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About paradoxianism

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    On the Coast
  1. paradoxianism

    Last Resistance - Recruiting - Final Thread

    If you don't mind, add me on Steam, would like to talk about some things via Steam before going on actual Voice Chat, it has become a habit to write to someone before actual talking. As said, SteamID: Paradoxianism.
  2. paradoxianism

    Last Resistance - Recruiting - Final Thread

    A good old simply application form. Lovely. Steam Username: Paradoxianism Age: 16. Now before this one scares you (Even though you stated age as to not be a problem) allow me to make you comfortable with a younger player. I have been in multiple clans where 18+ was one of their criteria. Fun fact: I was the only one younger than 18 in those three 18+ clans. Yes, they made problems out of it, until they played with me, I'm a mature guy. As a matter of fact I am annoyed by most people my age. I tend to be around 'older' people more in Real-Life as well. Now, I hope we got that out of the way. You must have a mic: I sure do, an Astro Gaming A40 + Mixamp. So I'll be loud and clear. Are you willing to use Team Speak 3: Yes, no problem at all, I'll use any Push-to-Talk program. Have you been in a clan in the past? If so why did you leave?: As said before I have been in multiple clans before, the only one that would really apply for this question however is my FPS Clan. The reason I left this clan was mainly because the Admins didn't show any interest in their clan, they were a Call of Duty Clan but would rarely play the game. Me and a fellow member brought it up to the admins and we had a meeting over Teamspeak. We wanted to see how it went after that, but it stayed the same, so we left. Another reason was because the monthly fee for that clan was not worth it at all, clan was to small to have a monthly fee, they only had a few more members than admins (It was something like 7-4, which is a ridiculously small clan to ask a monthly fee for in my honest opinion!). Questions you have for the Last Resistance?: Does your Clan have a problem with players form other timezones? I'm from Belgium, you know that country that makes your delicious chocolate and waffles? Yes, there. And we run on GMT +1:00. Thanks in advance, - Para
  3. Seems extremely promising, will take a look at the website! EDIT: Seems like you only accept 18+ members, shame that I am a mere 16. Only thing I can ask you is to consider a mature, reliable -18 player. Exceptions have been made for me for both FPS Clans as MMORPG Guilds (Free Clans and Clans with a Monthly Fee). Kind Regards, - Para
  4. paradoxianism

    Looking for UK Players

    Add me on Steam if you want to. 'Paradoxianism' is the name. We'll discuss whether my company would be of use to you there.
  5. paradoxianism

    The Outlaws: Military DayZ Clan

    Will make an application on the site Bish! As for some quick info, I am a 16 year old Belgian gamer, you know the dudes with their waffles and chocolate? That's us. Before you treat that '16' as a problem though, hear me out. The age problem has been around for longer than this clan, 1 Call of Duty Clan only took 18+ players, 3 MMORPG Guilds did too. After gaming with them as a non-member, they started to accept the fact of me being younger, taking my maturity, or so I have heard. I have been in 'fun-clans' as well as pay-to-join type of clans/guilds that needed the fee to keep their servers/forums up and running. The Squad that I am most interested in is the Delta - Silent Operations Squad. My character currently wields an M4A1 CCO SD, M9SD, SVD Camo, Rangefinder, GPS and NVG's, so I think it's safe to say that I'm good to go. I also have a spare Rangefinder, GPS and pair of NVG's to donate to your clan or my future Squad. I am a gamer that takes orders, I do not give orders. The only thing I see myself doing is giving suggestions to the Squad Leader if the idea I have seems obviously better. In most scenarios however I will simply listen and do what is asked of me. If you feel like this information was insufficient, don't hesitate to ask me any questions. Hope to see you on the battlefield soon, - Para
  6. paradoxianism

    Looking for a serious clan

    It seems that you have found someone who may suit your needs. Also it seemed as if my comment was of no value to you, thus I am deleting it. (Leaving an application out there for no reason seems pointless) Good luck in your search for a good clan!