its not the first time!
  4. se 6 severs seems to be hacked Whole berzino is in flames, and i lost half my gear just logging in on the server, Lost my l85 with infrared and nv , Dmr too ...nvg rangefinder alicepack .. its sad things like this happends . alot of people is losing intres..
  5. FPS dropping like crazy and all our stuff is gone "bus and 2 tents" on ARMA2_OA_Build_95099
  6. boggeh

    Cheaters on FI 2 server.

    And Here We Go!
  7. boggeh

    Cheaters on FI 2 server.

    Yeah we tried to kill them 30 shots to the head and nothing.. And We saw them spawn in a huey, one of there names are, "Obi" "snipe017" and "marius" they have had g36c sd camo, pics is comming up when they have napalm the whole place.. The victims "Ewix" "Boggeh" "Davy jones" Thats us.
  8. boggeh

    stuck in debug plain

    think im gonna uninstall To much problems this aint the first time this happend.
  9. boggeh

    stuck in debug plain

    so what do i do from here?
  10. boggeh

    stuck in debug plain

    cant you restore or roll back to 2012-07-13 01:00? iknow i had my stuff then and where i was..
  11. boggeh

    stuck in debug plain

    dude i hade all the unique stuff! wth How du you think i feel now?!
  12. boggeh

    stuck in debug plain

    profile id: 18044358 , thanks havena
  13. boggeh

    stuck in debug plain

    same for me , can you reset mine too? i had all my gear yesterday 2012-07-12 One hour past midnight so i dont know if i should say 13th? btw where do i find my player id?