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Oreo (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Oreo (DayZ)

  1. I tried both of tonics, and 3 seattles, debug forrest every time.. odd
  2. Oreo (DayZ)

    DayZ Build 1.6.0 Rolling Update

    yes its a social experiment, if your not being yourself your failing the experiment. We bring the social elements to this sandbox.
  3. Oreo (DayZ)

    Illustrated Journal

    check out OVW, when you die we have more stuff for you :)
  4. Oreo (DayZ)

    So how do tents work exactly now?

    I like everything you said rocket. Is there a way to not count tall grass as a object for tent placement. Should fix the forest issue. Bushes trees yeah no tent but 6 inch tall grass kinda in the way... makes hiding hard.
  5. Oreo (DayZ)

    Why is night so bright now?

    arma has a real moon cycle. However arma's HDR is well... intresting. Give it 25 days itl be super dark again.
  6. Oreo (DayZ)

    Illustrated Journal

    id keep reading either way
  7. Oreo (DayZ)

    Completely invisible

    we also had an interaction with an invisible guy, only saw his bleeding... didn't see his gun. tx 5-25-12 2 hours ago.
  8. Oreo (DayZ)

    Illustrated Journal

    amazing loved it!
  9. Oreo (DayZ)

    Zip ties / Handcuffs

    I love it, id happily handcuff people given the opportunity, then you can talk to them and decide what to do.
  10. Oreo (DayZ)

    Put Bandages Back On Mouse Wheel Please

    I like the new system. You will adjust in time don't worry. Applying a bandage for a wound that is deadly like in dayz would take alot longer, plus you panicking... we all would at least have an adrenaline rush, if you've had one before it doesn't make complicated things like this easy.
  11. Oreo (DayZ)

    Backpack Space [Change & Suggestion]

    weight and stamina is the answer... if you wanna walk everywhere and take breaks every 10 minutes... Ill let you carry anything you want :) hell put a damn car in your backpack and good luck :)
  12. Oreo (DayZ)

    Enhancing PvP: Army Camps

    Its just an idea, might be fun and its not something that any game other than eve... which is not a game, makes the DayZ learning curve look flat. Not trying to make it like bf3 or call of duty... just add more things to do for big groups. This is just a way for larger groups to have an incentive to maintain an area not every group would turn it into we own this and this gear get lost. Our group would likely create an aid station... Creating tons of large structures will cover the map in bullshit, also big groups don't want bases you can find or run into. Small very hard to see and find is what we want... also this isnt tdm... so grab a friend and go on a killing spree... thats tdm...
  13. Oreo (DayZ)

    Enhancing PvP: Army Camps

    I like this, A easily defend-able area with a decent spawn of ammo, a well and no food guns. You can claim this area at a flag, if the area is claimed no zombies spawn, unclaimed and tons spawn. It becomes unclaimed if the player doesnt log on every 2 days or maybe re-initiates the claim every 2 days. Other groups, wanting the ammo would attempt to take it. Some groups could make it a safe haven that is still player driven, no one can spawn in the camp so you have to assault it or lay siege and starve the players out. The one problem being when your logged off someone can come take it. Maybe an EVE like system where you have to claim it twice in 24 hours, timer starts on first claim and must be followed between 12-24 hours after with a another.
  14. Oreo (DayZ)

    Minutes for murders! Solving the "shoot on site".

    I think this might have potential but it needs to be tied to hummanity, lower than 1000 humanity and each 3000 adds a minute to start. I have murders all were after a survivor killed one of my guys and we killed him.
  15. Solution Join a group of common thinking individuals when you have 10 guys you can usually control the Rules Of Engagement www.ovw-dayz.com
  16. Oreo (DayZ)

    Forum Moderators Wanted!

    23 years old -10 GMT Living in anchorage Alaska Can meet the requirements Please PM if you need more info etc
  17. OVW would have offered protection for a cost, if Imposter Legion stood there ground... But nah good luck. PL doesnt give up easily 07!
  18. Oreo (DayZ)

    Warden/peace keeper/ Militia idea

    Overwatch has been an amazing group so far, things are about to get alot more organized as well. You can also add me on steam Oreonipples and I will do my best to help get people setup to join.