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Everything posted by SaraMichelle

  1. SaraMichelle


    damn i just realized i forgot the time LOL Sorry! It is on there now :) I was at work today and one of them Arizona Tea cans (full) fell on my damn forehead ! It hurt really bad lol, and i've been kinda ditzy all day LOL!
  2. SaraMichelle


    Honestly i am usually helping people and not really playing >< we are a friendly server and personally meet and greet new players :) Give them tips, answer any questions about controls ect :)
  3. SaraMichelle

    **Planet F8L** New Server US

    Hey all we're on and we're friendly :) Join us !!!
  4. SERVER EVENT: F8L HOSTAGE RESCUE LOCATION: ELEKTROZAVODSK, CHERNARUS, NEW SOVIET STATE TIME: 8 PM Central Time DATE: 5/1/2013 It's been almost two years since the apocalypse ... since the end of time, politics, war and civilization. But it was not the end of a mission for the American Special Programs Unit, code name - SWAC ... "**STATIC*** taken hostage!" The frantic voice yelled in Russian. "Say again BEAR 5, say again?" The person in the re-establishing New Soviet State control center yelled back over the frequency. "The Premiere and his wife are taken hostage! All agents are dow-...." and the line was cut with the muffled sounds of a quickly repeating silenced weapon. "Guardian 5 confirm, F8L is out of bounds over?" But there was just static. ***STATIC*** LOCATION: OLD EDUCATIONAL CENTER ELEKTROZAVODSK GRID 009113 TIME: 0710 ZULU "CRAP SHOOT 1 Actual to all position, report." The American voice said over the remaining digital radios the team had working as he checked the explosive charges on the Ural one more time. "1-1 clear." The voice replied as he looked northwest toward the old grocery store. "1-2 clear." It was a female voice that came from a perched sniper position. "1-3 clear to the northeast." "2-1, movement from the west near the old church. Six foot mobiles coming down the main MSR." "2-2 clear to the south, but I can hear a technical moving in from the southeast." "Okay gents, that's it, QRF is inbound. " He replied over the secure comm-net, "Cover your sectors, lock and load....." [iNCOMING MESSAGE ....] [DOWNLOADING ....] [ENCRYPTION AUTHENTICATED: ] [... *** FLASH TRAFFIC ***...] TO: ALL LOYAL SURVIVORS OF THE F8L PLANET FROM: NEW SOVIET STATE CONTROL MISSION: RESCUE ADMINISTRATION FROM CAPTURE. HIGH VALUE SOVIET GOVERNMENT CITIZENS ARE TO BE TAKEN ALIVE AND FREED FROM HOSTILE CONTROL. FAILURE TO FREE ADMINISTRATION OFFICIALS FROM CAPTURE WILL RESULT IN TERMINATION OF SURVIVORS ASSOCIATED WITH THE KILLING OR INJURY OF ADMINISTRATION PRESENTLY BEING HELD AGAINST THEIR WILL. F8L ADMINISTRATORS ARE NOT TO BE HARMED IN ANYWAY. THE FORCE PRESENTLY HOLDING THE ADMINISTRATION IS CONSIDERED HEAVILY ARMED AND LETHAL AND VERY HOSTILE. EXICUTE WITH EXTREME PREJIDUCE. HOSTILE FORCE SIZE IS UNKNOWN AT THIS TIME. WE ASSUME NO AIR ASSETS WILL BE INVOLVED. HOSTILE FORCE INTENTION IS UNKNOWN AT THIS TIME. ALL LOYAL SURVIVORS ARE TO ELIMENATE THE AMERICAN CRIMINAL PARA-MILITARY ORGAINIZATION KNOWN AS "SWAC" AND RESCUE F8L ADMINISTRATORS. DEAD BODIES WILL BE BURNED TO REDUCE THE RISK OF ANY INFECTION. ANY GOODS FOUND ON THE BODIES ARE FREE TO SURVIVORS AS PAYMENTS RENDERED FOR SERVICES TO THE STATE. ** MEDICAL ALERT ** HIGH VIRUS RISK: ZOMBIE VIRUS INFECTION ... ALL SURVIVORS WHO ENTER THE AREA DO SO AT THEIR OWN RISK. [... END MISSION TRANSMISSION ....] Server info!!!
  5. SaraMichelle

    ***Planet F8L*** Hostage Event!!!!

    Sweet :) we wanted someone to fraps it but were unable to :S And ya the next time will go better :) And we had a turn out of 20 players all together. Not to bad for our first event :) If i do say so my self lol Shade was the sniper on the hospital, i think he is the only one they put somewhere other then the school the rest of the clan was in the school !
  6. SaraMichelle

    ***Planet F8L*** Hostage Event!!!!

    Nice lol, you didnt have to ride the bus you could go your own way lol so that is fine!
  7. SaraMichelle

    **Planet F8L** New Server US

    The event went great! Everyone involved seem to have a great time! Cant wait for the next event!!! Mostly friendly's on the server now helping newbies out if you wanna join!
  8. SaraMichelle

    ***Planet F8L*** Hostage Event!!!!

    LOL it was a good event cant wait for the next one!! Hope your on again!
  9. SaraMichelle

    Player looking for others

    Mik344 your welcome to join to !!
  10. SaraMichelle

    Player looking for others

    Your welcome to join our server and we are going to starting a event in 15 min so if you get on you can get involved and get some uber gear! server info http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/134169-planet-f8l-hostage-event/#entry1306472 http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/131855-planet-f8l-new-server-us/
  11. SaraMichelle

    Player named Server

    Okay so I'm in my server, and I see a new player in game...and his name is Server? I'm like okay why would you name your self server??? And my boyfriend said he has seen the name owner before to. What is with these names? We thought hacker right away. So my boyfriend approches him, and say hey welcome to our server, hows it going...or something like that. And Server...doesn't say a word. So he tries again. Still no answer. My boyfriend left him a few items, food, morphine, pepsi, ect. and left. But what is with the name??? Anyone else seen these names? What happen, where they hackers? If this has been posted before i didn't see it....i searched server but it pulled up actual servers, people posting about server, tried search it a few different ways but keep getting the same type of post, about servers. So sorry if this has already been answered and i just didn't see it !
  12. SaraMichelle

    ***Planet F8L*** Hostage Event!!!!

    15 min till the event guys plz get logged in and ask for a pick up to Cherno!!!
  13. SaraMichelle

    ***Planet F8L*** Hostage Event!!!!

    Event starts in about 30 mins you should log on and go to the Cherno church to receive a tent and to be loaded out with expendable gear, remember you will be able to loot any of the captors and receive their epic gear! And don't forgot about the prize at the end if we are saved!!!! Server info!!!
  14. SaraMichelle

    ***Planet F8L*** Hostage Event!!!!

    Well you can join in when you get back im sure it will be going on still it is going to be timed it will last 1 hour 15 min :)
  15. SaraMichelle

    Looking for up to date server to play on.

    Hey :) Me and my boyfriend have a server, and we are actually hosting a server event at 8pm central time you can read about our event here : http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/134169-planet-f8l-hostage-event/ the forum post about our server is here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/131855-planet-f8l-new-server-us/ you should totally check it out. We have a ton of friendly's and our server is up to date :)
  16. SaraMichelle

    ***Planet F8L*** Hostage Event!!!!

    He said that anyone that doesnt have a tent will be given one to store their items in :) LOL :) you can prolly just join in when you get on what time is it your time? It is starting at 8 my time so im sure it will be going, and it is going to be timed an if we are not saved, then there will be a second event, to follow up :)
  17. SaraMichelle

    ***Planet F8L*** Hostage Event!!!!

    I know i really hope we have a good turn out !
  18. SaraMichelle

    ***Planet F8L*** Hostage Event!!!!

    oh you will be fine there will be buss's full of stuff for you guys to use instead of using your own stuff!
  19. SaraMichelle

    ***Planet F8L*** Hostage Event!!!!

    Lol There is that better :) ??
  20. SaraMichelle

    **Planet F8L** New Server US

    Hey just wanted to let everyone know there is going to be a event on our server tomorrow night 8pm Central time. It is going to be a hostage event, where me (F8LB30TCH and F8L3RR0R) are going to be taken hostage. Our captors will be the [sWAC] Clan probably packing some nice gear and the one/group will get a unique prize that can save us will Watch for the post Planet F8L Hostage Event tomorrow morning !!!!!
  21. SaraMichelle

    **Planet F8L** New Server US

    He said to say hi back to you and the girl you seen was AI we added them in today lol Plus as of right now im the only actually player with a female skin so if you see anyone else it is prolly AI !
  22. SaraMichelle

    **Planet F8L** New Server US

    Glad that you enjoy the server! Lol gotta love them fishing boats, if you like that try the pbx next time your on! it goes FAST !! You'll like it lol
  23. SaraMichelle

    **Planet F8L** New Server US

    Full Moon Nights have been removed
  24. SaraMichelle

    Player named Server

    LOL It is funny they were prolly roll playing....Matt Damon and The Seinfield cast lol, im waiting to run into the cast of walking dead, but i usually see only one name on at time...like Rick...or Shane...Had a Lori once lol. But never together....
  25. SaraMichelle

    are not signed by key

    If your using steam you need to verify integrity of cache, then open and run the games arma 2 and arma 2 OA, umm then you should be able to get into the games. You should really just use dayz commander it is better.