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Everything posted by SaraMichelle

  1. SaraMichelle

    Need friends to play with :)

    Hi :) we are not origins, and please don't think im just advertising our server, but we are a private hive with a decent player base, and we have Team speak, we have a lot of friendly's/heroes always looking for others to play with, your both more then welcome to check it out. As i said we are not origins, but we do have base building, 4 hour days 2 hour night, we have server restarts every 6 hours. We have street lights when it is night. Chopper towing, and car towing, so it is easier to hide your choppers >< My boyfriend has added in several custom buildings, trying to make the map more balanced. Anyways, main point is, there are people always looking for others to play with, and if your bored and tired of playing alone you might as well check it out :) Oh and let me know what your ingame name is if you do :) Either way have fun, DayZ is a great game !!
  2. SaraMichelle

    **Planet F8L** New Server US

    Hey guys we currently have 15 players on, come on in and join in on the fun. If we can get a few more, we may host a mini event for sh1ts and giggles :) hope to see some new faces on!!!
  3. SaraMichelle

    **Planet F8L** New Server US

    So what is everyone up to today!?
  4. SaraMichelle

    **Planet F8L** New Server US

    Ya, Jeff really likes the file transfer stuff on it! :) Glad everyone likes it :)
  5. PLANET F8L Scavenger Hunt Event!!! When: Saturday May 11th 2013 Where: Our server >< Duh Server Info: F8L What time: start: 3:30 pm end: 5:30 pm Central Time Please get on the server prior to event to register for the event, so we know who, and how many people are participating! Will provide tents to each player as needed during event, place you own tents together some where safe and hidden, to store your event items in. At the end of event a admin will come to you and your tents and they will tally up how many items you have. After all players are tallied, the top 3 will win prizes. You are responsible for your own items, Please put away what you don't wanna lose, pvp is permitted during the event! Hope to see all our regular players, and some new to!! Event idea by JeffDetroit!
  6. SaraMichelle

    ***PLANET F8L Scavenger Hunt Event***

    Us to :) Steak, did you not make it for the event?
  7. SaraMichelle

    ***PLANET F8L Scavenger Hunt Event***

    Event beginning soon!!! Log on and don't miss out on the fun and good loot!!!!
  8. SaraMichelle

    ***PLANET F8L Scavenger Hunt Event***

    You really like them road flares don't you LOL >< And you sit at work on the forums too? We have no lives do we LOL!
  9. SaraMichelle

    Still there?

    Tons of peeps still play it! You can check out my server, tons of Hero's and friendly's willing to help out new players!!!
  10. SaraMichelle

    hey all

    Hello!! :) Hope you have fun on here!!!
  11. SaraMichelle

    ***PLANET F8L Scavenger Hunt Event***

    So who all is coming to the event??
  12. SaraMichelle

    Decent pilot looking for a clan.

    You said you were looking for players, and i was on my ts, and have a few players looking for more players, so i suggest it. Sorry wasn't really 'advertising' just suggesting a server, that had players looking for more people to join their groups. Its cool tho, your loss if you don't wanna join em' !
  13. SaraMichelle

    Zombie Go Home Incorrectly Banned

    We use TSW but, we double check all bans, before we actually ban. We use other anti hack programs as well. I suggest find a server where the admins arn't tard's :S
  14. SaraMichelle

    FR 159 BAN abuse

    Ya it's hard to find friendly people on this game, especially admins, most i have heard are d*cks. Like Darryl said, find a good friendly server to play on :)
  15. Hey wanna join a fun server? And win some cool prizes? Check out this post :) http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/135224-planet-f8l-scavenger-hunt-event/
  16. SaraMichelle

    Straight into debriefing screen

    do you have TS?
  17. SaraMichelle

    Hey all you new players :)

    Riiight :huh:
  18. SaraMichelle

    102ND Is looking For More People

    I'm not sure about the post, kinda creepy lol all guys looking for girls......idk, sounds kinda pervish to me LOL
  19. SaraMichelle

    ***PLANET F8L Scavenger Hunt Event***

    LOL where did we get road flares from anyways? Is it in my post somewhere??? I'm so confused LOL....The scavenger hunt is for.....oh can't say that till event time, we will announce what your 'hunting' before the event :)
  20. SaraMichelle

    Hey all you new players :)

    You know i forgot to change that >< Thanks for pointing it out, it is a full moon on the server right now but we changed it to 4 hour days 2 hour night, then a restart and it goes back to day, and restarts happen every 6 hours. My boyfriend said full moon nights made the nvgs all funky when you used them, and made them almost pointless. Sorry about that i will fix it now :)
  21. SaraMichelle

    How do you feel about donation bonuses?

    I think doing donations for things that are not game breaking are okay but no high or even med end weapons/gear, maybe a revolver and a Winchester and a 12 slot bag at most. But no AS50s or DMR or NVG, or anything that is really rare. I understand personally why people ask for donations. Simply put, being an admin/owner of a server can be a full time job, and cost money to keep it up and running. You have to pay to upgrade it, and i have even seen some scripts that you have to pay for if it is wanted on the server. There are even additional anti hack programs that cost money as well. Its nice when people donate on their own but most people want something in return. Just how the world works,
  22. SaraMichelle

    Hey all you new players :)

    I'm sure if you want a year supplies of flares, we wouldn't have a issue with that ><
  23. SaraMichelle

    'Newbie' sayin' Hi @ all :)

    >< Sie Kerle sind Dorks!