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Everything posted by SaraMichelle

  1. SaraMichelle

    Looking for a group/clan to play with

    Well it is like teamspeak, it is called Mumble. You can download it at www.mumble.com small progam takes just a few min to dl and install. Once you do that and your in game just ask what our mumble info is. Me and my boyfriend names start with F8L so just be like hey its me Ryan-unless that is your ingame name- from the forums :)
  2. SaraMichelle

    Looking for a group/clan to play with

    Hey, I'm not a group or clan but me and my boyfriend put up a server and we have a pretty decent player base now, anywhere from 6-20 players. It is on the lower side right now but as the day progresses more peeps get on. We are friendly and we have a couple people on the server that are loners (bingeham is looking for peeps to play with i just asked him) And we like to help ya out when ya first get on. My boyfriend is currently teaching bingeham how to fly this cool chopper he added in. Anyways we are on right now if you wanna check out our server. Here is my post: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/131855-planet-f8l-new-server-us/#entry1279250 and info is also in my sig. We also have mumble.
  3. I think the SA will be great! Warz= Hackers! That is why it died for us anyways. I think there are less hackers on dayz servers now then when it first came out. I played back then, and every server we would get on would have a hacker it suxed. So then we went to warz when it came out lol but all the hackers followed and we are back to dayz!
  4. SaraMichelle

    **Planet F8L** New Server US

    I was so gonna say that but didn't feel like editing my post LOL
  5. SaraMichelle

    Trading M4A3 M40A3 sandbag GPS

    I'm guessing you play on public hives?
  6. SaraMichelle


    Yah, you cant shoot while running, but you can shoot while walking :) double tap shift as said above or just holding shift works to i think. :)
  7. SaraMichelle

    Nooby McNoob

    hey :) your more then welcome to get on our server we are mostly friendly our playerbase is 15-20 peeps so far. http://dayzmod.com/f...s/#entry1279250 check us out and if you do get on let me know !! Oh and it is lower in the late evening like now. But during the day after 3pm it does pick up.
  8. SaraMichelle

    Just got game, looking for a buddy or two?

    Hello, i sent ya a msg :)
  9. SaraMichelle

    **Planet F8L** New Server US

    Thanks :) And i agree i have griped at him about the abundance of vehicles on the server, I think he has deleted the database and redid all the spawns, so there are not as many lol. He prolly got tired of me griping about it. And feel free to drop in mumble anytime!
  10. SaraMichelle

    **Planet F8L** New Server US

    So you logged on for a Whole sec WOW....lol For the record our server gets populated in the evening. See most of us have real lives, and have to work and all that crap before we are able to get on and play. Btw MrCosmin what was ur ingame name cuz i checked my logs and didn't see this name in their. And if your gonna hate on my server then i wanna make sure it was my server you were on.
  11. SaraMichelle

    New Player, Desperately Need Help

    Eh it is w/e :P he is just trolling that is what asshole guys do that can't get girlfriends,troll forums! And he prolly didn't like my server cuz he was prolly just as much of a troll on there as on here and didn't make any friends :S Sad really! Oh and if your saying my server suxed cuz you got on at like 10 am there was just my boyfriend an his buddy on at the time, and they were working on server stuff since our server gets more populated in the evening, he does things during the day on it when needed, so he doesn't interrupt peoples play time, but i guess that is rude of us to lol. And i also stated that i worked till noon today (on my forum about my server, where i seen your original post, before this one) so that is why i wasn't on. Had we been on Arrow your attitude may have been different.
  12. SaraMichelle

    Looking to play with a looting playstyle group/people/person

    Hey your more then welcome to get on our server and check it out, we currently have about a 20 person player base. Im not sure how populated the server is at this moment cuz im at work but last i checked there was about 7 people online the info is in my sig or you can visit our page just search planet f8l on the private hive forums and you will find it, oh ya we also have a website you can visit that will give you all our info for our server or mumble :) Happy hunting tho gotta finish with work and get to go home to play sum yay!
  13. SaraMichelle

    New player, looking for a teammate

    you guys can all join my server, and if you do let me know i am currently at work but my bf is on playing right now and he likes to meet and greet new peeps that get on our server http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/131855-planet-f8l-new-server-us/#entry1279250 info also in sig!!
  14. SaraMichelle

    Team Up?

    hey your more then welcome to get on our server. It is fairly new however we have a booming population now of 15-20 players. we do currently have some bandits on the server. we also have a hero group. im sure there is someone bandit or hero whichever you prefer that you coud team up with. i know we do have a few loners lol. Anywho you can read more about our server here http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/131855-planet-f8l-new-server-us/#entry1279250 that is our forum post, or in my sig is the info if you just wanna join. we do have mumble also if you want that info you can msg me on here and i can get it to you our u can just visit our website which has all the info to, also in my sig. Either way happy hunting :)
  15. SaraMichelle

    Looking for a teammate.

    Hi i am sara, me and my boyfriend own a server :) you are more then welcome to join our server we currently have about 15-20 players im sure you would find someone to group up with and me and my boyfriend can help ya out a bit when you first get on our server. The info for our server is in my sig or you can visit our forum post http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/131855-planet-f8l-new-server-us/#entry1279250 let me know if you do get on. we also have a mumble server you can join as well. if you want that info just send me a message....
  16. SaraMichelle

    Any vanilla Origins servers our there?

    Ah i have only really played on one origins server it was called boozeplatoon i think it was good but ping was way to high. We have a server :) wanted to do origins but i facebooked the website that offers origins servers and they didnt have any US ones. So we ended up get a reg server and i got my bf to put on base building :) Well if you get board we are on playing :) your welcome to join us till you find a good Origins server. I know on most of them i get bad ping. I dont know where u are from but im in the us so it sux for me and for us not being able to just host one :S
  17. SaraMichelle

    Any vanilla Origins servers our there?

    What is Vanilla Origins? I didnt realize there was a difference :) Really im not being a smart ass :) I am just wondering? I thought there was just origins :) What is the difference?
  18. SaraMichelle

    I just started

    Ummm eh??? LOL pervs!
  19. SaraMichelle

    Two man team.

    hey i will be on almost all day tomorrow so send me a msg when ur on and i will walk you thru setting up mumble :) Anyone else wanting to join our mumble msg me as well sorry had a busy day today :) was only on randomly :)
  20. SaraMichelle

    New Player, Desperately Need Help

    You can get my server my boyfriend is will teach ya a bit about the game :) It is easy once you get the hang of it, my server info is in my sig :)
  21. SaraMichelle

    Need a Buddy

    So you say you need a buddy, well me and my boyfriend are very friendly and will help you get all set up on the server ( our server ;) lol ) And we have quite a few people that play on our server that are friendly and building up their own clans/groups. Im sure there are people on our server you can group up with to 'survive' :) On a side note we do have some bandits, they are not really on now, night time kinda calms down but we do have a few that get on during the day now :) But everyone seems to get along for the most part and dont seem to rage quit just retaliate lol it is kinda funny to listen to them and watch them lol. Anyways just thought i would say hi and tell you ur more then welcome to join our server :) Happy Hunting!
  22. Hey, so thought i would post even tho i dont have a orgins server, we really wanted one but couldnt find a server hosted out of the us so we would have had bad ping, But we do have base building on our server, if that is what you are looking for in orgins? I Know they have a pretty cool building options on their :) Again we are not orgins but as close as we can get with the base building mod. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/131855-planet-f8l-new-server-us/ Above is more info on our server feel free to check it out while your searching for the perfect origins server. Let me know if you do get on we have mumble you can get on as well :) Oh and after typing i do recall a server i played on that i did enjoy that was origins, it was BoozePlatoon i think. Anyways ping was kinda high for me but - bow to me im british- was super friendly on the server :)
  23. SaraMichelle

    **Planet F8L** New Server US

    :) TY!Hey all just wanted to put up a decent update on our server before i hit the sack~gotta work early in the morning :S ~ Anyways we currently have: Cleared Roads Auto-Refuel Street Lights Full Moon Nights A decent amount of vehicles Additional Seating Chopper Tow Additional Anti-hacker protection-TSW A Custom DayZChernarus map * When I say Custom, i mean the Air Fields have additional buildings. Stary has a custom camp instead of the traditional camp. There are several stores and warehouse's placed all over the map. Green Mtn also has additonal loots. Skalisty Island also has some added in apartments, and buildings. There is also an admin base there that is a safe to all Heros :) There are also custom car spawns on the map as well. Finally to finish up here ~ I am getting sleepy and wanna play for a few more min :) ~ I have also put up a website as mentioned above. This has info to the server, as well as to our mumble. Trolls will not be tolerated! (i know how people can be :S ) Because of the cost to keep the server up and going we have been thinking about doing some (this is currenly being discused but not yet not decided) low key types of donations- will have more info on that later but some ideas are a Safe-Zone bubble, you can build a base in and it comes with our TSW, other ideas are custom load outs but we haven't worked that out yet because we do not want it to be 'OP', Car spawn at base, and other ideas but just need some work before we can even think about offering them. Any ideas feel free to post em. I do know that it is very nice to see our server populated we currently have up to 20 players a day and growing. However our bandit population is growing as well but it seems to stay on the friendly side...like haha i killed you and the person who dies says haha paybacks a bitch lol. Every thing is running as smooth as a dayz server can be expected hope to see some new faces in the next few days as my goal has always been, to get the server more poulated, cuz that is what what makes dayz fun! Again Please if you dont have something nice to say then just move on cuz i'm not here to hear u trollin! Have a great night all and have fun killing zombies!
  24. SaraMichelle

    New player, looking for a teammate

    Hi i see you have had some offers but as you said you can play on more then one server :) Me and my boyfriend started a new server and are trying to build a playerbase we have now 15-20 people that get on the server and your more then welcome to join, we do have bandits, but we also have heros and their are more friendlys then non! Anywho happy hunting :) !!!
  25. SaraMichelle

    Brand new player. Noob lookin for partners

    Our server is always up and running :P I do work 6am to 1230 pm So i will be on after 1 more then likly, just have a few things i gotta do! My boyfriend (F8L3RR0R) will more then likly be on, if you do get on hollar at him he will help ya get started! Hope you enjoy the server and we'll see ya tomorrow