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Everything posted by sidewinder_102

  1. sidewinder_102

    Clan [AURA] Still Recruiting

    In Game Name: sidewinder Location: Michigan Experience (Days/months): 1 month Age: 22 When Available: That depends. I play quite a bit but rarely on a set schedule due to real obligations Time Available: As above. Time Zone: EST Weapon preference: M107, L85, M9SD Any additional information: As an avid, and aggressive, Dayz player with real military experience I am confident that I am much more valuable than most applicants.
  2. sidewinder_102

    M4A1 CCO SD For trade.

    Dragunov svd for it. With all the ammo you could ask for.
  3. ITT: Everyone must play Dayz the way OP wants.
  4. Legit? I killed a sniper on Dobry and they had this shit. I put the soldier clothes on and it reset my ammo and all of my kill counts. Pretty lame. Legit Gear?
  5. sidewinder_102

    What is my purpose?

    So, it seems the Dayz community has, for the most part, found an answer to the age old question "Why am I here?" for their in-game avatars. Be it to find loot, make friends, or most popularly, buff your kill countz. However, the community is currently struggling with the question "What is my purpose?" This is probably due to modern gaming being dominated by games that set overt and explicit challenges in front of the player. Even in the most open ended of today's AAA titles such as The Elder Scrolls series, Grand Theft Auto and all of it's clones, and Mass Effect the objectives within the sandbox world to either get better stuff or advance one's story is set plainly before the player. Today's gamer's are accustomed to having their character strengthened, loots improved, story advanced, and ego stroked by accomplishing tasks that may not necessarily be easy, but are easily discerned. In Dayz, you answer "What is my purpose?". It can be as simple as looting or hunting players or as complex as building a faction to control and enforce peaceful trade within a safe zone on a specific server. Personally, I like to get together with my buddies and make a mission out of marking clans or players for death. This is an effort in and out of the game. Search the forums for a reason to kill them and then search for information on how to find them and best execute. Find server numbers, play times, locations, make contacts, and follow leads. It's exciting and provides me with purpose beyond inflating my kill count. Don't just stop at my suggestions. Ask yourself "What is my purpose?". Consider your resources such as skill, gear, and allies. A lone wolf may want to play batman for Berezino or play a lone hunter who patrols a large section of forest to avoid humanity and hunt anything that moves within his borders. Your purpose can change. It can change often. It can be a secret which you hide from other players through deceit or it can be a badge of honor which you marshal with pride. I will admit, I want to play a killer and I have very near to zero trust for anyone who I don't know personally. I love the game in it's current state and if no one ever rises up to make a large faction of righteous citizens the it will be no skin off my back. Though, if you find yourself saying "there's no end game to Dayz" or "what is left to do but camp nubz?" then I attest that you simply lack imagination and do not realize the potential of the tools already at our disposal. Finally. If you are having problems surviving the bandits and the coast campers and the zombies and the (insert threat here) then maybe the problem isn't the game or the community. Maybe the problem is you. Maybe your purpose is to die? Sheep. Discuss! List your purpose or maybe a bright idea for someone else!
  6. Whatever server this is. I hope honest players flood the bitch quickly. I want to be around when this goes down but I am terrified of hacker attacks.
  7. sidewinder_102

    What is my purpose?

    The medics are a great example! Along with these guys: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/46418-citizens-of-post-apocalyptic-chernarus-if-you-are-seeking-peace-in-these-dark-times-come-to-the-last-church-of-electro-this-sunday/page__hl__sunday ^ That's awesome. Barring hacker attacks early on, I plan to nearby when this happens. With my own agenda, of course.
  8. sidewinder_102

    No loot in Starry?

    Is there a way to take beans from a post?
  9. No one goes to green mountain. There's a lot in this game. You don't need to go there.
  10. sidewinder_102

    Free trips to NWAF

    It's a trap. They have people in place at the AF. Bet. At least that's what I would do.
  11. sidewinder_102

    *Urgent* Intl Airport Firehouse

    Would totally help if I trusted people in this game.
  12. sidewinder_102

    No loot in Elektro

    It is a bug that is caused by server load and going a while without a reset. It's becoming more known/common as the community grows. It can be reduced if you approach loot spots slowly from a distance or sit and watch them from afar for a little. This is, of course, a pretty lame way to fix it. I don't do it, but you can.
  13. I find that, far more often than the probability tables advertise, entire towns will be completely without loot drops. No empty cans, no soda, no beans, nothing. I hit Stary and the surrounding deer stands probably 2-6 times a day. At least 1/3 times the supermarket, house, tents, and deer stands will just be bone dry. This has to be a glitch. It didn't used to happen when I moved a lot more slowly. Now that I am more familiar with the game and have silenced weapons I can afford to move a lot faster. I feel like maybe the loots don't spawn when you are right on top of them, so if you move too quickly into the area they won't spawn at all sometimes. I have tested this and find that moving in slowly does yield loot more often. That totally puts me at a disadvantage though. QQ. Shit's lame.
  14. Some people need to start giving up the IP's for some servers. edit: US 770 IP: Port: 2312
  15. Help. The game will not fire my weapon or allow me to use optics.
  16. sidewinder_102

    Can't shoot or use optics.

    Had to drop my weapon and pick it back up. Strange.
  17. sidewinder_102

    Why I kill.

    Obviously there is a lot of heated discussion about player versus player in this game. I thought I might try to throw my opinion in so it too can be misinterpreted, disagreed with, flamed, and generally rejected by the community. I'm kidding, I hope you have something constructive to say in response. We're going to do this in list form because everyone loves lists, just look at VH1. Also, I don't feel like writing a proper essay and I feel like you don't want to read one. The reasons why I kill will be presented generally in order of most prevalent to least in accordance with my opinion. 1. Because I am good at it (or so I think) and I want to show it: My experience as a gamer has generally been that I can quickly and easily become skilled at games and compete with other players who are generally in the top 10-25% (generally, I have been as high as 1% in some ladders) of whatever game I choose to spend time on. In single player games I almost never play difficulties below whatever is one step above normal (heroic is as low as I go in Halo, for example.) So, when I kill you I want you to know that I have better reflexes, game knowledge, skill, etc. In the case that I am just far away in a sniper spot, it's not even skill so much as patience. I still want you to know that one way or another I got the upper hand on you. The reverse is true when a player kills me. I get the twinge in my brain that someone capitalized on my mistake and that I have to be better. This reason is also why I think the pvp prevention method of creating options that provide incentive to work in groups will not be as effective as people think. Guys like me will do our best to kill you regardless of how stacked the odds are against us. In fact, I love that shit. If I can kill you and your two buddies all by myself, then that makes me feel awesome. Also, I can just as easily rally my buddies who are of like mind and we will work together to kill you. 2. Because I want your stuff: The game is about survival. Even if I see you're only carrying a Makarov and have a czech vest pouch on your back. If I don't know you then maybe you've got a blood pack or some tool belt item that I don't have. Simply on the chance of you having a tool box when I don't is enough reason for me to want to kill you.This isn't just driven by survival, greed, and power seeking though. The first successful life I played lasted probably 15 hours of play and 3 days. I helped out other players a couple times with no betrayal but in the end I was killed by someone who got the drop on me. Since then I play much more aggressively and part of my gear gathering via player kill motivation has been that I am just trying to get back from some faceless dude what some other faceless dude took from me. 3. Because your existence is a threat: This is another survival thing. I don't want you to be strong enough to challenge me. I am going to knock you down whenever I can so that you have less chance of gathering the resources to be an immediate threat to me. This includes raiding your hoard sites for their supplies and then scuttling your stuff. 4. Because the thrill of PVP in this game is unlike anything I have experienced in gaming: Just seeing a player in the far away distance is enough to get my blood pumping. The cost of death is so high in this game that risking it in combat is exhilarating. When I am successful it is even more sweet. When I fail, I still take my trembling hands from the keyboard and mouse and smile because the experience is fun. 5. Because at this time there isn't much left to do, and I am okay with that: I could get with my friends or join a clan and we could come up with personal objectives like setting up camps or recovering vehicles, but where is the excitement at the end of those goals? Protecting your territory? Driving your truck? Nope, I am going to try to kill you. TL;DR is to the right of each number.
  18. sidewinder_102

    Why I kill.

    You have a good point that currently the community is very aggressive and that takes away from the friend or foe question, labeling most people as foe. I think the best way to curb that is to curb the hacking going on. I think when a lot of the exploits and cheats are dealt with the community will be a lot more calm because people won't be killed as cheaply and people won't feel like they have to compete with abusers. Also, things will be more scarce because the hacking won't be inflating the loot economy so people will be less dangerous and less willing to fight. In some cases the reverse will be true, where there will be desperation killings or the scarcity of stuffs will cause more aggressive competition. I think for the most part, though, when the cheating is limited the community will get friendlier.
  19. sidewinder_102

    Why I kill.

    Your idea about pvp and coop servers is not something I agree with. I think right now the paranoia of friend or foe, the real threat of friendly fire, and other elements of a game completely without those restrictions adds so much to this game. Making someones progress separate in pvp and coop won't fix the damage that will do to this game's social aspect. The coop servers would be a bunch of people with great gear helping people with no gear get great gear really easily. The pvp servers would be far more hostile than things are already because everyone playing in them would know exactly why everyone else is. I want helpers and teams and cooperative play in my dayz. I want coastal snipers and makarov maniacs. I want people to be unsure of eachother. I want the range of behaviors. It creates a very interesting and fun environment to play in. If I kill any kind of player, they made a mistake somewhere. The helper wasn't looking out for himself or his helped well enough, the coastal sniper was just sitting in that same damn bush for the last 3 times he decided to fire, the makarov maniac should have been more quiet, and that other player like me should have had a friend to watch his ass or make me think twice about engaging.
  20. sidewinder_102

    Why I kill.

    I will admit that specifically in the case of dayz, there is little recognition besides the occasional congratulations from a friend. I do, however, know that a part of the reason why a lot of people rage when they die is because not only did they lose their stuff, but something in the back of their head is telling them that someone bested them. I don't need them to actually approach me and tell me how awesome I am for killing them, I assume they admit that they fucked up somewhere. I suppose to some extent my recognition is imaginary in that I assume their reaction, sportsmanly or not, is affirmation of my victory.
  21. sidewinder_102

    Why I kill.

    Righteous, man. Different strokes for different folks. Please do your best to help people out there if they allow it. Have fun. I hope you prepare them and yourself well enough when I come around. In some cases yes, killing another player is a quicker way to reward. Given the boundaries of this game, it's an option I choose more often than not. I'm not all bad. I have a lot of friends I play with frequently now and we work together. Mostly though, our goal is to kill players.
  22. sidewinder_102

    Why I kill.

    You don't like doing things you're good at? You don't like recognition for doing things you are good at? That's fine, I do. I seek that feeling. I also like running in real life and I'm okay at it. I use my ability to run long distances to get recognition in the same manner. I lived perfectly fine before dayz and I will after dayz. I don't need this game specifically to feel like I am worth something. Also, I don't see how trying to discern my age by listing games I haven't played works. What I said about the thrill dayz gives me remains true regardless of my apparent age or previous experience with similar games.
  23. sidewinder_102

    Why I kill.

    I was just about to say something to that effect. People have been killing each other for their shit en masse for only a little less time than the human race has existed.