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Everything posted by meestersquishy

  1. meestersquishy

    Killed on Loading Screen, but still have gear?

    Just happened to me, kinda weird, thank god I've still got my stuff though.
  2. You played a free mod for a month (more than you'd get out of a lot of full priced games) and you're complaining? Riiiiiiiiiiight.
  3. meestersquishy

    Minecraft gets it right. MineZ

    These are all things that will be fixed in standalone Day Z. Rocket has said countless times the reason he's not fixing alot of stuff is because it's easy to fix when the game goes standalone, and this is the time to experiment with how the game actually plays, when there's no money involved. Day Z will get it right, just wait.
  4. meestersquishy

    Official word on simply dropping dead?

    Did the room have windows?
  5. meestersquishy

    Official word on simply dropping dead?

    If you are sniped from a good distance away you don't hear the bullet, you just fall over dead.
  6. meestersquishy

    Beta 95168 - Double performance

    Whoop this sounds like very good news, I'm gonna try it out!
  7. Yes, I know you can get blood back by eating, but on 2 different occasions I have ended up in a situation where I was desperately low on blood. (1000 left due to zombie Mike Tysons) For me to have gotten normal blood levels I would have had to have eaten 50~ cans of foods, or 10~ cooked pieces of meat. That's not exactly practical. Now, being able to give yourself blood is really the hamfisted solution, and doesn't really deal with the problem that is Blood Balance. You can easily lose 6k blood in a matter of seconds if a zombie randomly knocks you out on its first hit, but to get that blood back (on your own I mean, I play on my own and I imagine most players do) would take hours of playtime, never mind having to avoid zombies whilst seeking out food. I feel that the fact that you can easily lose a huge portion of your blood is way out of balance with how difficult it is to get back. I guess possible solutions would be: Increase how much blood you get when you eat food Introduce a new item, essentially a blood pen, can be used on self, gives 4K~ Straight up give the ability to use blood bags on ourselves I don't know, any thoughts? Feel free to tell me to get friends or that I'm bad at the game, but I'd rather you contributed.
  8. meestersquishy

    Self-Administered Blood Transfusions

    Ah yes, I completely overlooked these two points. Although with the second point, I imagine there are plenty of players that do this with their groups all the time, and blood bags are fairly hard to come by, (AFAIK) they only spawn in hospitals and helicopter crash sites, and these are pretty much the riskiest places to go on your own.