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Everything posted by stoned-sniper

  1. stoned-sniper

    CBL ban appeal

    i just did that and now its not showing a guid,it dust show the command being activaded and then its says guid: and the rest is blank...
  2. stoned-sniper

    CBL ban appeal

    still banned,help?
  3. stoned-sniper

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    can some 1 slap some sence into rocket ^_^
  4. stoned-sniper

    Would you kill the unarmed?

    i would depending on situation: starving of food/drink bleeding backpack looting from me being an asshole
  5. stoned-sniper

    Spice up the vehicles

    i got 1,go back to cod^^
  6. stoned-sniper

    Banned For Spawning Items On My Own Server

    shoot urself in the head?
  7. stoned-sniper

    Zombies are Mike Tyson

    This is what i expect when you say zombie: This is what we have on DayZ:
  8. stoned-sniper

    serverhopped to kill me

    Player suicide086 just serverhopped to kill me. Heres what happend: i was close to krasno airport in the small complex behind it ok UK13 at 8:05 gmt+1 This guy comes in and shoots me so i ran into the hanger closed the door and whaited for him to be on the receiving end. Whas dus he do,he serverhops to get behind me in the hanger and kills me just to steal my nvg. Can this guy be banned for exploiting?
  9. stoned-sniper

    serverhopped to kill me

  10. stoned-sniper

    serverhopped to kill me

    followed by a shitload of trolling like umad,dont rage nerd etc etc.... also the prick came from the airport so i bet he was serverhopping for loot to >.>