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About subtle

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. I'm still waiting for a sale price to bite on the SA. I wouldn't buy it in its current state at $29.99 and now certainly won't at the raised price of $34.99. Going to have to stick with Dayzero mod for now even with the servers being slightly dead lately.
  2. subtle

    New patch coming soon to dayz

    Holy shitballs. If it's not one thing it's another. This is just ridiculous.
  3. subtle

    New patch coming soon to dayz

    This. I hope a lesson has been learned with this thread. Don't provide a changelog for an update when you're not at least 1-2 weeks from making it live. This thread has been the biggest DayZ dick tease ever. Nearly a full two months now since it was announced to the forums and it's still not here. That's kind of ridiculous.
  4. subtle

    New patch coming soon to dayz

    If that turns out to be true this will no doubt be the greatest update in the history of the mod. I hope you guys have success.
  5. subtle

    New patch coming soon to dayz

    Amazing patch changes. Love everything about it. Can't wait for it to go live. Thank you to everyone that is still working to improve this mod.
  6. Do I patch to 1.7.6 or Seems to be debate in those two threads and which is better. What are the majority of the servers currently running?
  7. In other words: You are a douchecanoe. See you later Drama Queen!
  8. Torrent owns and the .rar is clearly available for download right there on the download page. Not sure what the fuss is about?
  9. What he said....except utorrent > bittorrent. :lol:
  10. No you're not "stupid". You have ignorance when it comes to how torrents work. Totally separate thing.
  11. They are confirmed FIXED.
  12. subtle

    1.7.3 - Lets Wipe the Hive

    How can anyone not like this idea?
  13. Wierd is such a weird way to spell the word weird.